Elite: Odyssey

29 Jul 2021, 1:56pm
29 Jul 2021, 2:27pm
Yay! \o/
29 Jul 2021, 2:31pm
AMD Super-resolution has now been integrated.

You should now experience an increase in game performance, as rendering is enabled at a lower resolution and then upscaled, rather than rendering at a constant full resolution.
There's also the additional bonus of this integration making the game look even more beautiful.
Can be used to upscale the resolution when supersampling is set to less than 1x output resolution.

So they're now upscaling by default? And calling it "more beautiful"?
29 Jul 2021, 2:46pm
A question:
I have noticed that GalMap do not remember my map mode and apply to route setting. Is it just me or is it known issue. I haven't switched clients.
29 Jul 2021, 2:56pm
EpisparhA question:
I have noticed that GalMap do not remember my map mode and apply to route setting. Is it just me or is it known issue. I haven't switched clients.

Same here.

Looks like they took the sharpener out. Just when I got used to it.

Last edit: 29 Jul 2021, 3:07pm
29 Jul 2021, 3:22pm
Amata LireinUpdate 6 TODAY!


Is it any good? Any noticeable performance improvement?
29 Jul 2021, 3:40pm
I wonder if we can abuse super-resolution to fix the awful anti-aliasing...
29 Jul 2021, 4:44pm
This is the Ultra Quality.
This is the best they can do.

(all other settings are at their maximum too)

KalenarI wonder if we can abuse super-resolution to fix the awful anti-aliasing...

Nope, setting that AMD Upscaling on overrides the original supersampling settings. And you can see what I see at 'Ultra Quality' (using GTX 1080).
Even the original supersampling set to x1.0 looks better.

There's also the additional bonus of this integration making the game look even more beautiful.

Last edit: 29 Jul 2021, 4:53pm
29 Jul 2021, 4:54pm
Yeaaaah. I really hope they messed up some config when deploying this. Ultra Quality does give a nice FPS bump (30-40% planetside on my machine), but the graphical artifacts introduced are preeeetty bad.
29 Jul 2021, 4:54pm
Until they solve the specular aliasing somehow (and it's not so simple), it will be always like that, unfortunately. It's the major offender there and even a large resolution with the downscaling won't help much. The upscaling quality with FSR goes to AMD though.
29 Jul 2021, 4:58pm
EpisparhAny noticeable performance improvement?

Mostly unchanged for me. Capped 60 fps in space and on planets, around 50 fps in concourses and settlements. But occasionally fps in settlements drop below 30 for a short time, as if something is getting loaded or swapped. I heard this issue reported about update 5, but I couldn't test it during my trip. Whatever causes it doesn't seem to be fixed yet.

I'm using the high preset. Haven't played with the scaling settings yet. Upscaling in update 5 made the HUD slightly muddy for me, and night vision looked totally unacceptable (it's already bad at full resolution). Maybe FSR is better?
29 Jul 2021, 4:59pm
Probably it won't work as good as intended with my graphic card (as it's nVidia), but, damn, that old sharpener wasn't that bad. But this... This is a complete worthless mess. And they call it 'beautiful'. Well... Maybe if you run it on a laptop screen two metres away...
29 Jul 2021, 5:16pm
Apparently Odyssey had an update last night. I was on it yesterday but I woke up this morning to a 4 gig update for it. Have they mentioned any changes for this one?
29 Jul 2021, 5:19pm
29 Jul 2021, 5:27pm
OK, I played with the settings, and they are a bit counter-intuitive, lol. In FSR mode you can't control the upscaling factor. Instead you choose a quality preset. And this is where things get weird: "Performance" appears to be native resolution (scaling factor 1.0). "Quality" activates upscaling and turns quality into total crap while giving almost no performance improvement in settlements, at least for me. Not what you might expect when reading the label. Anyways, the previous upscaling method combined with CAS gave me much better results, both in quality and fps.

So for me this is a no-brainer, I'll stick with native resolution. Maybe I'll even switch from FSR back to normal, since the increased sharpness of CAS is gone anyway.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.