Elite: Odyssey

30 Jul 2021, 10:11am
KurakilAnd real Lavian Brandy while you wait.

Ah, now I almost regret that I can't drink alcohol.
But, yeah, some tea and cigars would do fine.
30 Jul 2021, 11:06am
I have archived what the NMLA failed to do so many times.

I've destroyed a Starport
30 Jul 2021, 1:34pm
30 Jul 2021, 2:22pm
Oh dear, now when i launch odyssey it expands be
yond the edges of my screen, i can adjust the graphics settings with guesswork but cant see the icon to apply or save changes any suggestions:?
30 Jul 2021, 2:50pm
I know you can go to “settings-system-display” and click on your screen to see the recommended setting for your display resolution. Then go into your game settings and make sure they match. (That’s if you can see your game settings).
30 Jul 2021, 7:29pm
Wow, the AI is definitely messed up now after patch 6.
Done my first mission after patch - exterminate scavengers.

As soon as my ship approached the landing pad it was attacked by 6 scavengers - which I know from this layout at least 4 of them are 100m away.
Then a viper dropped reinforcements in the remote side of the refinery. They saw me from 200+ m in open and started charging me.

For the record it was a dark settlement and they used no torch lights.

Good luck to the suckers who do not have all G5 gear and night vision!

Last edit: 30 Jul 2021, 7:43pm
30 Jul 2021, 7:32pm
Delete the folder "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Graphics" to reset your graphics settings to factory defaults.
30 Jul 2021, 8:40pm
I just sold a 19million value system to UC and my rep with the controlling faction didn't budge. Verified it went through via credit balance. Relogging didn't change it either.
30 Jul 2021, 10:13pm
EpisparhWow, the AI is definitely messed up now after patch 6.
Done my first mission after patch - exterminate scavengers.

As soon as my ship approached the landing pad it was attacked by 6 scavengers - which I know from this layout at least 4 of them are 100m away.
Then a viper dropped reinforcements in the remote side of the refinery. They saw me from 200+ m in open and started charging me.

For the record it was a dark settlement and they used no torch lights.

Good luck to the suckers who do not have all G5 gear and night vision!

I only had an issue with them seeing me from far distance a couple of times. Them having no flashlights only occurred on occasion for me even before the patch, but more commonly since. I have not been pre-emptively attacked while landing thus far, but then I only do Exterminate Scavenger missions from a shuttle and not my actual ships. Sometimes reinforcements know where you are if they spot you while on approach after the bay doors open. All that said, I am accustomed to things in this game not making sense so I can't tell a bug from intended most of the time.
30 Jul 2021, 10:57pm
ArtieMy point is that even in the 1080p with the lowest possible quality the FSR doesn't look that terrible as is on his/her screenshot, so I wonder what settings were used (although I admit that I didn't test this particular scene, maybe in this situation it's really that bad). But, the quality of upscaling in this case isn't a fail of Frontier (well, aside that UI if that's happening in SRV, it certainly isn't happening on foot) but AMD - it's their upscaling tech. Of course, we all know there is a problem with the game performance, etc. but criticizing Frontier for the (lack of) quality of the optional upscaling doesn't seem to be fair. I can certainly criticize them for the performance and other problems, but not for the quirks of the optional 3rd party solution they have used.

I just looked at the specs of FSR. They are very interesting -- and also explain why FSR looks so crappy in EDO. The algorithm looks for gradient reversals in the input image to identify anti-aliased edges, and then creates sharper versions of these edges in the upscaled output image. The examples shown are spectacular, but none of that can be seen in EDO. The problem is that EDO doesn't provide anti-aliased input frames that FSR can work its magic on. No matter which AA mode you choose in the settings, there are jaggies everywhere. The information that FSR needs to construct a clean hi-res image just isn't there.
30 Jul 2021, 11:24pm
Elite does provide antialiased input, you can for example compare MLAAx2 against SMAA and there is quite visible difference in the upscaling quality (speaking of the performance mode, which is the lowest input image resolution). FSR just isn't a magical solution so it won't solve everything and I would say that nVidia's DLSS is ahead in this job. Using the performance mode on 1080p is putting simply so low resolution input into the upscaling that there isn't much information it can use, so I am not so suprised the results may be terrible in many situations. Well, except the aliased speculars mentioned earlier, which are basically everywhere and certainly aren't helping the output even in a native resolution (I suppose you are mentioning that?) That's the thing I can certainly criticize FDev for, it's super annoying and there are ways how to at least reduce the problem.

(There are also some interesting whitepapers on that topic I have seen some time ago. I do not have them stored, but I think one was from a guy who was trying to solve the problem first and one was from SquareEnix, trying different methods after that. Worth a read.)

Last edit: 30 Jul 2021, 11:38pm
31 Jul 2021, 11:48pm
Credit where credit is due: The improved planets look interesting! Repeating patterns can still be seen from orbit, but the changes on the ground make landing fun again.
01 Aug 2021, 12:33am
SakashiroCredit where credit is due: The improved planets look interesting! Repeating patterns can still be seen from orbit, but the changes on the ground make landing fun again.

Yes it is much better than Brown Planet 2a, Brown Planet 2b, White Planet 5c, etc.
01 Aug 2021, 8:19pm
Apparently, Apex shuttle pilots are not trained in avoiding star exclusion zones... and also they seem to yaw turn rather than roll-pitch. Must be Pilots' Federation flunkies.
01 Aug 2021, 8:32pm
KurakilApparently, Apex shuttle pilots are not trained in avoiding star exclusion zones... and also they seem to yaw turn rather than roll-pitch. Must be Pilots' Federation flunkies.

Using yaw as the primary method of turning seems so weird to me. It wasn't until I got into Star Citizen that I learned it is actually quite common. I'll stick to traditional roll-pitch thanks.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.