Elite: Odyssey

31 Aug 2021, 6:34pm
3. FPS performance in Odyssey

Further improvements have been made in this area including optimisations to the Navmesh, lighting system, terrain, NPCs, glass shaders and scatter rock LODs. Our core code team is making good progress on more substantial optimisations, a number of which we expect to be included in Update 8.

Translation: Don't expect any substantial optimizations in the upcoming update 7, and expect not all of them to be in update 8.
31 Aug 2021, 8:08pm
3. FPS performance in Odyssey

Further improvements have been made in this area including optimisations to the Navmesh, lighting system, terrain, NPCs, glass shaders and scatter rock LODs. Our core code team is making good progress on more substantial optimisations, a number of which we expect to be included in Update 8.

Translation: Don't expect any substantial optimizations in the upcoming update 7, and expect not all of them to be in update 8.

Yeah, that "we're making progress" line caught my eye too. F sakes we're going on half a year now. In March they said this stuff was done ready to be worked on for consoles. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they are making progress, but I'll never forget how deluded they were. On the bright side they'll be fixing the empty Thargoid instances and invulnerable heart bug. Finally an aspect of gameplay that, if it's true, would objectively be better than its Horizons predecessor.
31 Aug 2021, 8:33pm
3. FPS performance in Odyssey

Further improvements have been made in this area including optimisations to the Navmesh, lighting system, terrain, NPCs, glass shaders and scatter rock LODs. Our core code team is making good progress on more substantial optimisations, a number of which we expect to be included in Update 8.

Translation: Don't expect any substantial optimizations in the upcoming update 7, and expect not all of them to be in update 8.

Yeah, that "we're making progress" line caught my eye too. F sakes we're going on half a year now. In March they said this stuff was done ready to be worked on for consoles. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they are making progress, but I'll never forget how deluded they were. On the bright side they'll be fixing the empty Thargoid instances and invulnerable heart bug. Finally an aspect of gameplay that, if it's true, would objectively be better than its Horizons predecessor.

I have no sympathy for Fdev. Not a shred. They knew exactly what they were putting into the wild. My whole confusion with Odyssey is that you literally watched Hello Games and more recently CDPR crash and burn off botched releases, and those were brand new games. Odyssey is an update. Now they're balls to the wall with trying to kill bugs, have two major code bases, and have scaled back the console release indef. Good thing as well, Odyssey would've failed certification on consoles (Playstation at least) by not billing itself as early access.
31 Aug 2021, 8:56pm
By all means if Odyssey is good or bad, no one is telling about the fact that to play a game is something that's in your mind and not in the digits of an exe-file.
31 Aug 2021, 9:10pm
StiffhangerBy all means if Odyssey is good or bad, no one is telling about the fact that to play a game is something that's in your mind and not in the digits of an exe-file.

The developers of Odyssey put it into the player's head that grind for new more grind is a very exciting game mechanic. All of the novelty of Odyssey ends after 10 hours of play, beyond that is a repeat. There is no lore around Odyssey at all.
01 Sep 2021, 3:52pm
01 Sep 2021, 8:50pm
I just uninstalled Odyssey. The galaxy divide is killing it. Open mode feels much more alive in Horizons.
02 Sep 2021, 10:05am
Can I has your plainsman suit?

On a side note: Weakly 400 arx are very easy obtainable in EDO.... They are easy in EDH too by doing material trading, but that is not exactly a game play. I do not have much time to play elite nowadays, so EDO it is for me.
02 Sep 2021, 10:20am
I probably do about 1 to 5 on-foot missions per day and that's about it anymore. Just chipping away slowly at the components I need. Playing more of other games really brings out the problems this one has. It's pretty ridiculous.
07 Sep 2021, 12:58am
I don't want to spend $799 on a new GPU to play Odyssey. I'm enjoying Horizons, too much, with my old GPU. If they can get it right with the hardware specs for Horizon, then I might consider playing it again. For now, they upgraded the required hardware requirements out of my price line. And I thought I had pretty good hardware, certainly not for mining Bitcoin but at least for playing EDO. Oh well, maybe Santa Claus will bring me a new GPU.
07 Sep 2021, 1:17am
CybermyklI don't want to spend $799 on a new GPU to play Odyssey.

Yup. The irony is - Odyssey visuals is worse than Horizons. With heavier system requirements.
07 Sep 2021, 2:21am
CybermyklI don't want to spend $799 on a new GPU to play Odyssey.

Yup. The irony is - Odyssey visuals is worse than Horizons. With heavier system requirements.

10 Sep 2021, 4:57pm
i know people dont like the new ui but i generally do i just wished it loaded quicker. especially map it takes longer to get out of it than it does to get in.

On the bright side they'll be fixing the empty Thargoid instances and invulnerable heart bug. Finally an aspect of gameplay that, if it's true, would objectively be better than its Horizons predecessor.

nice cus i built a cutter for this. tho i do need to get myself some prisses.
16 Sep 2021, 12:14am
If Odyssey had been mostly bug free upon release, would it change your mind about liking it or no?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.