Elite: Odyssey

12 Jul 2021, 4:35pm
More skins in the Arx store.
12 Jul 2021, 4:35pm
Amata LireinAm I the only one who's hoping that those "additional features, content and improvements" will include ship interiors?

I'll say I just hope they won't be including any new bugs.
12 Jul 2021, 4:36pm
Well, from my POV ship interiors will be a big announcement and not a "side feature" of disastrous release.

Makes more sense if they want to use it as a marketing tool to draw people back in.
12 Jul 2021, 4:37pm
To make interiors possible the game needs a rewrite. Not going to happen.
12 Jul 2021, 4:38pm
Although Arthur Tolemy repeatedly denied ship interiors he did say on one occasion (words to the effect) that if the player base were solidly in favour they may have to reconsider at some point in the future.
12 Jul 2021, 4:39pm
Was the player base ever not in favor of interiors?
12 Jul 2021, 4:42pm
SakashiroTo make interiors possible the game needs a rewrite. Not going to happen.

It's not possible to make a general statement about that without knowing details about the current engine and how much planning was put in this.

FDev would be idiotic (okay, low bar to clear) to not have the option seriously on the table, after all ship interiors go hand in hand with station interiors and general on-foot gameplay.
12 Jul 2021, 4:46pm
SakashiroWas the player base ever not in favor of interiors?

Meh, I could take it or leave it. I would give legs and interiors the heave-ho in favour of cross-platform play, personally. That would unify the player base in the most positive way.
12 Jul 2021, 4:57pm
Silver TafferMeh, I could take it or leave it. I would give legs and interiors the heave-ho in favour of cross-platform play, personally. That would unify the player base in the most positive way.

This. This right here.
12 Jul 2021, 7:51pm
Meh, ship interiors At this point I just hope they fix all existing bugs and performance. Perhaps adding some more stuff to do which is not a grind.
12 Jul 2021, 8:14pm
Rebecca HailIt's not possible to make a general statement about that without knowing details about the current engine and how much planning was put in this.

FDev would be idiotic (okay, low bar to clear) to not have the option seriously on the table, after all ship interiors go hand in hand with station interiors and general on-foot gameplay.

Well, we know that ships in ED are essentially attachments of player avatars. They disappear when we log out or move too far away or join another player via telepresence. To make interiors work the way they do in Star Citizen (which ED will be compared to, whether we like it or not), ships have to be persistent objects that can be hijacked and stolen, even when the owner isn't around. But unlike fleet carriers, ships can't be shared across multiple instances, because what if a ship gets destroyed or stolen in one instance but not in another? There are currently no persistent single-instance objects in ED; everything is either globally shared and immutable (stations, settlements, tourist beacons, guardian ruins etc.) or ephemeral (signal sources, mission targets, resource extraction sites, conflict zones). If we ever get ship interiors, they will likely be as limited as hangars, i.e. accessible only to the player and their team mates. Gameplay like this won't be possible.
12 Jul 2021, 9:32pm
SakashiroTo make interiors work the way they do in Star Citizen (which ED will be compared to, whether we like it or not), ships have to be persistent objects that can be hijacked and stolen, even when the owner isn't around.

Ships parked up in SC exist in a single instance, so only the 50 players on my server can steal my ship. When I log out, my ships disappear, ships are not persistent.

The new server tech they are talking about implementing *might* provide the example you describe, but it's not where SC is now, and SC works perfectly fine with ship interiors and multi-crew.

What Elite needs is better instance matching, and keeping teams/wings together when they switch instance. SC does this well by teaming up in lobbies and having a squad leader that everyone follows into the game.

What ship interiors will do, is lower the FPS when in space, we have to accept that if we want to be able to walk around our ships whilst they are in space.
13 Jul 2021, 8:16am
Aunty Sledge
SakashiroTo make interiors work the way they do in Star Citizen (which ED will be compared to, whether we like it or not), ships have to be persistent objects that can be hijacked and stolen, even when the owner isn't around.

What ship interiors will do, is lower the FPS when in space, we have to accept that if we want to be able to walk around our ships whilst they are in space.

FPS in space isn't the issue (and it's while in atmo that it would become the problem ftr). The issue is as Saka has basically said: it has essentially been deemed too much effort for insufficient return by the FDev management. All the bs the CM's throw our way is to avoid admitting this.
13 Jul 2021, 8:38am
BurstarFPS in space isn't the issue (and it's while in atmo that it would become the problem ftr). The issue is as Saka has basically said: it has essentially been deemed too much effort for insufficient return by the FDev management. All the bs the CM's throw our way is to avoid admitting this.

And yet Braben said back in the kickstarter days that ships were already being modeled with their interiors in mind and mentioned some gameplay mechanics in mind for how to make use of them.

Also if I'm remembering correctly, I think someone in the Odyssey alpha test phase, managed to glitch themselves inside of the hull of their ship and found there were incomplete models for the ship's interiors already present. They were no where near complete but they were there. I could be wrong. I'll see if I can find it again.
13 Jul 2021, 8:52am
BurstarFPS in space isn't the issue (and it's while in atmo that it would become the problem ftr). The issue is as Saka has basically said: it has essentially been deemed too much effort for insufficient return by the FDev management. All the bs the CM's throw our way is to avoid admitting this.

When I say FPS I mean frames per second, not first person shooter. Maybe they should take a leaf out of CIGs book and sell the Panther Clipper for £1000 a pop to fund the work?

I'm no fan of how the CMs handle stuff, but to be even handed I don't like it when they are left to spin the negative stuff whilst DB rides in and drops the good news on us.

What they should have done was invited David onto a stream, allow them to ask him some hard questions, let the CM team earn some respect from the player base that they are speaking for us. Heck they would have been scripted questions asked to themselves. They could then have seeded the good news into the interview. But no, apparently knowing how to keep customers satisfied is hard for some companies.

Arthur could learn a lot from seeing how Jared Huckaby handles the role. A sentiment that would now probably get my account banned on the FDev forums in these new "feelings" driven times. The grown-ups have left the building...

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.