Elite: Odyssey

22 Jun 2021, 3:54pm
got a mission 15 units to a planet base, but there is no large landingpad, so i tried to get my cobra and deliver with it.
But the problem is , if I change ship in a space staion, the 15 units still in the Anaconda ....

is there a way to get the cargo into the smaller ship ??

thx, for the answers
22 Jun 2021, 3:59pm
Lamamotogot a mission 15 units to a planet base, but there is no large landingpad, so i tried to get my cobra and deliver with it.
But the problem is , if I change ship in a space staion, the 15 units still in the Anaconda ....

is there a way to get the cargo into the smaller ship ??

thx, for the answers

The only way I'm aware of is to wing up with someone, fly somewhere safe, then jettison your cargo so that your wingmate can scoop it. You then get into another ship and reverse the process.
22 Jun 2021, 4:09pm
Lamamotogot a mission 15 units to a planet base, but there is no large landingpad, so i tried to get my cobra and deliver with it.
But the problem is , if I change ship in a space staion, the 15 units still in the Anaconda ....

is there a way to get the cargo into the smaller ship ??

thx, for the answers

Wait a minute! Cargo stays with the ships since when? Are you using station services or Inter Astra from concourse?
22 Jun 2021, 4:30pm
hehe, found out you cant move cargo by change ship by inter astra.... !
finally i had to buy new in a near station !!
but the best of all is , cant finish the mission on planet base, cause it says, no open mission to finish, the tab is greyed out , LOL, thats really fun, work on this mission since yesterday afternoon, and want to finish it today, but i think i have to jettison my illegal freight and give up mission pay my fines and do my business as usual, they have to work a lot of times to fix the missions.

btw, thx for the answers
22 Jun 2021, 6:41pm
Lamamotogot a mission 15 units to a planet base, but there is no large landingpad, so i tried to get my cobra and deliver with it.
But the problem is , if I change ship in a space staion, the 15 units still in the Anaconda ....

is there a way to get the cargo into the smaller ship ??

thx, for the answers

Did your Cobra have cargo space for 15 tons?
22 Jun 2021, 6:59pm
Aunty SledgeDid your Cobra have cargo space for 15 tons?

cobra has space for 32 units, whatever you buy, palladium or slaves, 1 unit is 1 unit^^
22 Jun 2021, 7:24pm
Aunty SledgeDid your Cobra have cargo space for 15 tons?

cobra has space for 32 units, whatever you buy, palladium or slaves, 1 unit is 1 unit^^

And I'm assuming your larger ship wasn't carrying anything else, no other cargo or passengers? If not then you've found a new bug.
22 Jun 2021, 8:54pm
Aunty SledgeAnd I'm assuming your larger ship wasn't carrying anything else, no other cargo or passengers? If not then you've found a new bug.

right, just did the mission provide 15 units "xyz"

that was my hope to change from larger ship to smaller to finish the mission, remembering that I did so in a former mission, Horizon or ED , cant remeber, play since 7 years this game and cant remeber any mission

beside, this game is the best game, I'm not complaining about some bugs or things ,which maybe not the best solution in gameplay.

I'm impressed by astrophysics and the way of fiction........

22 Jun 2021, 11:42pm
The game used to grey out missions if you were in a large ship but the station you needed to go to only had medium/small landing pads. Is that no longer the case? I also noticed it no longer shows how far away a station is from its parent star in the mission description as well...
23 Jun 2021, 1:48am
For the handheld weapons, what does "Effective Range" actually mean? I can see the shot go on until it hits something well beyond the stated range. Accuracy seems to be its own stat so I imagine it is something other than that. Is it just the point at which damage falloff starts to occur or something else?
23 Jun 2021, 8:16am
In general "effective range" refers to the distance at which a weapon can be relied upon to reasonably hit what it's being aimed at, doing damage. IRL firearms have a 'dangerous range' that far exceeds their effective range, meaning something will get hit, and they won't be happy about it, but probably not what you're aiming for.

In game the effective range for ships refers to the distance at which point damage falloff reaches 100% (so no damage after that point) and is normally well represented by the shot disappearing after that distance. For on foot, I haven't messed with that fiasco yet so I can't for certain whether this is how it is working or not. It should though imo.
23 Jun 2021, 4:05pm
Amata LireinAn observation I made: The TK Aphelion (Laserrifle) is actually very easy to upgrade. I don't even actually looked for the materials needed after the T3 upgrade and already have enough again for T4

Talking about upgrades: The Backpack extension for the Maverick: yes or no?

You know, I was thinking about getting the backpack expansion for my Maverick after all, but not necessarily because you could pick up more stuff when looting a place in one go (which at this point is merely a nice bonus), but mainly because it also increases the amount of consumables (like medkits) you can carry at any given time. That might be a real benefit depending on how much more you can carry of those...

Soo... does anyone know the numbers on how large the increases are for medkits, energy cells and grenades?
23 Jun 2021, 4:46pm
Amata Lirein

You know, I was thinking about getting the backpack expansion for my Maverick after all, but not necessarily because you could pick up more stuff when looting a place in one go (which at this point is merely a nice bonus), but mainly because it also increases the amount of consumables (like medkits) you can carry at any given time. That might be a real benefit depending on how much more you can carry of those...

Soo... does anyone know the numbers on how large the increases are for medkits, energy cells and grenades?

The mod increase only data, components and goods storage. Do you want a screenshot?

Frankly speaking, I think it is not worth it now after I finished my initial components collection. After hitting the cap of 1000 items I started to pick only valuables and leave the trash alone. I haven't touched my increased backpack capacity Maverick for awhile. I much prefer the other with NV, shield regen and added resistance.

Last edit: 23 Jun 2021, 4:54pm
23 Jun 2021, 4:55pm
Amata Lirein

You know, I was thinking about getting the backpack expansion for my Maverick after all, but not necessarily because you could pick up more stuff when looting a place in one go (which at this point is merely a nice bonus), but mainly because it also increases the amount of consumables (like medkits) you can carry at any given time. That might be a real benefit depending on how much more you can carry of those...

Soo... does anyone know the numbers on how large the increases are for medkits, energy cells and grenades?

The mod increase only data, components and goods storage. Do you want a screenshot?

Frankly speaking, I think it is not worth it now after I finished my initial components collection. After hitting the cap of 1000 items I started to pick only valuables and leave the trash alone. I haven't touched my increased backpack capacity for awhile. I much prefer the other with NV, shield regen and added resistance.

Then why does the description say "Grants increased inventory and consumable capacity."?
23 Jun 2021, 5:03pm
Amata Lirein
Then why does the description say "Grants increased inventory and consumable capacity."?

Are you sure about that? I think the engineering said only backpack capacity.

EDIT: give me a min and I will show you screenshot.

Here you go:


Last edit: 23 Jun 2021, 5:08pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.