Elite: Odyssey

04 Dec 2021, 7:12am
But does the ship kill you when it explodes?

Lol no, that would make sense! silly:

To be fair, our ships are powered by nuclear fusion reactors. You'd think there would be more to it when our ships get destroyed than the relatively small pop that we get.

Not really due to the Fusion reaction though. Thing about Fusion is that its much safer and controlled than Fission is. As soon as the reactor gets breeched there would be a (relatively) small amount of residual energy and radiation leakage released before it immediately ceased. If we were to ever get Fusion figured out IRL our energy problems would be solved.

I've always pictured the ships exploding for other reasons. It uses a volatile coolant, or requires enormous capacitors or something that reacts violently to the loss of containment.
04 Dec 2021, 7:49am
BurstarNot really due to the Fusion reaction though. Thing about Fusion is that its much safer and controlled than Fission is. As soon as the reactor gets breeched there would be a (relatively) small amount of residual energy and radiation leakage released before it immediately ceased. If we were to ever get Fusion figured out IRL our energy problems would be solved.

I've always pictured the ships exploding for other reasons. It uses a volatile coolant, or requires enormous capacitors or something that reacts violently to the loss of containment.

Had not considered that. Thanks for the small science lesson! As for explosions go, I just miss watching ships go nuclear in Nexus The Jupiter Incident when they exploded.
04 Dec 2021, 8:28pm

Not really due to the Fusion reaction though. Thing about Fusion is that its much safer and controlled than Fission is. As soon as the reactor gets breeched there would be a (relatively) small amount of residual energy and radiation leakage released before it immediately ceased. If we were to ever get Fusion figured out IRL our energy problems would be solved.

I've always pictured the ships exploding for other reasons. It uses a volatile coolant, or requires enormous capacitors or something that reacts violently to the loss of containment.

Not really due to the Fusion reaction though. Thing about Fusion is that its much safer and controlled than Fission is. As soon as the reactor gets breeched there would be a (relatively) small amount of residual energy and radiation leakage released before it immediately ceased. If we were to ever get Fusion figured out IRL our energy problems would be solved.

I've always pictured the ships exploding for other reasons. It uses a volatile coolant, or requires enormous capacitors or something that reacts violently to the loss of containment.[/quote]

Thats easy
Your ship explodes because of damaged wires in your fuel tank (also the thrusters use hot plasma from the reactor as propellant).
05 Dec 2021, 9:52am
Oh boy, I can't wait for the Christmas tree suit or the gingerbread man suit
05 Dec 2021, 12:22pm
GryphnnOh boy, I can't wait for the Christmas tree suit or the gingerbread man suit

oh my dog..
05 Dec 2021, 12:25pm
Thargoids with Santa beards?..
05 Dec 2021, 7:23pm
Red nose and deer horns for your favorite ship
05 Dec 2021, 7:29pm
Episparhdeer horns for your favorite ship

Hm. Can I use them to inflict more damage when ramming stuff?
05 Dec 2021, 8:22pm
No, but that's how you get the red nose
08 Dec 2021, 3:38pm
I was holding back getting into Odyssey because I barely fit the minimum HW requirements sporting a GTX 1050Ti
But beer and a lonely saturday night evolved into me installing it and playing with settings.

So, if you don't mind upscaling, want to try it out waiting for the gfx market to get reasonable

1920x1080 - Vsync OFF

Options -> Graphics -> Quality - set it on MEDIUM

Then expand the Quality tree and select the follwing options leaving the rest untoched



It's upscaled so it doesnt' look spectacular but in space I get basically the same framerates as Horizons on ultra and, although upscaled, the lighting is better (YMMV), playable fps all over the board, but mostly 45-50 FPS on legs with frustrating but not slideshow drops to 30.
Give it a try.
08 Dec 2021, 7:26pm
Patch 9 tomorrow. Frontier just ended their stream with Vodel Scorpion cinematics AKA the new combat oriented SRV.

Last edit: 08 Dec 2021, 7:34pm
08 Dec 2021, 10:37pm
EpisparhPatch 9 tomorrow. Frontier just ended their stream with Vodel Scorpion cinematics AKA the new combat oriented SRV.
Show more >>

First thing I noticed: The Gatling gun is underpowered. 2 second burst on a Skimmer and it's not dead? I oneshot those with my Plasma Rifle...
08 Dec 2021, 11:46pm
BurstarFirst thing I noticed: The Gatling gun is underpowered. 2 second burst on a Skimmer and it's not dead? I oneshot those with my Plasma Rifle...

I wonder if we will be able to engineer it
09 Dec 2021, 8:39am
BurstarFirst thing I noticed: The Gatling gun is underpowered. 2 second burst on a Skimmer and it's not dead? I oneshot those with my Plasma Rifle...

I wonder if we will be able to engineer it

I highly doubt it. For some reason FDev made the hangar bays such that they cannot include anything modifiable in them. The day we can engineer (or even swap out for a different weapon) the turret is the day we start screaming for things like deployable Sidewinders in the fighter bay.
09 Dec 2021, 8:48am
Well there are vehicle schematics in the game

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.