Elite: Odyssey

12 Aug 2021, 9:52pm
Karl Berg
EpisparhThere is an option to reset the instance without relog - recall ship, go to super cruise and drop again.

While relog will reset a ground CZ it will not reset a settlement lockers, data ports, etc. So if you want to repetitively loot a settlement, only that option work.

For CZ - menu log is the fastest way.

Isn't there a problem with relog at the moment? I've tried just that with crash site and irregular markers and it didn't worked. Mats won't respawn. I've farmed Manufacturing Instructions that way and can't since update 6.

I dunno about CZ but for me, settlement reset requires Supercruise and back, but POI I can just relog for a reset.
12 Aug 2021, 11:01pm
Karl Berg
EpisparhThere is an option to reset the instance without relog - recall ship, go to super cruise and drop again.

While relog will reset a ground CZ it will not reset a settlement lockers, data ports, etc. So if you want to repetitively loot a settlement, only that option work.

For CZ - menu log is the fastest way.

Isn't there a problem with relog at the moment? I've tried just that with crash site and irregular markers and it didn't worked. Mats won't respawn. I've farmed Manufacturing Instructions that way and can't since update 6.

I dunno about CZ but for me, settlement reset requires Supercruise and back, but POI I can just relog for a reset.

Well then, let me recheck. I surely done something wrong about POI. Thanks for all your input.
13 Aug 2021, 6:50am
I dunno about CZ but for me, settlement reset requires Supercruise and back, but POI I can just relog for a reset.

The POI thing has been changed in an update.
13 Aug 2021, 9:08am
Mission: Eliminate all Fleet Carriers in the orbit.

Last edit: 13 Aug 2021, 9:22am
13 Aug 2021, 4:17pm
GryphnnMission: Eliminate all Fleet Carriers in the orbit.

<< Show less

do it.
13 Aug 2021, 6:35pm
EpisparhIf someone wants to try some hard settlement:
My mission was in Lal's Armament ++ [High Security]. Try to get their power regulator, it is fun. The good news is that it is anarchy and you will not get bounty.

I've done it and it was great, actually have to headshot the shieldless enemies to kill them which makes it more interesting. But basically, I just cloned a lvl 1 profile to get into the CMD and then I cloned a lvl 3 to disable the alarm just in case.

So this would be my base for you: Okada Arms Garrison + [High Security] since I like this walled-in layout (but it needs to be restored right now so maybe try it next week)
13 Aug 2021, 8:30pm
Well done! I am doing the same. Only enforcers require headshot others are weaker. It is a bit harder and slower if you get "tipped off".

I will check your settlement but after the CG ends.
14 Aug 2021, 5:06am
Grinding those Settlement Defence Plans... yay.
14 Aug 2021, 1:04pm
I dunno about CZ but for me, settlement reset requires Supercruise and back, but POI I can just relog for a reset.

The POI thing has been changed in an update.

Yes they have changed and I'm now certain of it. There is also complains on reddit going the same way.

This is what I've tried with an Irregular Marker (Threat 3) POI once I've removed all items from containers and disposed of baddies:

1. Simple relog doesn't respawn items anymore
2. Going to Supercruise and back doesn't respawn items
3. Going to Supercruise and relog doesn't respawn items
4. Quit to desktop and back has worked to reset the site with all items in containers.

I didn't checked the tracker but should it be reported as a bug? Isn't relog a borderline cheat? But sometime with the grind, it was a savior.
14 Aug 2021, 9:31pm
Karl Berg
I dunno about CZ but for me, settlement reset requires Supercruise and back, but POI I can just relog for a reset.

The POI thing has been changed in an update.

Yes they have changed and I'm now certain of it. There is also complains on reddit going the same way.

This is what I've tried with an Irregular Marker (Threat 3) POI once I've removed all items from containers and disposed of baddies:

1. Simple relog doesn't respawn items anymore
2. Going to Supercruise and back doesn't respawn items
3. Going to Supercruise and relog doesn't respawn items
4. Quit to desktop and back has worked to reset the site with all items in containers.

I didn't checked the tracker but should it be reported as a bug? Isn't relog a borderline cheat? But sometime with the grind, it was a savior.

When I say relog I mean to the launcher. To the main menu doesn't work. I was doing it yesterday for some time and will be doing it some more for the rest of the Settlement Defense Plans I lack.
15 Aug 2021, 11:40am
I've just found out that On-foot Settlement Raid with eliminate X faction members are just like Ship Massacre missions:

Killing a member of this faction anywhere else than the mission target settlement will count toward your objective. I've just done a 'Fetch something from a settlement' where I've massacred everyone for items and Power Regulator and completed 2 missions in the same settlement. How cool is that?
15 Aug 2021, 11:59am
Karl BergI've just found out that On-foot Settlement Raid with eliminate X faction members are just like Ship Massacre missions:

Killing a member of this faction anywhere else than the mission target settlement will count toward your objective. I've just done a 'Fetch something from a settlement' where I've massacred everyone for items and Power Regulator and completed 2 missions in the same settlement. How cool is that?

Guess what I picked up a raid mission and the only settlement that faction is controlling needs to be restored so there is nobody to kill

2nd mission with a different faction controls 3 settlements all 3 need restoration so another impossible mission

Last edit: 15 Aug 2021, 12:26pm
15 Aug 2021, 1:31pm
GryphnnGuess what I picked up a raid mission and the only settlement that faction is controlling needs to be restored so there is nobody to kill

2nd mission with a different faction controls 3 settlements all 3 need restoration so another impossible mission

My my! Wasn't that supposed to be fixed a few updates before? It is a big time waster when you can't complete a mission because of something like that. I feel you.

Last edit: 15 Aug 2021, 10:00pm
15 Aug 2021, 10:44pm
Is there a way to tell which settlements are a CZ without being in the system? The only way I have found is to try to book a shuttle and it will say it can't be booked due to that settlement being in conflict.
16 Aug 2021, 3:45am
KurakilIs there a way to tell which settlements are a CZ without being in the system? The only way I have found is to try to book a shuttle and it will say it can't be booked due to that settlement being in conflict.

Nearest search on inara.

Select Surface settlement (Odyssey) for station type and use War or Civil War for faction state.

This will list nearest ground CZs. Unfortunately, no way to tell what is the type (low, medium or high).

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