Elite: Odyssey

27 Jul 2021, 7:19pm
Yeah, that's what I mean obviously you would think that stability means your weapon doesn't sway around as much. But Fdev implements it by shrinking the firing cone.
27 Jul 2021, 8:17pm
The stability mod is to reduce/eliminate movement due to recoil not to modify the sway and definitely not to improve a firing cone. .. but then Frontier called this a "finished product"
27 Jul 2021, 8:22pm
Khm. Bad weapon balancing could lead to handling problems that can cause 'idle' swaying to be a bit more than usual (and more troubles with the recoil control)... But I guess it's not what they meant.
27 Jul 2021, 8:36pm
My recent aiming experience with Tormentor is:

  1. Put the dot on target's head
  2. Hold aim - hold RMB
  3. Draw weapon - press 2 key
  4. Immediately fire - press LMB

The target is down before the weapon finish draw out animation. Like wtf they were thinking while designing this. This is like an early stage of PoC AKA Proof of Concept.
27 Jul 2021, 10:14pm
The whole game feels like a bunch of miscellaneous puzzle pieces put together from different puzzles with the resulting image looking like "modern art". Each piece is fine but the whole puzzle is a mess.
28 Jul 2021, 6:40am
EpisparhMy recent aiming experience with Tormentor is:

  1. Put the dot on target's head
  2. Hold aim - hold RMB
  3. Draw weapon - press 2 key
  4. Immediately fire - press LMB

The target is down before the weapon finish draw out animation. Like wtf they were thinking while designing this. This is like an early stage of PoC AKA Proof of Concept.

That's called being Lucky Luke, and you can actually draw shoot and store the weapon so fast that you won't even see your gun
28 Jul 2021, 8:10am
You probably can do that - but I am too lazy to write simple autokeys script to test it.
28 Jul 2021, 9:25am
Last night I was paid a 10,000 Cr bonus for being the first to map Lithobreaker.

And because that isn't weird enough yet, it happened twice.

I don't mind the extra cash, but is there anything in this game that isn't broken?
28 Jul 2021, 11:43am
You mean like Hero Ferrari that won't unlock after you meet the requirements? Yeah, such fun.
28 Jul 2021, 11:49am
You have to do 10 easy conflict zones, if that hasn't been fixed yet
28 Jul 2021, 11:54am
Iv'e done that and more, actually. No joy.

I'd insert an image of my Codex results if I knew how to...lol

Last edit: 28 Jul 2021, 12:05pm
28 Jul 2021, 2:02pm
I can accept bugs in things that have been recently added. But Universal Cartographics isn't new. Why are so many things broken in EDO that worked fine before?
28 Jul 2021, 2:25pm
I noticed several oddities with data available on EDSM vs what is shown in ED. Specifically the temperature of landable planets. My suspicion is that ED:O's need for clear low and high end temperatures for on foot suit tolerance gameplay mechanics meant they had to fiddle with the original galaxy data, with obvious results.

The Galaxy map has issues with old records not being calculated into what you see when filtering and I suspect that their meddling with the Galactic data caused this too. For example, if you filter by 'systems you have or have not visited' old data does not show up properly (ie: systems you have been to long ago still show up in the 'unvisited systems' filter. You can click on the system and view it's system map regardless of the error).
28 Jul 2021, 10:21pm
BurstarThe Galaxy map has issues with old records not being calculated into what you see when filtering and I suspect that their meddling with the Galactic data caused this too. For example, if you filter by 'systems you have or have not visited' old data does not show up properly (ie: systems you have been to long ago still show up in the 'unvisited systems' filter. You can click on the system and view it's system map regardless of the error).

Your local cache of visited stars may not be up to date. This can happen if you log into ED from more than one PC. The cache file is named VisitedStarsCache.dat and stored under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\<your Frontier ID>. Maybe if you remove that file it will be rebuilt from server-side data. But I've never tried that myself, so make sure to back it up first.
29 Jul 2021, 1:25am
Is it just me or does one of the soldier voices sound a bit like Counsellor Udina? Maybe I need to lay off the Red Sand for a while...

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.