Elite: Odyssey

05 Jun 2021, 1:26pm
Captain OscarDecommissioned Carrier, uninstalled ED/EDO as soon as it's fully decommissioned. I'll see what it's like in 6 months.

Sad to see you go, hopefully they fix things so you can come back. Fly safe commander o7

I've only had a few crashes, it's the tedious boring time-wasting game design that just makes me roll my eyes. Such lazy game design, with no respect for the players time.

I have a job, I don't need one in a game. I play games for entertainment.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2021, 1:32pm
05 Jun 2021, 1:27pm
Captain OscarDecommissioned Carrier, uninstalled ED/EDO as soon as it's fully decommissioned. I'll see what it's like in 6 months.

Sadly, seriously considering the same thing.

I just came back two months ago after a year off, in anticipation of Odyssey actually being playable. Sadly, no. I gave it a good 60 hours, the so called "roadmap" is basically giving Odyssey customers the big finger. I've got better things to do with my time.
05 Jun 2021, 3:07pm
I like it very much, but there are just two ways as I see it. Just play a little with the system, don't engineer too much or try to grind for anything.
Find some upgraded items sooner or later, let time, months play your case, wait for frontier to lower the material costs.

Or grind like crazy for 2-4 weeks full time, try not to exhaust yourself too much but leave everything else in reality to the side and hopefully in the end you still might find some joy to play it, to see beyond limits and just to enjoy it for what it is.

Thankfully I had no game breaking bugs, floating into the planet, under the ground, finding floating floors, some others, but I can live with those for now.
05 Jun 2021, 5:32pm
Burstar[quote=Godly]where can you get the push for Domino?

05 Jun 2021, 8:08pm
Took a few settlement missions today. Two million Cr for scanning some megaship, threat level 0. Was making money always that easy?

Mission givers on the other hand: Retrieve some item from some hostile faction, reward < 100,000 Cr. No, thanks.
05 Jun 2021, 8:13pm
Anat ShaniI like it very much, but there are just two ways as I see it. Just play a little with the system, don't engineer too much or try to grind for anything.
Find some upgraded items sooner or later, let time, months play your case, wait for frontier to lower the material costs.

Or grind like crazy for 2-4 weeks full time, try not to exhaust yourself too much but leave everything else in reality to the side and hopefully in the end you still might find some joy to play it, to see beyond limits and just to enjoy it for what it is.

Thankfully I had no game breaking bugs, floating into the planet, under the ground, finding floating floors, some others, but I can live with those for now.

3. Play/do other things for 3 to 6 months. So many great games and experiences out there where your time investment returns more than EDO will currently give you. It's just a game, after all, not a lifestyle.

After ~1040 hours in ED/EDO I feel I have some experience with it to give me some perspective. It really saddens me to see they doubled (tripled?) down on their abusive game design philosophy of wasting as much of the players time as possible, as a proxy for fun content & playtime. Topped off with obvious bugs (including terrible lack of gameplay balance) any QA should have squashed + the glaring lack of any UX design behind the UI changes tells you a lot about their development methodology as well. I'd rather invest my time with developers that care about their users/players, and respect their time. This issue, unfortunately, appears to be a core design ethos of ED/EDO and I suspect it's driven from the top, so unlikely to change - especially given what they just pushed out.

A key example of this is the Braben Dictum of "THERE WILL BE NO FAST TRAVEL IN ED", which in itself imposes so many restrictions on relieving player tedium that it just results in an overall tedious experience.

Some simple examples of this in EDO.

  • Foot conflict zones, where you have tedious bookended travel to and from via ship, either yours or Apex shuttle. Sounds great in theory, but tedious after a couple of times. It's a game in the future, just add teleport lifts and be done with it, as an option for players to skip the tedium and jump straight to/from combat
  • Going from ship to concourse and vice versa, is also tedious after a couple of times. No need to remove that though, just add the option to teleport straight to concourse/cockpit for those that want to skip the walk. Add the foot missions to the ship UI as well, if you don't even want to do that

Those two simple additions would save a lot of repetitious wasted player time and tighten the loop, leading to improved UX. Would they even consider that? NOOOOOOOOOOO, THERE WILL BE NO FAST TRAVEL IN ED. *rolling my eyes*
I can hear the naysayers as well, "ED is a simulation, it's about flying your spaceship, that would break the game etc etc etc". Let's just not go there. ED is a space fantasy game built on magical spaceships, magical frame shift tech, magical guardian tech, and magical thargoid tech. It can totally have magical teleport tech. StarTrek doesn't have a patent on it.

The potential for great things is (has always been) just beneath the surface of ED/EDO, but the only thing holding it back from achieving that is Frontier itself.
The "roadmap" doesn't give me confidence it will, but I look forward to having a play with it again in a few months.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2021, 9:11pm
05 Jun 2021, 8:33pm
We need a petition to restore Borann to its former glory and roll back prices a year.
05 Jun 2021, 9:38pm
Protip: If Odyssey can't keep up with the native frame rate of your screen and appears choppy, limit the game's frame rate to 50% of that, e.g. if your screen does 60 fps, cap Odyssey at 30 fps. Here's why: If Odyssey manages to render e.g. 47 fps, 13 of those frames will be shown twice as long, resulting in choppy motion. If you cap at 30 fps, each frame will get the same on-screen time, resulting in smoother motion overall.
05 Jun 2021, 10:14pm
Now smarty pants do the math for my 144Hz screen
05 Jun 2021, 10:30pm
EpisparhNow smarty pants do the math for my 144Hz screen

Laughs in 240Hz
05 Jun 2021, 10:32pm
Maybe you should use centimeters...
05 Jun 2021, 11:00pm
Frontier have already lost 46% of the player-base that existed at Odyssey launch. They're currently haemorrhaging 20-25% of the remaining players per week. The peak has returned to 2020 levels and only needs to fall by another 34% to return to 2019 levels. If they intend to save their product, they better act fast and make it count.
05 Jun 2021, 11:44pm
Can't disagree with any of this:
05 Jun 2021, 11:45pm
Daiyousei7Frontier have already lost 46% of the player-base that existed at Odyssey launch. They're currently haemorrhaging 20-25% of the remaining players per week. The peak has returned to 2020 levels and only needs to fall by another 34% to return to 2019 levels. If they intend to save their product, they better act fast and make it count.

What's the source for those percentages, please?
06 Jun 2021, 12:01am
Morgan James
Daiyousei7Frontier have already lost 46% of the player-base that existed at Odyssey launch. They're currently haemorrhaging 20-25% of the remaining players per week. The peak has returned to 2020 levels and only needs to fall by another 34% to return to 2019 levels. If they intend to save their product, they better act fast and make it count.

What's the source for those percentages, please?

Steam player charts under the assumption that those not on steam are similarly declining. I know there are still people using the base launcher, playing through epic, etc, which is why I use percentages. There is always a loss of players after a release, but for a live service game, this seems on the high end.


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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.