Elite: Odyssey

28 Oct 2021, 9:11am
EpisparhI do not see any new performance issues. Unfortunately, not any improvements either. And the thing SnapStr mentioning is hilarious. The station is assembled 1-3 seconds after you arrive in the instance.

The first time I entered the station instanse I was scared because the station was not ))) And the exhausts from my engines were right on course, as if I were moving backwards. )) Thought that's it, dry oars, sailed)) But then it suddenly appears. In fact, all this is already becoming sad.
28 Oct 2021, 9:19am
GryphnnDid anyone unlock one of the new engineers yet?

Baltanos needs you to be friendly with Colonia Council, which everyone who unlocked Mel Brandon should already be. Unlocking the new engineers seems to be broken to me.

I've unlocked both Baltanos and Rosa.

Baltanos - I did an on-foot mission for the Colonia Council to *remind* them that I'm allied with them. Someone else mentioned that they sold some stuff and that worked for them, so that might be another option?

Rosa - I originally sold 10 Cocktail Recipes to the Bartender, but I didn't recipe the invite, however when I sold 10 Culinary Recipes then I did finally get the invite. Not sure Cocktail Recipes are broke or not. *shrug*

Ah I did that too starting with 10 Culinary Recipes, I guess it's 10 of each again even though it says "or"
28 Oct 2021, 9:29am
SnapStrIn fact, all this is already becoming sad.

On the positive side, as long as FDev haven't finished the DLC they sold, they can't shut down the servers. That means ED will be around for many years to come.
28 Oct 2021, 9:49am
On the positive side, as long as FDev haven't finished the DLC they sold, they can't shut down the servers. That means ED will be around for many years to come.

Honestly, I do not care if they close the servers today. I've threw cash at a lot of garbage in my life but this DLC ranks in top 10.
28 Oct 2021, 10:33am
Horizons is still a nice game. I just hope they don't mess that up as well.
28 Oct 2021, 11:26am
Vehicle gameplay is decent, but then this is not the gimmick of that DLC. Yes, Horizons is nice until they push all that UI dog-s@!$!@$ in it.

Fun fact: we are closing 6 months after the release of "finished" product. Initial plan was to get consoles release and merge Horizons/Odyssey tech at this time of the year
28 Oct 2021, 11:58am
So being a pirate is broken yet again in Odyssey. Cant use the hatch breakers on anything, after update 7 they broke cargo bays on megaships and now they made it worse. FIx one problem add 2 more. The FDEV moto
28 Oct 2021, 12:01pm

28 Oct 2021, 12:33pm
SnapStrIn fact, all this is already becoming sad.

On the positive side, as long as FDev haven't finished the DLC they sold, they can't shut down the servers. That means ED will be around for many years to come.

True, but so far the game does not help unite people online, rather the opposite divides and pushes people into solo mode. That's why I think a large number of people will easily part with Elite as it is now. Especially if there is a decent alternative.)
28 Oct 2021, 5:39pm

Let me just eliminate my target without eliminating it
28 Oct 2021, 5:58pm
Eliminate him psychologically. Make him kill himself in a wish to get out of this misery.
28 Oct 2021, 5:59pm
GryphnnShow more >>

Let me just eliminate my target without eliminating it

Obviously, anyone except the target. If you get a good spawn it will be easy. Unless it is in the CMD room of a large military complex. I've done plenty of those.
28 Oct 2021, 6:45pm
28 Oct 2021, 7:53pm
Lot of annoying bugs have popped up with this patch.

Prepare Settlement for Operation missions break most of the time and must be abandoned,
Fines and bounties accrue but the Administrator and IF contacts can't see them (but the station still locks you out. Relog to fix)
I landed at a settlement and suddenly teleported 15km away landed but 10m underground.
The gamma is still borked,

and on, and on...
28 Oct 2021, 7:55pm
Obviously, anyone except the target. If you get a good spawn it will be easy. Unless it is in the CMD room of a large military complex. I've done plenty of those.

Yeah was in a Tourist Settlement and basically opened the door for me to come in

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.