Elite: Odyssey

01 May 2021, 6:09am
EpisparhAnyway, if you do not own fleet carrier on live server now you can try it with all the bugs

I just bought one. And now I've changed my mind about them. As long as they're stuck in Horizons gameplay, their appeal is strongly diminished.

Ah, you are one of those who think that the FC need to be dragged to every location with you?

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Once mine is done, it will just be a mobile base of operations, similar to my home station. I'll throw my fleet in and use it as an easy way to get around quickly for far away events or wars I want to fight in so that I don't have to rely on maintaining good standings.
01 May 2021, 6:24am

Once mine is done, it will just be a mobile base of operations, similar to my home station. I'll throw my fleet in and use it as an easy way to get around quickly for far away events or wars I want to fight in so that I don't have to rely on maintaining good standings.

That is exactly ball and chain
01 May 2021, 7:38am

Once mine is done, it will just be a mobile base of operations, similar to my home station. I'll throw my fleet in and use it as an easy way to get around quickly for far away events or wars I want to fight in so that I don't have to rely on maintaining good standings.

That is exactly ball and chain

I already have a home station which isn't movable and yet I have had no issue going thousands of light years in an hour. It's a matter of efficiency really. Far easier to move all of my ships for a week for free because they're in the fleet carrier.
01 May 2021, 9:26am
Do you really need all your ships with you everywhere?
01 May 2021, 10:41am
EpisparhAh, you are one of those who think that the FC need to be dragged to every location with you?

Not at all. But why would I pay for a carrier that doesn't offer all the amenities of a space station? Even tiny outposts have a concourse now.
01 May 2021, 10:57am
EpisparhDo you really need all your ships with you everywhere?

How many of your ships haven't you touched for months because they are parked near Colonia?
01 May 2021, 11:12am

But why would I pay for a carrier that doesn't offer all the amenities of a space station?

For cargo storage mainly. No station allows that.


How many of your ships haven't you touched for months because they are parked near Colonia?

6 or 7 but then I do not need to drag the ball and chain to Colonia and spend 2 days jumping a FC to there and burning large quantities of tritium in the process. I just get Relentless and get to Colonia in 2 - 3 hours.
01 May 2021, 11:21am
With an FC you would have to do that only once, and then you'd have your entire fleet at one spot. It might actually be cheaper to buy a carrier just for that purpose and decommissioning it afterwards, than to transfer the ships to the bubble remotely.
01 May 2021, 11:53am
SakashiroWith an FC you would have to do that only once, and then you'd have your entire fleet at one spot. It might actually be cheaper to buy a carrier just for that purpose and decommissioning it afterwards, than to transfer the ships to the bubble remotely.

Most of my ship in Colonia are bought and build there with exception of the Cutter which I flew and a cheap Vette hull and some Couriers which were transfered. Far cheaper than 5b in total.
01 May 2021, 12:00pm
Of course remote transfer is cheaper than 5 billion. But if you had decommissioned the carrier right after the manual transfer, you would have been refunded most of the 5 billion.
01 May 2021, 12:13pm
Using a ferry service from FCOC is far cheaper.
01 May 2021, 12:41pm
But requires trust.
01 May 2021, 12:54pm
EpisparhAnyway, if you do not own fleet carrier on live server now you can try it with all the bugs

I just bought one. And now I've changed my mind about them. As long as they're stuck in Horizons gameplay, their appeal is strongly diminished.

Ah, you are one of those who think that the FC need to be dragged to every location with you?

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Only to the places where they could be of use, surely?

Granted, for some that would be nowhere and others everywhere. My 2 active accounts have them most places, usually because shifting up to 20,000 units of cargo at a time doesn't incline me to multi-hop trips.

Of course, how others play might just be their own concern and not a subject of ridicule, also?
01 May 2021, 1:39pm
SakashiroBut requires trust.

FCOC is a very trustworthy place.

Only to the places where they could be of use, surely?

That is not everywhere. It is funny how the current CG system got flooded with FCs. They serve no purpose in this data delivery CG but yet people drag them all around.

And I already said the cargo is the main feature of a FC.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.