Elite: Odyssey

01 Aug 2021, 9:34pm
Yaw/pitch on the mouse gives a huge advantage when using fixed weapons.
01 Aug 2021, 11:24pm
KurakilApparently, Apex shuttle pilots are not trained in avoiding star exclusion zones... and also they seem to yaw turn rather than roll-pitch. Must be Pilots' Federation flunkies.

Using yaw as the primary method of turning seems so weird to me. It wasn't until I got into Star Citizen that I learned it is actually quite common. I'll stick to traditional roll-pitch thanks.

I can understand using a bit of each but they like to use yaw only. Personally I use yaw to augment pitch/roll, and use it by itself pretty much only when aligning my ship to land/dock or to make minor adjustments.
02 Aug 2021, 12:50am
SakashiroYaw/pitch on the mouse gives a huge advantage when using fixed weapons.

While I can understand this concept with a mouse, we are talking about joysticks. Several players in Star Citizen have their joysticks set so that leaning to the side with the stick causes the ship to yaw. As opposed to roll...... like how all aircraft/spacecraft operate in real life. Some even set their rudder pedals to control roll. I grew up around aircraft. This concept is completely foreign to me. If it works for you then power to you but it just doesn't seem right to me.
02 Aug 2021, 4:11am
Anyone know the proposed release date for Odyssey on PS4? I'm hoping to start my on-foot adventures soon.
02 Aug 2021, 5:12am
Gatimũ KamauAnyone know the proposed release date for Odyssey on PS4? I'm hoping to start my on-foot adventures soon.

It's been delayed indefinitely. No dates. It's the end of ED on consoles, IMO. Or at least last generation Xbox/PS4 consoles.
02 Aug 2021, 8:17am
Aleksander MajjamIt's been delayed indefinitely. No dates. It's the end of ED on consoles, IMO. Or at least last generation Xbox/PS4 consoles.

I hope not. There's basically no alternative for ED on the consoles, at least to a sim in such a way since NMS by no means is a space sim game.
02 Aug 2021, 8:32am
On Xbox at least there is Space Engineers.
02 Aug 2021, 10:26am
Rho Tefnutet
Aleksander MajjamIt's been delayed indefinitely. No dates. It's the end of ED on consoles, IMO. Or at least last generation Xbox/PS4 consoles.

I hope not. There's basically no alternative for ED on the consoles, at least to a sim in such a way since NMS by no means is a space sim game.

There is still Horizons on console, kinda business as usual
As things stand with EDO you console pilots aren’t missing much! Yes, the new planetary tech can be impressive, but the performance issues are a long way from being sorted. Update 6 has brought a small improvement but nowhere near where they need to be.
I believe EDO will come out on consoles eventually, the market is just too big to ignore. The bad news is it’s likely to be a long wait. The good news is that the eventual release will be properly considered and optimised - none of the pains felt in the PC community right now!

I dunno, just call me a cock-eyed optimist?
02 Aug 2021, 12:27pm
No holding E to loot anymore

Never mind it somehow came back?!

Last edit: 02 Aug 2021, 1:57pm
02 Aug 2021, 12:36pm
Gatimũ KamauAnyone know the proposed release date for Odyssey on PS4? I'm hoping to start my on-foot adventures soon.

As others mentioned, no date. But if I should guess, it will be a first half of 2022 (that should hopefully give them enough time to solve the current problems, performance, etc.). With a more optimistic view, end of 2021 (if they will want to hit the Christmas market).
02 Aug 2021, 3:09pm
GryphnnNo holding E to loot anymore

Never mind it somehow came back?!

You only need to hold E for illegal goods. Imho that change makes a lot of sense and isn't without precedent in other games.
02 Aug 2021, 3:21pm
GryphnnNo holding E to loot anymore

Never mind it somehow came back?!

You only need to hold E for illegal goods. Imho that change makes a lot of sense and isn't without precedent in other games.

It would be nice if they added a toggle to enable/disable longpress for illegal actions, or made it a separate bind or something. Heck, a double press alah 'are you sure?' would almost work here.

SakashiroYaw/pitch on the mouse gives a huge advantage when using fixed weapons.
While I can understand this concept with a mouse, we are talking about joysticks. Several players in Star Citizen have their joysticks set so that leaning to the side with the stick causes the ship to yaw. As opposed to roll...... like how all aircraft/spacecraft operate in real life. Some even set their rudder pedals to control roll. I grew up around aircraft. This concept is completely foreign to me. If it works for you then power to you but it just doesn't seem right to me.

This setup with the rudders as roll is what I eventually went with. I tried the 'normal' rudder to yaw setup, but with Elite in particular, the fine adjustments for aiming are done much easier with yaw on the j/s. Because you're in space with lift not being a thing this setup is just far superior for any player that isn't literally a monkey
02 Aug 2021, 3:26pm
Burstar[quote=Kalenar]This setup with the rudders as roll is what I eventually went with. I tried the 'normal' rudder to yaw setup, but with Elite in particular, the fine adjustments for aiming are done much easier with yaw on the j/s. Because you're in space with lift not being a thing this setup is just far superior for any player that isn't literally a monkey

Guess I'm a monkey then. I do fly IRL so I'll be keeping controls mapped to match as such. Any different just feels wrong to me.
02 Aug 2021, 3:46pm
GryphnnNo holding E to loot anymore

Never mind it somehow came back?!

Hold E applies only for illegal actions including attachment of e-breaches.
02 Aug 2021, 3:49pm
Light-HawkI do fly IRL

But do you also shoot IRL?

I have roll and pitch on my mouse, but I know if I ever want to be competitive with fixed weapons in PvP, I'll have to learn yaw/pitch.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.