Elite: Odyssey

27 Sep 2021, 9:48pm
No game engine is frozen in time (unless there are serious reasons like a lack of resources, etc.). Speaking of Cobra engine, there was a tech to generate planets when Elite was released, but no tech for actually land there and ride there in SRVs. Now it's in the game. Similar it's for water, clouds, plants, etc. If I should simplify, the current scatter system is basically suitable for Earth-like worlds too - replace rocks with trees, boulders with plants, set criteria where and how things should be generated and that's it. The only major hurdle is the performance, but that's not an unsolvable problem. Many things were added to the game and Cobra engine since the initial Elite release and I don't see any reason why Frontier shouldn't be interested to improve their tech further.
28 Sep 2021, 9:44am
It's not about improving the tech but more about the fact they still need to adapt to median of PC builds used by players, I guess, as well as consoles. While sure, we have Series S and X, even Playstation 5 the build is still running on older generation for quite a few reasons. Current pandemic and the fact that even the new consoles - the cheaper alternative to now-expensive PC gaming, as you can't even get a good GPU aimed for gaming in price of Series S - are unavailable in a lot of markets due to issues connected with it (and created by it, such as scalpers) making players still sit on their PS4 and Xbox One.

-Knight-Really cool Avatar! ^_^

28 Sep 2021, 10:03am
ArtieNo game engine is frozen in time (unless there are serious reasons like a lack of resources, etc.). Speaking of Cobra engine, there was a tech to generate planets when Elite was released, but no tech for actually land there and ride there in SRVs. Now it's in the game. Similar it's for water, clouds, plants, etc. If I should simplify, the current scatter system is basically suitable for Earth-like worlds too - replace rocks with trees, boulders with plants, set criteria where and how things should be generated and that's it. The only major hurdle is the performance, but that's not an unsolvable problem. Many things were added to the game and Cobra engine since the initial Elite release and I don't see any reason why Frontier shouldn't be interested to improve their tech further.

I agree. But here's what I was thinking. There are only 3 global powers in the game and each has a capital. I think it would be quite possible to manually create 3 world capitals with atmosphere and cities to walk around and enjoy the architecture, meetups, etc. I think this direction should be developed. Such places, quite a finite number and it would add points to the atmosphere of the game.
28 Sep 2021, 11:08am
Yeah it is just that far too often the Engine is blamed with no basis other than its age. Far more often the culprit is management prioritizing a coding policy of "good enough = perfect". The engine can be efficient, convenient, and include all the features required to develop the games it is being used for and yet gets the blame instead of the years of slopped on hastily created fragmented buggy code that never gets improved upon until ABSOLUTELY necessary at which point it is a tangled mess and the people that at least could recognize it are gone.
28 Sep 2021, 11:44am
Iwao KishiroIt's not about improving the tech but more about the fact they still need to adapt to median of PC builds used by players, I guess, as well as consoles. While sure, we have Series S and X, even Playstation 5 the build is still running on older generation for quite a few reasons. Current pandemic and the fact that even the new consoles - the cheaper alternative to now-expensive PC gaming, as you can't even get a good GPU aimed for gaming in price of Series S - are unavailable in a lot of markets due to issues connected with it (and created by it, such as scalpers) making players still sit on their PS4 and Xbox One.

-Knight-Really cool Avatar! ^_^


*sees avatar - immediatly thinks of the Shofixti* And now I wonder who here knows what I'm talking about
28 Sep 2021, 1:59pm
You can have your code good, fast or cheap, but not all three.
28 Sep 2021, 2:20pm
Mr SloppyYou can have your code good, fast or cheap, but not all three.

Since they have been writing code for a long time, fast is no longer applicable, so there is only good and cheap. But it doesn't work that way here. In our case Long, Expensive, Bad and you can choose all 3.
28 Sep 2021, 3:40pm
Amata Lirein*sees avatar - immediatly thinks of the Shofixti* And now I wonder who here knows what I'm talking about

28 Sep 2021, 3:40pm
Since they have been writing code for a long time, fast is no longer applicable, so there is only good and cheap. But it doesn't work that way here. In our case Long, Expensive, Bad and you can choose all 3.

good point.
28 Sep 2021, 3:57pm
Amata Lirein*sees avatar - immediatly thinks of the Shofixti* And now I wonder who here knows what I'm talking about


I see you have excellent taste in games...

...though I did prefer these aliens.

28 Sep 2021, 6:00pm
28 Sep 2021, 6:12pm
As mentioned in Development Update 3, we are pleased to confirm that the following ships will all receive an extra seat to enable four Commanders to board them: Anaconda, Beluga Liner, Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, Type 9, Type 10, and the Alliance Crusader.

I'd rather have a 2nd seat in my Courier than a 4th one in my T-9.
28 Sep 2021, 7:01pm
28 Sep 2021, 8:40pm
As mentioned in Development Update 3, we are pleased to confirm that the following ships will all receive an extra seat to enable four Commanders to board them: Anaconda, Beluga Liner, Federal Corvette, Imperial Cutter, Type 9, Type 10, and the Alliance Crusader.

I'd rather have a 2nd seat in my Courier than a 4th one in my T-9.

My on-foot taxi is a Vulture. It works really well and can shield tank on the pad for ages whilst the local take pot-shot at it. Also comes with 2 seats.

You do have to wonder at those 4 seat choices, who is going to want 4 seats in most of them. Crusader seems the best option I guess. Looks like they took every 3 seat ship and added a 4th. Interesting exception was the Krait Mk2.

They missed an opportunity to make the Asp Scout good for something. Then again if they made the wing-tips fold on landing it would fit on a small pad... just saying.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.