Elite: Odyssey

17 Jun 2021, 1:46pm
Jameson Lave
After 2 hours of file synchronization I can say that it works.
Thank you very much, commander Morgan James.
I owe you a beer while we watch C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

Haha thanks, always up for a beer at the Tannhäuser Gate!
Get one in for the chap who originally posted the workaround on the forums too!
17 Jun 2021, 8:34pm
Seems to work fine now without any of that nonsense.
17 Jun 2021, 9:00pm
Every station has me at Anonymous Access and I don't have the Pioneer pre-order cosmetics available anymore...

Edit: Still have the access problem but the Pioneer stuff finally decided to cooperate... intermittently.
17 Jun 2021, 9:05pm
KurakilEvery station has me at Anonymous Access and I don't have the Pioneer pre-order cosmetics available anymore...

Edit: Still have the access problem but the Pioneer stuff finally decided to cooperate... intermittently.

If you have an Anonymous Access it means you have a bounty on your head in this station/faction controlling station...
17 Jun 2021, 9:14pm
KurakilEvery station has me at Anonymous Access and I don't have the Pioneer pre-order cosmetics available anymore...

Edit: Still have the access problem but the Pioneer stuff finally decided to cooperate... intermittently.

If you have an Anonymous Access it means you have a bounty on your head in this station/faction controlling station...

Except I don't. Not bounty, no fines, no notoriety. For any faction. Maybe a restart/relog will help. Will try later.
17 Jun 2021, 9:18pm
KurakilEvery station has me at Anonymous Access

I get this too initially when I dock at a station or log in. It goes away if I move over the refuel / rearm tabs.

It seems to be just erroneous text and doesn't have any actual effect, thank goodness!
17 Jun 2021, 9:22pm
Morgan JamesIt seems to be just erroneous text and doesn't have any actual effect, thank goodness!

Yeah, I confirm. Interface glitch, no real functionality bugs below it.
18 Jun 2021, 3:20pm
I need ideas for Manticore Intimidator mods.
18 Jun 2021, 5:45pm
You think "grey-hair-syndrome" is bad? This lady has it worse:

She suffers from spontanious bimbofication:

Notice her suddenly gold-blonde hair

18 Jun 2021, 6:21pm
Hey, maybe Jillian is just experimenting with a new look, you know?

Cut a girl a break.
18 Jun 2021, 10:53pm
I've noticed the hair color problem with most of the npcs. At a distance it is one, closer up it is another. Also I think all the hair is way too shiny.
19 Jun 2021, 6:03am
Looks like the new galaxy/system map UI is here to stay, as they have started improving them in the last update. Bookmark system still annoys me tho, anyone else? So buggy and cumbersome, also taking up more screen real estate.

They finally made the bookmark delete button, but what about the edit button? And why does the back button work only sometimes, and the other times you have to select the back button? I've decided to just live with it, but I'm having a hard time understanding how this UI made it to production.
19 Jun 2021, 7:05am
My main complaints about the UI are:

1) The "Sell" and "Store" buttons are right next to each other and it defaults to Sell. (Outfitting)
2) You can only equip something from storage by going to storage, and you have to back out and go back into storage each time you do it. (Outfitting)
3) The system map button is super far away from the default position and I use it more than any other. (Galaxy Map)
4) When using a map filter, the color key does not stay up once you move the targeting reticle. (Galaxy Map)
5) You can't see what you have outfitted to your ship. (Shipyard)
6) Menu wheels. Need I say more? (On Foot)
7) When cargo scooping, it brings up in huge letters "_______Acquired" and blocks the targeting so you can't see to align with the next one.

#7 has always been present so it is not Odyssey specific. I just hope nobody there designs any UI used in real life applications...
19 Jun 2021, 7:59am
We will see what changes frontier will make on July 1st but from what I've seen so far I do not have high hopes that they will rework the new UI concept. They will go for minimum effort and just patch it here and there.
19 Jun 2021, 9:50am
EpisparhWe will see what changes frontier will make on July 1st but from what I've seen so far I do not have high hopes that they will rework the new UI concept. They will go for minimum effort and just patch it here and there.

Yeah that would be their modus operandi. Look at their supposed fixes for the Map UI: Right bar buttons are still in a completely asinine order with no rhyme or reason, using a mouse to select planets causes weird jumping and now has a chance to get stuck moving around the map when you aren't pushing any buttons, many of the symbols used don't make sense (a gear for settings and powerplay wut?) and are still too small/surrounded by large margins, the crosshair now loses focus when you don't want it too instead of not having it when it should, and on and on...

This will be the norm up till and likely for 6 months after console merge and then the status quo will be bugs like disappearing exclusion zones around stars when you need them the most for the next 7 years forever.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.