Elite: Odyssey

04 Jun 2021, 9:04pm
Rebecca HailI don't get it either why they didn't just slap "Early-Access" on it. It would've reduced the salt by 95%. Even for the unreasonable price of 30 bucks.

Well, if they had labelled it EA then that would have hurt sales and would not be in the best interest of the shareholder = lawsuit?

Best interest of the shareholder is a very flexible term.
04 Jun 2021, 9:49pm
Obsidian Ant's take on the "roadmap":


"Not good enough."

And you can hear in his voice how he struggles to not go Latvian, at least IMO...
04 Jun 2021, 9:57pm
OA at the end of his rope for his last few ED videos.

And rightfully so.
04 Jun 2021, 10:04pm
When the two largest content creators (measured by YT subscriptions), one easily willing to give you the benefit of the doubt (OA) and the other being your loudest, yet fair critic (Yamiks, and yes, he is fair and gives FDevs credit where credit is due) start to sound alike you should really get it into your thick skulls that you f'ed up BIG TIMES and work extra hard to finally get your shit together.
04 Jun 2021, 10:16pm
Well, Lets see.. Odyssey was a faceplant of a release. I never really found my way into the player groups (because there is nothing really 'in-game') as such 'joining a squadron' sux esp. if you are a console player... The 'community' is so disparate its just a COLOSSAL research exercise. Which is kinda par for the course with ED. Be prepared to spend as much or MUCH more time OUTSIDE of the actual game.. just trying to make the actual game playable.

Generally.. disappointed. with a high dose of 'off to a good start.. but a long way to go.'

My verdict.. the ENTIRE ED GAME is still in BETA.. but marketing has convinced us to pay for it..

Gone to catch up on my Assassins Creed.. EZIO Collection..

Maybe I see you after they finish building the game...

Battlecruiser 3000 flashbacks.. another major disappointment..

Don't forget your limpets.. or maybe they can invent an auto-restock thingy for them?? so much future.. so little tech improvement?

ED is the video game equivalent of 'Space station 76' (2014) -- i.e. some kind of dark comical parity of a 1980's video game.


... so long and thanks for all the fish ...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Jun 2021, 2:00pm
04 Jun 2021, 10:38pm
The fault is of the one who started that hype campaign and pushed obviously unfinished product knowingly its state for whatever reasons. I told you that it will be hard summer for developers in Frontier because of that.

What bothers me is what roadmap is basically saying : 3 updates in which we will address those things and eventually we can patch the performance a bit, but then we focus on consoles and you PC guys will have to accept what it is for the next N months until the actual release.
04 Jun 2021, 10:39pm
Stillgar777Well, Lets see.. Odyssey was a faceplant of a release. I never really found my way into the player groups (because there is nothing really 'in-game') as such 'joining a squadron' sux esp. if you are a console player... The 'community' is so disparate its just a COLOSSAL research exercise. Which is kinda par for the course with ED. Be prepared to spend as much or MUCH more time OUTSIDE of the actual game.. just trying to make the actual game playable.

Generally.. disappointed. with a high dose of 'off to a good start.. but a long way to go.'

My verdict.. the ENTIRE ED GAME is still in BETA.. but marketing has convinced us to pay for it..

Gone to catch up on my Assassins Creed.. EZIO Collection..

Maybe I see you after they finish building the game...

Battlecruiser 3000 flashbacks.. another major disappointment..

Don't forget your limpets.. or maybe they can invent an auto-restock thingy for them?? so much future.. so little tech improvement?

ED is the video game equivalent of 'Space station 76' (2014) -- i.e. some kind of dark comical parity of a 1980's video game.


... so long and thanks for all the fish ...

Okay, but... what has this to do with roleplay?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Jun 2021, 2:01pm
04 Jun 2021, 10:40pm
If measuring content creators by number of subscribers, technically The Mighty Jingles would be number 1 I believe (at 643k subs). That said, while he makes videos for Elite Dangerous, it isn't his primary focus. But he's a bit perturbed by Odyssey as well.
04 Jun 2021, 10:44pm
EpisparhWhat bothers me is what roadmap is basically saying : 3 updates in which we will address those things and eventually we can patch the performance a bit, but then we focus on consoles and you PC guys will have to accept what it is for the next N months until the actual release.

The realist in me says that this will be the case. The optimist hopes that it means that they will update the PC version whenever they hit a larger milestone in performance optimization on the way to the console release to see if it really works as intended.
04 Jun 2021, 10:45pm
Light-HawkIf measuring content creators by number of subscribers, technically The Mighty Jingles would be number 1 I believe (at 643k subs). That said, while he makes videos for Elite Dangerous, it isn't his primary focus. But he's a bit perturbed by Odyssey as well.

Obsidian Ant is #1 and Yamiks #2 of those who have their focus on E:D
04 Jun 2021, 11:24pm
Their roadmap was pathetic. The release was also pathetic. The only reason it's pathetic is that you can tell they rushed it and weren't prepared. It's better to delay and do it right than to release it broken and try to fix it. Cyberpunk released broken and never got another look from me. I'm sure they've fixed some things but the core broken things are permanent usually.
04 Jun 2021, 11:30pm
Honestly, I don't understand this. David Braben said:
".... So what are we doing to fix the issues?
As already explained, the performance issues may take a little longer to resolve, and we greatly appreciate your patience.
Our plan is to publish a road-map by 4th June as we continue to push forward addressing issues, including giving some details on specific improvements, building upon the fixes the team have already made. ...."

It's obvious that he is referring to roadmap for the fixes and that's exactly what Frontier delivered. There is also obvious that many complainers don't know much about how development works, especially when it comes to bug fixing, etc. Expecting that Frontier will pinpoint and publish every single issue that will be fixed at certain dates is very naive. Although they certainly have the bug prioritization and internal deadlines in place, sometimes you cannot promise anything, because the fix may turn out to be more complicated and time consuming than the initial estimate. At the current situation, you can clearly imagine the outrage of the community when they will promise something and then they won't deliver, even from very reasonable and understandable reasons.

I think we all may agree that Odyssey shouldn't be released in a state in which it was actually released. But sniping Frontier just because they delivered the road map, but not exact list of all issues that will be fixed (which was not promised) seems like... well, just like pouring out frustration that the personal expectations weren't fulfilled, despite the fact there was delivered exactly what was promised.

Last edit: 04 Jun 2021, 11:38pm
04 Jun 2021, 11:43pm
I second you on that Artie. For now I say we just wait and see. Besides... You know what? I'm not going to jinx things, and just stop here.
04 Jun 2021, 11:53pm
The roadmap didn't communicate anything that I couldn't already see was happening, and what it did communicate was lacking in detail. When I did development roadmaps at my last staff position, they were usually 2 pages of bullet points with details on some specifics. Anything that made the roadmap was delivered unless there was a specific reason why it wasn't possible, which was communicated early, and an extremely rare situation. Our bug reporting system was mostly public, and we had a trust system that allowed users to enter bugs that didn't require review. Trusted players could have an issue, enter it with sufficient details, and have it go right into the queue to be picked up and worked on and all of this was communicated through our two week sprints. Such is the nature of transparency. Seeing what they're coming out with has downgraded my opinion of FDEV's remaining ability as a studio and as it stands I won't be supporting them financially until they correct things to a level I'm satisfied with. If enough people feel that way, they will end up in trouble. Time will tell.

Why couldn't they have taken say 20 of the biggest issues they see broadly speaking, break them down and give us an idea of what they intend to do? Give us some insight into their internal dev process to restore confidence that they even know what the heck they're doing? Because from where I'm sitting, based on my own testing with each patch, they're in over their head.

As an example, one of the big issues I found recently is the AI will sometimes pool beneath a cliff due to bad pathfinding and then they will sit there using up a ton of CPU time trying to find a path out and failing. Don't get me started on how you can perch on a building without a staircase and they will basically ignore you even when you shoot at them, or how AI snap their aim through targets. All of this is so easy to exploit when you know what to look for. This shouldn't have been released and it's way past the time for people to stop subsidising failure. I bought this mess so that the dozen or so odd people waiting on my review could save their money if it failed and here we are. It makes me sad.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2021, 12:03am
05 Jun 2021, 12:15am
My understanding is that providing more insight into the development process and what is currently being worked on is something they would like to do (according their text). In my eyes the roadmap in the current form fulfilled the purpose - it shouldn't necessarily be a list of features or backlog, it should roughly outline what's ahead and what's the plan and they did exactly that. Of course, there may be more detailed roadmaps and it would be nice to see for sure, but even more vague and much shorter roadmaps aren't uncommon (for example like Ubi does).

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.