Elite: Odyssey

14 Apr 2021, 7:50pm
Anthony ReevesFo those of you who bought the alpha, how is it? Really my only source of info is from Yamiks on youtube, and I've been considering buying it. Is it worth it or no?

It is something new and interesting being also boring and even irritating sometimes because of bugs, poor design and odd decisions AKA alpha experience.

If you resisted it until now you better skip it. We probably passed first half of the alpha period.
14 Apr 2021, 8:00pm
Us console players thank you PC plebs for alpha/beta testing this product before we get it.
14 Apr 2021, 8:10pm
Anthony ReevesFo those of you who bought the alpha, how is it? Really my only source of info is from Yamiks on youtube, and I've been considering buying it. Is it worth it or no?

Depends on what you expect. You'll get an early first look at things, including some bugs. At the end of the alpha period your account will be deleted, so none of your progress will carry over to the main game.

Once Odyssey has been polished and released however, it's a must-have in my opinion. Without it you'll be playing only half the game.

Some people keep dismissing Odyssey as a first-person shooter add-on for ED, but it's so much more than that. Yes, there'll be combat zones on the ground where you'll be running around with your weapons and shooting members of the opposite team. But there'll also be missions where you have to sneak your way into a site and sabotage things or steal items without getting caught. A lot of ED's future content will be designed with on-foot activity in mind. No doubt there'll be new Thargoid caves or Guardian ruins, maybe even abandoned megaships, with interiors to explore. Odyssey (or rather: ED client 4.0) is the foundation on which these things will be built. Once the on-foot mechanics are in place and working properly, there's all sorts of things they can be used for.

Probably the most overlooked aspect of Odyssey is the social one. For the first time you'll be able to meet other commanders face-to-face. You'll be able to fly with others on the same ship, disembark together, and even use multiple SRVs side by side if the ship is outfitted accordingly. For people who enjoy roleplay this is a major game changer.
14 Apr 2021, 8:14pm
Hm, would be interesting to check if a team can use one ship and it's SRV and SLF simultaneously.
14 Apr 2021, 8:25pm
Let's test it!
14 Apr 2021, 8:50pm
SakashiroLet's test it!

We need one more. I have a Krait.
14 Apr 2021, 10:12pm
I can take the SLF, then you land the ship and use the SRV while I'm still flying. But yes, testing with a third player would be even better.

Also curious to know what will happen if you dismiss the ship while I'm in the SLF. Will there still be a range limit after the ship has disappeared?
15 Apr 2021, 5:32am
SakashiroI can take the SLF, then you land the ship and use the SRV while I'm still flying. But yes, testing with a third player would be even better.

Also curious to know what will happen if you dismiss the ship while I'm in the SLF. Will there still be a range limit after the ship has disappeared?

I suspect that the game won't let me dismiss the ship, just the same as if there is a player on board. SLFs are telemetry presence, you are actually on the ship.

But we can try it if it happen to be online in a same time.
15 Apr 2021, 5:59am
My guess is that the landing gear can't be deployed while the fighter bay is in use. So it won't be possible to land and use the SRV while the SLF is flying.

But using up to three SRVs at the same time should work. Maybe also up to three SLFs at the same time.

Problems arise if we both die in SRVs or on foot, because you'll respawn on your ship and I'll respawn on mine, which may be light years apart. Or maybe my respawn screen allows me to select your ship as a redeployment location? Is that why it can't be dismissed? Lots of unanswered questions, lots of things to investigate...
15 Apr 2021, 12:07pm
Phase 3 drops at 1 PM UTC.
15 Apr 2021, 12:56pm
Postponed to 1:30 PM UTC.
15 Apr 2021, 2:08pm
I r upgrading but will play later when I get that walk finished.
15 Apr 2021, 5:11pm
Lol, SLF cannot fly in light atmosphere!
Now I need to check if they still can fly in no-atmosphere.

Checked, SLF can fly in no-atmosphere.

Last edit: 15 Apr 2021, 5:28pm
15 Apr 2021, 8:31pm
Oh, this exo biologist stuff is such a BS. I am sure some special CMDRs will like it.

And yes , I figured it out and even got almost 200k for four samples.
15 Apr 2021, 8:43pm
I found that the sampler responds like 0.5s late to my button press in the mini game so i need to press WAY WAY earlier than its supposed to be pressed and that fucks my brain trying to correctly line the blocks while trying to adjust for this late response that needs to be fixed asap.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.