Elite: Odyssey

21 Sep 2021, 6:47am
So, we will be getting patch 7 tomorrow. Let's hope the performance will some how improve and more bugs are fixed than added.
21 Sep 2021, 2:20pm
What is the definition of "UNIQUE SPECIES DATA LOGGED' in exobiology? I'm 80ish% into Elite:0 and have 21/25 but 85 Unique species encountered... What is the difference?

I really wish the Codex defined these listings clearly
21 Sep 2021, 3:04pm
BurstarWhat is the definition of "UNIQUE SPECIES DATA LOGGED' in exobiology? I'm 80ish% into Elite:0 and have 21/25 but 85 Unique species encountered... What is the difference?

I really wish the Codex defined these listings clearly

You found a Mars Cow, and a Venus Cow. That's 2 unique species, but only 1 data item.

So we're playing "I Spy" with fungus and instead of looking for new stuff (and finding lots of cows on different planet), we need to look for specific stuff that other people have found and turn our Codex pages blue. A sheep and a cow is more important than two different types of space cow...

...I'm hungry now.
21 Sep 2021, 3:28pm
Aunty Sledge You found a Mars ..

What in the actual F. I don't know how you did it but I'm even more confused now than I was 10 minutes ago. Near as I can tell you're trying to say that "logged = already scanned by someone else" but I'm not sure because every time I reread your statement I start questioning my sanity.
21 Sep 2021, 3:46pm
Aunty Sledge You found a Mars ..

What in the actual F. I don't know how you did it but I'm even more confused now than I was 10 minutes ago. Near as I can tell you're trying to say that "logged = already scanned by someone else" but I'm not sure because every time I reread your statement I start questioning my sanity.

Ok I'll be more specific in my theory (and it's just a theory, so don't hold me to this). Fungoida comes in different colours, but it's still Fungoida. You find green Fungoida on two planets, that's two unique species, but only 1 unique species data. You find green Fungoida and green Tubas, that's two unique species and two unique species data. The use of labeling used isn't great, but that's what FDev have given us.

Codex shows things people have reported, and things you have confirmed. You need to confirm more things. Easiest way to do that is use the Codex as an "I Spy" book and visit the things other people have already found.
21 Sep 2021, 5:22pm
Aunty Sledge Codex shows things people have reported, and things you have confirmed. You need to confirm more things. Easiest way to do that is use the Codex as an "I Spy" book and visit the things other people have already found.

Hmm, it could be this although others have posited that "genus logged" means 'you've found at least 1 of a specific genus of the 34 possible) and 'genus encountered' includes every instance you found it.

No idea which one is correct, if either, but I really don't like the concept (as a game mechanic, not that you proposed it ofc) of having to follow in someone else's footsteps as a requirement for a metric.

Last edit: 21 Sep 2021, 7:25pm
21 Sep 2021, 5:32pm
You certainly don't have to follow other people, but if anyone wants to grind the medals then visiting pre-identifed locations would be faster than relying on RNG to find them.
21 Sep 2021, 7:17pm
Aunty SledgeYou certainly don't have to follow other people, but if anyone wants to grind the medals then visiting pre-identifed locations would be faster than relying on RNG to find them.

I like your Avatar. What armor is that?
21 Sep 2021, 8:14pm
That is a stock Maverick suit.
21 Sep 2021, 9:05pm
Yep, but I'm rocking it
21 Sep 2021, 9:22pm
The suits are the best thing about Odyssey. Props to whoever designed them.
22 Sep 2021, 9:59am
i am in the artemis suit
22 Sep 2021, 10:27am
Dirniviri am in the artemis suit

Yup, the pre-order bonus version.

22 Sep 2021, 10:40am
IMO, the best suit so far is the dominator that comes with mercenary ranks - the silver one in particular.
22 Sep 2021, 10:46am
Got a picture?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.