Elite: Odyssey

29 Oct 2021, 1:14am
MeowersEliminate him psychologically. Make him kill himself in a wish to get out of this misery.

Force him to play EDO.
29 Oct 2021, 3:17am
Has anyone determined if the Culinary/Cocktail Recipes are more likely to be found at a certain type of settlement, or are they just generic filler HAB data? I've been going to a tourist settlement because it as a lot of HAB data ports but I don't come across those data types too often. Did get plenty of Faction Associates and Digital Designs however.
29 Oct 2021, 5:11am
KurakilHas anyone determined if the Culinary/Cocktail Recipes are more likely to be found at a certain type of settlement, or are they just generic filler HAB data? I've been going to a tourist settlement because it as a lot of HAB data ports but I don't come across those data types too often. Did get plenty of Faction Associates and Digital Designs however.

I think you are looking at the right data ports but I suggest you to look for different settlement states - Public Holiday is the 1st I would check.
29 Oct 2021, 9:00am
Can someone explain to me the logic of the developers. Why did they remove the total number of limpets from the HUD? The lack of this information makes the game uncomfortable. Also, I do not understand why they took away the display of the progress of ranks in the percentage, they left only a bar. In Horizons all was fine, why remove, or someone complained?
29 Oct 2021, 9:09am
A lot of information that game was giving was intentionally or otherwise removed from the new dog-s#5t UI. I suggest you to file an issue in the official tracker and open a thread in official forums - Dangerous Discussion - Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Discussion and rise as much attention you can get.

Frontier have no idea what they are doing so they are fixing/implementing stuff that are most popular. Prime example - emotes.
29 Oct 2021, 9:15am
EpisparhA lot of information that game was giving was intentionally or otherwise removed from the new dog-s#5t UI. I suggest you to file an issue in the official tracker and open a thread in official forums - Dangerous Discussion - Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Discussion and rise as much attention you can get.

Frontier have no idea what they are doing so they are fixing/implementing stuff that are most popular. Prime example - emotes.

Got it, thank you. I watched the stream with the UI developer, he said that he plays himself, but now I understand that it is profanity.
29 Oct 2021, 10:31am
29 Oct 2021, 10:58am
KurakilHas anyone determined if the Culinary/Cocktail Recipes are more likely to be found at a certain type of settlement, ...

I always found them on tourist settlements, preferably those with multiple bungalows so you get more data ports to check.
29 Oct 2021, 7:31pm
Damn, I went to a high ground CZ in Pleiades to get some fast arx. I've maxed those 1200 with just 2 CZs but I lost my other brain cell in the process. It happened that it is the large refinery/mining facility - fps became a sub 20 well too often for my liking, the NPCs were bugged somehow. Once they dropped from the ship they either stayed in spawn till someone provoked them or started to move very slow as they were confused. No surprise though with so many rockets, ships and projectiles from turrets flying around.

And talking about aim bots... enforcers can shot down a rocket fired in their direction, WTF!

I do not know whos bright idea was to add fighting combat ships above ground CZs but this certainly do not improve performance
29 Oct 2021, 9:35pm
EpisparhDamn, I went to a high ground CZ in Pleiades to get some fast arx. I've maxed those 1200 with just 2 CZs...

Yeah I maxed out after raiding one settlement three times. Didn't even kill everyone, mainly just looted.
EpisparhI do not know whos bright idea was to add fighting combat ships above ground CZs but this certainly do not improve performance

The only performance hit I had related to the ships was when a ship is first spawning. The game would freeze for about 15 seconds then proceed as usual. But I haven't had that issue since Update 8. My problem is teammates running right in front of me while I am shooting rockets...
29 Oct 2021, 9:41pm
KurakilThe only performance hit I had related to the ships was when a ship is first spawning. The game would freeze for about 15 seconds then proceed as usual. But I haven't had that issue since Update 8. My problem is teammates running right in front of me while I am shooting rockets...

I had that too, then I switched to AMD Fidelityfx Cas, Supersampling x1.0 and sharpening all the way to the left. Maybe that will help you too, seemed to make it run smoother than the standard settings, which were better before update 8.
30 Oct 2021, 8:25am
I didn't thought that jumping to Colonia can break EDO ...Switching to Horizons for the reminder of the journey
30 Oct 2021, 2:45pm
EpisparhI didn't thought that jumping to Colonia can break EDO ...

What happened?
30 Oct 2021, 4:10pm
EpisparhI didn't thought that jumping to Colonia can break EDO ...

What happened?

Around my 30th jump I started to get long system loadings while jumping and after few more I got orange sidewinder.
30 Oct 2021, 5:53pm
EpisparhAround my 30th jump I started to get long system loadings while jumping and after few more I got orange sidewinder.

I got one last night in Horizons. Probably just a server issue unrelated to EDO.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.