Elite: Odyssey

26 Jul 2021, 9:48pm
Colonia have some local population that need to travel to the bubble for equipment updates. Frontier will probably add 3-4 engineers to cover all mods and call it a content
low effort content IMO
26 Jul 2021, 10:21pm
EpisparhFrontier will probably add 3-4 engineers to cover all mods

Too much work! They'll just add those mods to the existing Colonia engineers.
27 Jul 2021, 5:41am
EpisparhFrontier will probably add 3-4 engineers to cover all mods

Too much work! They'll just add those mods to the existing Colonia engineers.

Won't happen. The only QC check they actually do is to make sure ED:H players can't interact with ED:O.
27 Jul 2021, 12:53pm
KurakilWhat about Stability? I think it is probably okay for the Oppressor but what about the Tormentor?

It also increases precision which makes it a great mod for the shotgun or any full automatic kinetic weapon.

Same thing I've found in RL, firing automatic weapons (Uzi & M16): that 'pull' or 'muzzle rise' upwards for which one has to be prepared to compensate, applying just the right amount of 'down' to keep on target. In RL one can do that, but it appears that in EDO that's provided in the 'stability' mod. A very nice comparison though!

(Imagine that, an older-model cigar-smoking, motorcycle-driving, automatic machine gun-firing female! I'm also fun at parties. )
27 Jul 2021, 1:24pm
In ED: O you compensate with mouse. If you just fire automatic weapon without touching mouse bullets will go up, thus you need to compensate by pulling the mouse down while firing. Stability mod just removes the need to compensate.

But then automatic weapons are not my thing. I prefer one precise shot with a great alpha strike than throwing a sh*t load while hoping some will stick on the target.

And yes, I have experience with real guns. AK-47 in particular. That thing kicks your shoulder a lot if you hold the trigger for more than 3-5 bullets and will throw your aim away.
27 Jul 2021, 1:31pm
EpisparhIf you just fire automatic weapon without touching mouse bullets will go up, thus you need to compensate by pulling the mouse down while firing.

Same as in many other first-person games. Yeah, there's many simplifications made to simulate a real weapon recoil, but 'your crosshair is slowly moving up with each shot' is a pretty common thing.
27 Jul 2021, 1:57pm
EpisparhIn ED: O you compensate with mouse. If you just fire automatic weapon without touching mouse bullets will go up, thus you need to compensate by pulling the mouse down while firing. Stability mod just removes the need to compensate.

But then automatic weapons are not my thing. I prefer one precise shot with a great alpha strike than throwing a sh*t load while hoping some will stick on the target.

And yes, I have experience with real guns. AK-47 in particular. That thing kicks your shoulder a lot if you hold the trigger for more than 3-5 bullets and will throw your aim away.

Dragging your mouse down doesn't remove the horizontal spread
27 Jul 2021, 4:00pm
GryphnnDragging your mouse down doesn't remove the horizontal spread

That's old age for you.
27 Jul 2021, 4:06pm
27 Jul 2021, 4:13pm
You need to compensate recoil. The horizontal or RNG dispersion cannot be predicted and stability do not reduce them. Hip accuracy mod improve accuracy while firing from hip but there is no such mod while aiming.
27 Jul 2021, 4:52pm
What are everyones take on the latest dev update?

We all know talk is cheap, but at least it represents some serious progress if they make it happen.

Still needs a 12-month roadmap to prove they have a serious long term developement plan.
27 Jul 2021, 6:12pm
EpisparhYou need to compensate recoil. The horizontal or RNG dispersion cannot be predicted and stability do not reduce them. Hip accuracy mod improve accuracy while firing from hip but there is no such mod while aiming.

It does, just watch the video

It feels like I'm explaining to a flat-earther that the earth isn't flat. Even with proof, they won't believe it.

Last edit: 27 Jul 2021, 6:26pm
27 Jul 2021, 6:35pm

It does, just watch the video

It feels like I'm explaining to a flat-earther that the earth isn't flat. Even with proof, they won't believe it.

Both weapons swing left and right a bit if you do not fire, so stability do not improve that. This swing added with recoil makes it harder to predict correction this is the reason why your shots with stability are more grouped. And again - this mod is usefull only for rapid firing weapons.

all rapid firing weapons are trash
27 Jul 2021, 6:46pm
KurakilWhat about Stability? I think it is probably okay for the Oppressor but what about the Tormentor?

It also increases precision which makes it a great mod for the shotgun or any full automatic kinetic weapon.

So you agree with me then, sounded different before.
27 Jul 2021, 7:05pm
Increasing precision on Intimidator is a bug. With slow firing weapons the shots go where you aim at. Stabity do not improve accuracy. It is pointless mod for a shotgun altogether with scope. Those are bugged and you will be sorry for wasting g5 weapon with bug exploits once the thing is fixed.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.