Elite: Odyssey

12 May 2021, 6:20pm
Here's footage of my very first organic PVP odyssey encounters in which I started strong on foot and get the tables turned when we took to the air.

And what would happen if someone dropped in the instance with This kind of FGS blowed that Keelback, cobra and DBS then bombed the $#1t out of this settlement?
Would you had fun?

Sorry but FPS in a on-foot is a joke compared to full FPS titles.
12 May 2021, 7:20pm

I took a lot of flak for suggesting this, so excuse me if I go back to the forum and troll you guys a little.

You'll continue to get the same reaction, but troll away, it is very amusing to read your debating that a released product is a beta - you are entitled to your own opinion, and express it often, I've followed your discussion with another quite happily, thank you.
12 May 2021, 7:29pm
Rat Catcher

I took a lot of flak for suggesting this, so excuse me if I go back to the forum and troll you guys a little.

You'll continue to get the same reaction, but troll away, it is very amusing to read your debating that a released product is a beta - you are entitled to your own opinion, and express it often, I've followed your discussion with another quite happily, thank you.

I would suggest you to compare what we will get in 7 days with what it will be around Christmas. Then you can decide if we got it in release state or not. They could release it even in the state that we got in Alpha, how they call it do not matter. It is obviously unfinished, unpolished, full with bugs and with a lot of broken promises.

The fact that Frontier is splitting further player base speaks louder than anything else.
12 May 2021, 8:56pm
Rat Catcher

I took a lot of flak for suggesting this, so excuse me if I go back to the forum and troll you guys a little.

You'll continue to get the same reaction, but troll away, it is very amusing to read your debating that a released product is a beta - you are entitled to your own opinion, and express it often, I've followed your discussion with another quite happily, thank you.

I would suggest you to compare what we will get in 7 days with what it will be around Christmas. Then you can decide if we got it in release state or not. They could release it even in the state that we got in Alpha, how they call it do not matter. It is obviously unfinished, unpolished, full with bugs and with a lot of broken promises.

The fact that Frontier is splitting further player base speaks louder than anything else.

It makes a great deal of sense to me that the player base is being split - but then, I'm a retired business person, not just a gamer.

It would have made even more sense to only make BGS / PP on the PC valid on Odyssey from its launch date, making Horizons a stand-alone product, but Frontier are too soft to take that kind of step, more fools them.

I'd say compare Odyssey in 3 years time to the product that launches next Wednesday, that is around the period that it took to optimise Horizons.
12 May 2021, 9:10pm
Here's footage of my very first organic PVP odyssey encounters in which I started strong on foot and get the tables turned when we took to the air.

And what would happen if someone dropped in the instance with This kind of FGS blowed that Keelback, cobra and DBS then bombed the $#1t out of this settlement?
Would you had fun?

Sorry but FPS in a on-foot is a joke compared to full FPS titles.

I'm encouraged that you actually watched it at least. That video was the first day I played phase 2. I didn't encounter many missile spammers at that point. I blew up plenty of missile spammers in phase 4. Mayhem, funny builds and counter tactics are what open play is all about. I have evaded missile barragers on foot by taking hard cover indoors and shot down ships with turrets, lasers and missile launchers. Thinking through how you can get to your ship quickly enough if enemy show up and thinking through your escape plans or countermeasures is part of the fun and gives you good reason to keep an escape pilot in the cockpit or someone monitoring contacts carefully while the ground team does the business.

If we didn't have the freedom to do all these terrible things, we couldn't have the satisfaction of pulling off awesome things. It will take tweaking to get the balance right between the base, vehicle, foot and ship elements but this has hybrid elements of Tarkov, Battlefield and a persistent galaxy of ships that has no equal. Comparing it to Call of Duty is missing the point of combining these elements to make things possible in Odyssey that can't be done anywhere else.

It may not be to everyone's taste but I stopped playing other shooters during the alpha and with some criticism and rebalancing after release it could become really great.
13 May 2021, 10:03am
Here's footage of my very first organic PVP odyssey encounters in which I started strong on foot and get the tables turned when we took to the air.

And what would happen if someone dropped in the instance with This kind of FGS blowed that Keelback, cobra and DBS then bombed the $#1t out of this settlement?
Would you had fun?

Sorry but FPS in a on-foot is a joke compared to full FPS titles.

I'm encouraged that you actually watched it at least. That video was the first day I played phase 2. I didn't encounter many missile spammers at that point. I blew up plenty of missile spammers in phase 4. Mayhem, funny builds and counter tactics are what open play is all about. I have evaded missile barragers on foot by taking hard cover indoors and shot down ships with turrets, lasers and missile launchers. Thinking through how you can get to your ship quickly enough if enemy show up and thinking through your escape plans or countermeasures is part of the fun and gives you good reason to keep an escape pilot in the cockpit or someone monitoring contacts carefully while the ground team does the business.

If we didn't have the freedom to do all these terrible things, we couldn't have the satisfaction of pulling off awesome things. It will take tweaking to get the balance right between the base, vehicle, foot and ship elements but this has hybrid elements of Tarkov, Battlefield and a persistent galaxy of ships that has no equal. Comparing it to Call of Duty is missing the point of combining these elements to make things possible in Odyssey that can't be done anywhere else.

It may not be to everyone's taste but I stopped playing other shooters during the alpha and with some criticism and rebalancing after release it could become really great.

I completely agree with you on this. I played so much of Odyssey in Phase one that I completely ignored my main account and worked on a character that wasn't going to matter in the long run just because I enjoyed the ground play so much. Then come phase 2 when they introduced the conflict zones I once again found myself getting sucked into it and having a blast. I skipped phase 3&4 because I wanted to start working on my main account again and I ended up getting a fleet carrier there and now I'm grinding up materials so that way I can upgrade my stuff next week on release. I'm very excited for Odyssey and I can't wait to see where it will go from here.
13 May 2021, 10:25am
i cant wait for it to come out. i have dones some engineering to my viper and mamba to make them both faster for footfall missions. tho now that i think about it i should probably add an srv to my viper as its much faster but less armoured whereas my mamba can take a beating and outrun mostly all ships.
13 May 2021, 10:37am
Dirniviri cant wait for it to come out. i have dones some engineering to my viper and mamba to make them both faster for footfall missions. tho now that i think about it i should probably add an srv to my viper as its much faster but less armoured whereas my mamba can take a beating and outrun mostly all ships.

Same, I'm excited as well and what's even better is that it comes out on a Wednesday and I'll be off from work which just makes the release that much sweeter. I'll be booting it up the moment I wake up Wednesday.
13 May 2021, 11:32am
KazumaGShepSame, I'm excited as well and what's even better is that it comes out on a Wednesday and I'll be off from work which just makes the release that much sweeter. I'll be booting it up the moment I wake up Wednesday.

Does anyone want to burst his bubble? Playing Elite on release day? That's not a thing. You might get something by the weekend if things go well.
13 May 2021, 11:35am
Aunty Sledge
KazumaGShepSame, I'm excited as well and what's even better is that it comes out on a Wednesday and I'll be off from work which just makes the release that much sweeter. I'll be booting it up the moment I wake up Wednesday.

Does anyone want to burst his bubble? Playing Elite on release day? That's not a thing. You might get something by the weekend if things go well.

but why not
13 May 2021, 12:14pm
Aunty Sledge
KazumaGShepSame, I'm excited as well and what's even better is that it comes out on a Wednesday and I'll be off from work which just makes the release that much sweeter. I'll be booting it up the moment I wake up Wednesday.

Does anyone want to burst his bubble? Playing Elite on release day? That's not a thing. You might get something by the weekend if things go well.

but why not

Elite is always a hot mess on go-live day. You'll spend hours in the lobby waiting for things to start, when you do get in there will loads of crashes. If things start to become playable servers will go down for patching.

All I'm saying is go into it with very low expectations during the first week. Think of it as phase 2 beta. They'll get there in the end, but it'll be bumpy. If you've got friends who are new to Elite this isn't the week to try to get them into the game.
13 May 2021, 12:21pm
Aunty Sledge
Aunty Sledge

Does anyone want to burst his bubble? Playing Elite on release day? That's not a thing. You might get something by the weekend if things go well.

but why not

Elite is always a hot mess on go-live day. You'll spend hours in the lobby waiting for things to start, when you do get in there will loads of crashes. If things start to become playable servers will go down for patching.

All I'm saying is go into it with very low expectations during the first week. Think of it as phase 2 beta. They'll get there in the end, but it'll be bumpy. If you've got friends who are new to Elite this isn't the week to try to get them into the game.

oh ok then, joyful.
13 May 2021, 1:26pm
Aunty Sledge

but why not

Elite is always a hot mess on go-live day. You'll spend hours in the lobby waiting for things to start, when you do get in there will loads of crashes. If things start to become playable servers will go down for patching.

All I'm saying is go into it with very low expectations during the first week. Think of it as phase 2 beta. They'll get there in the end, but it'll be bumpy. If you've got friends who are new to Elite this isn't the week to try to get them into the game.

oh ok then, joyful.

Sage advice. Hope for the best but expect the worst. or, "expect nothing & you'll never be disappointed."
13 May 2021, 3:24pm

Same, I'm excited as well and what's even better is that it comes out on a Wednesday and I'll be off from work which just makes the release that much sweeter. I'll be booting it up the moment I wake up Wednesday.

Never play on patch day let alone on a major expansion day. The servers will be down for most of the day and when they come back up it will be chaos trying to get on.
13 May 2021, 5:38pm

Same, I'm excited as well and what's even better is that it comes out on a Wednesday and I'll be off from work which just makes the release that much sweeter. I'll be booting it up the moment I wake up Wednesday.

Never play on patch day let alone on a major expansion day. The servers will be down for most of the day and when they come back up it will be chaos trying to get on.

My dude I play Final Fantasy XIV, I already expect this to be a dumpster fire on launch day. I still haven't forgotten Stormblood's day one release and the "Raubahn Extreme trial" that took place. For context there was a cutscene in the opening hours of the expansion that was a single player trial and everyone was trying to get in that it was crashing the server.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.