Elite: Odyssey

19 Jun 2021, 12:57pm
I've just upgraded some weapons and the transaction completed ok but the mod wasn't added to the weapons. Suits worked ok. Anyone else had this issue?
19 Jun 2021, 1:36pm
Aunty SledgeI've just upgraded some weapons and the transaction completed ok but the mod wasn't added to the weapons. Suits worked ok. Anyone else had this issue?

I didn't had that but read others had same problem have you tried to relog?
19 Jun 2021, 7:25pm
I got to the bottom of the weapon upgrade issue. The inventory in the engineer upgrade screen doesn't update after your first purchase, so it tells you you have enough for a second purchase when in fact you don't.

The upgrade fails, but doesn't tell you.
19 Jun 2021, 9:21pm
My only wish at the Moment, I hope they fix the power slider on SRV, maybe the deadpoint of it in options.
It's really bad to use it atm. if I play with to raise speed it comes with a second or two later, if you slow down the SRV goes (only example) speed 5 then goes to 10, slows down to 5 , and again up to 10, lol its so stupid, you cant up/down in single steps

ok , enough complaining
19 Jun 2021, 9:26pm
LamamotoMy only wish at the Moment, I hope they fix the power slider on SRV, maybe the deadpoint of it in options.
It's really bad to use it atm. if I play with to raise speed it comes with a second or two later, if you slow down the SRV goes (only example) speed 5 then goes to 10, slows down to 5 , and again up to 10, lol its so stupid, you cant up/down in single steps

ok , enough complaining

Try FA-off. I use a steam controller with variable throttles on the trigger buttons. It makes SRV driving really smooth.
20 Jun 2021, 7:28am
Morgan James
KurakilAm I the only one who has to force-quit EDO to get it to exit the game? I have to go to Task Manager every time or it just stays a blank screen.

Same here. Almost EVERYTIME! t

Occasionally, but not as often as I had to with Horizons, which was almost every time.

i do most of the time
20 Jun 2021, 7:31am
20 Jun 2021, 8:14am
Dirniviri have found something that upsets me a bit.
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odyssey: the ship kit is somekind of white colour


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Horizons the kit compliments the colours by using gold.


I think those parts are golden in Odyssey, too. Odyssey just fails to render them properly, like so many other things as well.

FDev took the robust and almost perfectly balanced renderer from Horizons... and turned it into garbage. And no one really knows why! Horizons looked beautiful and achieved higher frame rates across the board. Why did they have to turn everything upside down? They won't tell.
20 Jun 2021, 8:25am
Dirniviri have found something that upsets me a bit.
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I think those parts are golden in Odyssey, too. Odyssey just fails to render them properly, like so many other things as well.

FDev took the robust and almost perfectly balanced renderer from Horizons... and turned it into garbage. And no one really knows why! Horizons looked beautiful and achieved higher frame rates across the board. Why did they have to turn everything upside down? They won't tell.

we can only pray to what ever god we believe in that they sort their shizzle out
20 Jun 2021, 8:27am
also everyone's hair looks like its been partially bleached. like engineers looks like they decided to white wash their hair in in the bathroom at a party

i dont regret preordering odyssey because i really like the pioneer suit.

Last edit: 20 Jun 2021, 8:32am
20 Jun 2021, 9:08am
FDev took the robust and almost perfectly balanced renderer from Horizons... and turned it into garbage. And no one really knows why! Horizons looked beautiful and achieved higher frame rates across the board. Why did they have to turn everything upside down? They won't tell.

They did tell. The lead render programmer went through it on a live stream a couple of months ago.

They needed new rendering for the atmosphere lighting that Horizons obviously doesn't have.

It's acknowledged that it's not working as intended on some textures and yeah we're seeing some weird and off-putting results!
20 Jun 2021, 1:49pm
I find it hard to believe they had to redo everything, from materials to bloom to culling, just to add a shader like this.
20 Jun 2021, 2:05pm
And why the new engine use dx11 is beyond understanding too.
20 Jun 2021, 2:56pm
There is nothing wrong with PBR by principle, it's a welcome step to provide more realistic and consistent outputs and I bet that was the primary reason for a change (and it's more open to additional future improvements). It's just some materials (paintjobs, skin, hair, etc.) and lighting (ship interiors, some spaces) that aren't very optimal (yet?). On top of that, there seems to be some problem with postprocessing and a super annoying lack of the specular antialiasing. And I am not surprised they stick with DX11 for now, as many games are having various problems with DX12 due implementation difficulties (from the games I've played in the past, there was always more problems with DX12 including crashes than with DX11, despite the benefits it offers).

Last edit: 20 Jun 2021, 3:04pm
20 Jun 2021, 5:47pm
To summarize everything I can see of the situation, there were some major internal problems that were not dealt with and now they have become external problems as well. I imagine they will have at least one more expansion involving landing on planets with thicker atmospheres and such. Let's hope they don't repeat themselves again for the Nth time. If bashing your head into the wall doesn't break down the wall... maybe a different approach is required.

Also, Flat color and Vibrant flight suits are still missing...

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.