Elite: Odyssey

04 Aug 2021, 12:46am
Would there be any reason to have silenced weapons for CZs? I can't think of one given the active nature of CZs.
04 Aug 2021, 5:47am
KurakilWould there be any reason to have silenced weapons for CZs? I can't think of one given the active nature of CZs.

No point apart from that you may need to build a second weapon. I prefer silenced weapons for settlements raiding and missions but I will rather use them in CZs than grinding a second version to G5 x4 mods.
04 Aug 2021, 4:18pm
Any idea to find smear campaign plans? I visit a lot of tourist settlements in anarchy systems but nothing.
04 Aug 2021, 5:47pm
There must be a civil unrest in the system. I got mine 8 from looping a settlement just 3 times. I have some extra, let me know if you need them, but unfortunately they are less than 8.

This https://inara.cz/station/268108/ was the settlement where I got them. It is not anarchy and BGS condition might have changed since then. It was 30+ days ago.

Actually I have 9. Send me DM or add Michael Vohr as friend in game.

Last edit: 04 Aug 2021, 6:07pm
04 Aug 2021, 6:04pm
Ok, tried one of my usually mission settlements. It looks like patch 6 boosted their settlement defenses further.

Those Enforcer troops are not joke - they carry L-6 and some advanced suit. A G5 Executioner will one shot them only if you hit the head - if you hit body you need a second one. Hence, if you not one shot it you will need two more. One for the shield and one for the remainder of suit HP. ...Ah, and you will have a rocket fired at your face with the same precision as of a sharpshooters.

In addition my target for assassination was always with a shield - no easy kill from distance or sneaky butt zapping.

If someone wants to try some hard settlement:
My mission was in Lal's Armament ++ [High Security]. Try to get their power regulator, it is fun. The good news is that it is anarchy and you will not get bounty.
04 Aug 2021, 8:52pm
EpisparhThere must be a civil unrest in the system. I got mine 8 from looping a settlement just 3 times. I have some extra, let me know if you need them, but unfortunately they are less than 8.

This https://inara.cz/station/268108/ was the settlement where I got them. It is not anarchy and BGS condition might have changed since then. It was 30+ days ago.

Actually I have 9. Send me DM or add Michael Vohr as friend in game.

Thank you again very kind.
05 Aug 2021, 7:49am
If someone wants to try some hard settlement:
My mission was in Lal's Armament ++ [High Security]. Try to get their power regulator, it is fun. The good news is that it is anarchy and you will not get bounty.

As soon as I'm back in the core systems I'd like to take on your challenge, sounds like fun
05 Aug 2021, 8:40am
Before patch 6 I usually got "tipped off" while getting combat missions to this settlement from Tito Terminal. This made the stealth aproach even more challenging but mandatory. The settlement had 22+ NPCs(most of them are security personnel) , Goliath, 2x Skimmer and full set of turrets. The vicinity is usually patrolled by at least one medium/large ship and 2-3 small.
06 Aug 2021, 12:39am
Don't know about anyone else but I've had a lot fewer slowdowns since the last update and the slowdowns I still have are less severe.
08 Aug 2021, 5:16pm
Guess I will not be playing EDO for a while until they implement redirecting shuttle flights. I am stuck in an Apex shuttle that can't figure out how to navigate to a settlement on a ringed planet (even though it is already closer to the planet than the rings), and starting in Horizons does not let me "recover to orbit".
08 Aug 2021, 5:53pm
KurakilGuess I will not be playing EDO for a while until they implement redirecting shuttle flights. I am stuck in an Apex shuttle that can't figure out how to navigate to a settlement on a ringed planet (even though it is already closer to the planet than the rings), and starting in Horizons does not let me "recover to orbit".

Tried the base game?

or stand up and punch the pilot out of the seat
08 Aug 2021, 6:05pm
Gryphnnor stand up and punch the pilot out of the seat

Yeah just do this! Oh wait a minute....... still can't stand up in your own ship. Because that would be boring apparently. Imagine though if they implemented ship interiors and it allowed you to hijack Apex shuttles.
08 Aug 2021, 6:08pm
The last time I used Apex was when I needed it to unlock that first engineer. Never touched it again after that.
08 Aug 2021, 6:16pm
Light-Hawkit allowed you to hijack Apex shuttles.

They were bad with 'call of duty' on-foot combat part, and now you want them to do 'grand theft spaceship'.
08 Aug 2021, 6:29pm
KurakilGuess I will not be playing EDO for a while until they implement redirecting shuttle flights. I am stuck in an Apex shuttle that can't figure out how to navigate to a settlement on a ringed planet (even though it is already closer to the planet than the rings), and starting in Horizons does not let me "recover to orbit".

Tried the base game?

or stand up and punch the pilot out of the seat

Yeah I tried the base game as well.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.