Elite: Odyssey

16 Oct 2021, 11:48am
Next week.
16 Oct 2021, 3:16pm
SakashiroNext week.

Thank you! Clean your FC mess hall, I may visit it
16 Oct 2021, 6:24pm
EpisparhThank you! Clean your FC mess hall, I may visit it

I think interiors are coming with update 9.
17 Oct 2021, 1:32am
Considering how many tickets I seen today submitting mine... About... this time in two years... maybe three.

18 Oct 2021, 6:04am
Woot? I can declare doom now after Drew made his announcement.
18 Oct 2021, 7:03am
EpisparhWoot? I can declare doom now after Drew made his announcement.

Not sure if he's done himself a favor with that announcement. It would be super awkward if he changed his mind later. I understand his frustration, but why burn bridges?
18 Oct 2021, 7:08am
EpisparhWoot? I can declare doom now after Drew made his announcement.

Who is Drew, what did he say, and where did he say it? Source man, we need source!!
18 Oct 2021, 7:18am
Aunty Sledge
EpisparhWoot? I can declare doom now after Drew made his announcement.

Who is Drew, what did he say, and where did he say it? Source man, we need source!!

He is an Elite Dangerous novel author and content creator. He's been quickly moving away from Elite ever since Odyssey.
18 Oct 2021, 7:23am
Aleksander Majjam
Aunty Sledge
EpisparhWoot? I can declare doom now after Drew made his announcement.

Who is Drew, what did he say, and where did he say it? Source man, we need source!!

He is an Elite Dangerous novel author and content creator. He's been quickly moving away from Elite ever since Odyssey.

Ahh, Drew Wagar. Ok, thought is was someone in FDev or something. Cheers.
18 Oct 2021, 7:53am

Not sure if he's done himself a favor with that announcement. It would be super awkward if he changed his mind later. I understand his frustration, but why burn bridges?

He didn't say he is quiting, just stopping doing any content as the game took direction he didn't like.

I kind of feel the same. I want space ships content and I got none with Odyssey. Just some third class first person shooter with horrible performance with added disadvantage of retarded UI and general darker visuals with hyper contrast that hearts my eyes.
18 Oct 2021, 2:14pm
Drew was quite possibly the single biggest fan of the Elite series, going all the way back to the original Elite in 1984. Honestly feels like a very large doom flag for the game to me.
18 Oct 2021, 2:57pm
Drew says space legs take the game into a wrong direction, so he wouldn't care about EDO even if it was technically solid. That's where I disagree. Odyssey could have been amazing if implemented properly. On-foot pew-pew is optional. It adds gameplay options without taking anything away, just like CQC did. The poor implementation is the problem. And of course the player base fragmentation that has resulted from it.
18 Oct 2021, 3:18pm
Odyssey's gameplay, broken down into simplest terms, amounts to base raiding for mats, repeatedly scanning plants for credits, and taxi cabs.

Drew also plays No Man's Sky, which has a proven track record over the years since release of providing meaningful content and QOL improvements that actually work.

Update 8 delayed to next week, by the way.
18 Oct 2021, 3:21pm
SakashiroDrew says space legs take the game into a wrong direction, so he wouldn't care about EDO even if it was technically solid. That's where I disagree. Odyssey could have been amazing if implemented properly. On-foot pew-pew is optional. It adds gameplay options without taking anything away, just like CQC did. The poor implementation is the problem. And of course the player base fragmentation that has resulted from it.

Agreed. To Drew's credit though, he did like the idea of space legs in that you could get out of your ship and walk around. He probably liked the idea of station/ship interiors but he had no interest in the FPS element and definitely no interest in the engineering grind for space suits and weapons. That said, it still seems like a big red flag on ED when Drew, a published author of several lore books on ED (published under official license from FDev) decides to throw in the towel so to speak.
18 Oct 2021, 4:21pm
Jaime WardOdyssey's gameplay, broken down into simplest terms, amounts to base raiding for mats, repeatedly scanning plants for credits, and taxi cabs.

It would be OK if the ship and suit/handgun mats were interchangeable, or at least tradable for credits. The disconnect between the various activities is annoying. It's like two separate games instead of one.

NMS chose a material tree instead, a feature common to many survival games. Basic (and abundant) raw materials can be refined into more complex ones of higher value, and most materials can be bought and sold. The result is that you can play the game exactly the way you want, without locking yourself out of certain types of progression.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.