Elite: Odyssey

29 Jul 2021, 5:42pm
...And also they fixed the Supercruise Weapon Reloading Braben Magic. No more low-int CZ farming for me.

(but at least I'll start using Carrier for what it was bought for)
29 Jul 2021, 8:33pm
FDev's recent focus on upscaling techniques reeks of desperation. They seem unable to fix the underlying issues with their renderer, so they're trying to mitigate the symptoms instead.

They could at least upscale only the game world and render the HUD in native resolution on top of that, so that text remains readable. But no, they just apply 3rd party CAS or 3rd party FSR on the final output and hope for a miracle. Meanwhile the players are trying to enjoy a game that looks like this. Maybe FDev should just give up developing games and monetize the Elite IP by licensing it to competent third parties.
29 Jul 2021, 9:23pm
I am not sure what he used, but even the lowest quality FSR setting doesn't look like that for me. In any case, why not to add it to the game - knowing that there is a problem which will take me a while to solve and when there is an easy to implement solution that alleviate the problem a little bit, I would do the same. Especially when such solution can stay in the game even after the proper fix and that some players are specifically requesting it. It's better to add it there than to ignore it completely - the outcome will be much worse.
29 Jul 2021, 10:48pm
I've noticed glasses no longer appear on any portrait images in the game even though they are still on the character model and in Holo-me.
29 Jul 2021, 10:50pm
ArtieI am not sure what he used, but even the lowest quality FSR setting doesn't look like that for me.

It will look like that if you set the output resolution to 1080p.

FSR exploits the fact that most people can't tell the difference between 4K and 1080p when playing games. They'll happily accept 1080p upscaled to 4K. So the situation now is that people with the most expensive GPUs play EDO in de-facto 1080p, and people with low end cards play it in something between 720p and 480p. We're basically back in the year 2005. That's how broken EDO's renderer is.
29 Jul 2021, 11:08pm
For me the options are:
1) Look decent, play poor.
2) Look poor, play decent.
29 Jul 2021, 11:28pm
KurakilFor me the options are:
1) Look decent, play poor.
2) Look poor, play decent.

A choice between turd and turd, actually.
29 Jul 2021, 11:54pm
It will look like that if you set the output resolution to 1080p.

FSR exploits the fact that most people can't tell the difference between 4K and 1080p when playing games. They'll happily accept 1080p upscaled to 4K. So the situation now is that people with the most expensive GPUs play EDO in de-facto 1080p, and people with low end cards play it in something between 720p and 480p. We're basically back in the year 2005. That's how broken EDO's renderer is.

My point is that even in the 1080p with the lowest possible quality the FSR doesn't look that terrible as is on his/her screenshot, so I wonder what settings were used (although I admit that I didn't test this particular scene, maybe in this situation it's really that bad). But, the quality of upscaling in this case isn't a fail of Frontier (well, aside that UI if that's happening in SRV, it certainly isn't happening on foot) but AMD - it's their upscaling tech. Of course, we all know there is a problem with the game performance, etc. but criticizing Frontier for the (lack of) quality of the optional upscaling doesn't seem to be fair. I can certainly criticize them for the performance and other problems, but not for the quirks of the optional 3rd party solution they have used.

Last edit: 30 Jul 2021, 12:06am
30 Jul 2021, 12:03am
In my case, AMD FSR looks better that the AMD CAS ever did. It's still not as good as the default but at least it doesn't look like I'm sitting too close to a CRT while playing.
30 Jul 2021, 12:22am
KurakilIn my case, AMD FSR looks better that the AMD CAS ever did. It's still not as good as the default but at least it doesn't look like I'm sitting too close to a CRT while playing.

The built-in supersampling is objectively better than FSR because it allows factor 0.85. FSR's ultra quality preset is equivalent to 0.75. And the sharpening was better with CAS because you had control over it. There was a slider for it, and you could dial it up to maximum, which turned even 0.75 into something playable in 1080p.

Here's a comparison: https://inara.cz/gallery-image/163472/
30 Jul 2021, 8:37am
At least they brought back the express departure feature.
30 Jul 2021, 8:43am
Yay, I couldn't finish my 1st CZ because the game crashed and didn't even open crash report. In addition the military settlement was borked - the pavement was like a bridge without foundation , the capture zones were floating in the air.

Frontier development routine:

+ some improvement now waste more of your time. Hold E for 1-2 sec to pick a micro chip from a locker.

Press F for Frontier's gama play ideas!
30 Jul 2021, 8:46am
Was about to say that thing with holding down E.

Soon we'll be getting wait 1min per ton of cargo transferred to your ship.

When you download something you get boosed away from it, okay maybe it only happened once.

Last edit: 30 Jul 2021, 8:56am
30 Jul 2021, 9:29am
GryphnnSoon we'll be getting wait 1min per ton of cargo transferred to your ship.

And weeks of repairs.
30 Jul 2021, 10:07am
GryphnnSoon we'll be getting wait 1min per ton of cargo transferred to your ship.

And weeks of repairs.

And real Lavian Brandy while you wait.
For me it seems to take 1-2 sec only for items for which a scan would get you in trouble. The other items pick up like normal.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.