Elite: Odyssey

11 Jan 2022, 8:43am
PikkuMikaI didnt.test everything it has to offer, just the easy combat zone,which was insta action and shoot everything that moves or stays still. The fighting part didnt have any problems in my eyes. It was working and i bet that the different kind of missions give some change to running around in ground stations.
Only thing which I was hopimg, was to see cmdr's running around stations. But there was none and i dont wonder why, its because there is no absolute reason. No trading,gaming or roleplaying etc mechanisms.
Why would anybody go to station to hang around. You can talk shit in system chat as much as you want.
No reason to leave ship etc.

Yeah, CZs are instant action where you are 1/12th of a team. On foot missions are quite different thing:
- for combat you will be alone vs 5-25 NPCs (the difficulty increases significantly if you get top rank NPCs and you get a "Tipped off" message where they will be expecting you)
- for others you will need to sneak and master the stealth mechanic (which is great fun IMO)

CZs are the most stupid thing in that expansion. Sometimes, I just observe how stupid the NPCs are from the roof. You can actually win ground CZ without doing anything being just a handicap for the opposite team reducing your team number by one. Mainly because capture points gives more than kills.
12 Jan 2022, 4:44pm
But anyway now that i have managed to set the game to match my computer, it looks really nice and i like the looks. Still the threshold for disembarking from ship is enourmous,since I am not so keen to do 10-300k missioms when I can do 50m missions in ship. I still think that the station should be hub for better missions and definitely a place to make player vs player transactions. There is potential for stations become bustling hubs of player actions,but its not still yet happening. Hopefully soon anyway.
12 Jan 2022, 5:46pm
Unfortunately, Frontier knows that credits are nothing nowadays so they have made them almost irrelevant for on-foot gear upgrades.

If you want better gear get ready for a grind.

Anyway, did you just played half percent of the game and then came here to tell us how great it is?
12 Jan 2022, 6:19pm
Yeah I came to talk about elite odyssey release and my experiences about it and what kind of things i would love to see,what i dont see yet. I have played elite from the release and have quite alot of experience of it.
I also have been what they call "pro gamer" when I was young. So I feel that I can talk about fps games in general without first playing thousands of hours grindy game where you do same few things over and over again. Anyway. If you dont like my opinion. Feel free to ignore them.
12 Jan 2022, 6:54pm
No, I was just interested for the information. Do I like your opinion or not is irrelevant, just wanted to know how a game released back at May in its current state may be appealing for someone.

Thank you!
12 Jan 2022, 6:59pm
Looks like you have to adapt Burstars new title, too
12 Jan 2022, 7:08pm
GryphnnLooks like you have to adapt Burstars new title, too

Epi the apparently grumpy but just a little
12 Jan 2022, 7:11pm
GryphnnLooks like you have to adapt Burstars new title, too


12 Jan 2022, 7:50pm
Erm, you have no idea what is it when I am a bit grumpy and definitely you do not want to be around when I am angry

Frankly speaking I feel a bit apathetic today
12 Jan 2022, 9:31pm
Darned! I wrote a long text with mobile and suddenly the screen just blinked and text had disappeared and language turned to german. Now I cant remember what I wrote previously. lol.
Well I have previously said that I liked the way odyssey looked and how the on foot missions and such was a nice brains off activity. Where you can just drop into battlefield and shoot enemies. I learned pretty fast,that the skill level of the player doesnt really have that big of an impact, but instead the level of equipment has to be much bigger influence on outcome. which is ok,at least for me,since I am already an old fart with slow reflexes. lol
But hey if we look at this little bit critically,there wasnt that much NEW things that was actually released. ok there was space legs, which was huge. and there was station interiors and that was absolutely awesome. also some graphics were tuned to look even better,which I first didnt see,cause of wrong kind of settings in my computer,but now when its set right. it looks great.
The missions,combat zones,assasinations? I go to place where I shoot at npc,who has shield, I need to use energy weapon to knock out his shield and after that I use kinetic weapon to knock out his hull... erm I mean armor.
SO basicly the commanders are just running ships. scanning things etc. biological or something. maybe we have been scanning lots of celestial bodies by now, now we will start to scan the rocks of these... ok that could be bearable since the game is done that way. But still... come on... there could have been better solutions than this.
To my eyes, the thing that odyssey offers. is space legs and interiors. they look great,but there is very little content in there. I dont have ready answers what to put there. I would like to see maybe casinos? wardrobe sellers to make your commander look better. after you come from fight, your clothes are destroyed because of damage etc? somekind of credit sinks anyway. elite dangerous has huge roleplaying community and they are totally forgotten. There is very little to offer for them and thats why I was little bit critisizing the lost potential of space stations. they could be so much more if there would be maybe somekind of minigame tables or other socialising means. But there isnt,which is little bit sad.
I just hope that they will add in the future. I think one of the best part is to read the system chat chatter. that kind of things could be probably added in top of cmdr in station as talking bubble etc. idk something like that.
There is lots of good things too, like emotes etc. but its kind of in a halfway,cause the social side of the game is so unfinished. you cant get the character to alive. everybody will look kind of same. there will be no han solos,cause everyone will look stormtrooper of somekind.
but in general, there was no big issues. fps worked and game looked great.
13 Jan 2022, 9:23am
There are many things to appreciate in Odyssey - the sound bites in particular... from the 'zip' sound when you exit your ship, to opening a grenade case, to the metal panel that falls to the floor when you've Arc Welded it off... you can't deny these sounds are just deliciously done. Frontiers sound team have always been excellent though.

I can also appreciate a lot of the work gone into Odyssey. I doubt that the gameplay appeals to a wider audience though (like hardcore FPS fans) and its a shame it all feels so 'late' for Elite for spacelegs to have happened in the first place.

All that being said, I enjoy the extra variety Odyssey offers. At least it gives me, as an Elite fan, more choice in terms of how and what I do.
13 Jan 2022, 9:43am
It's a large galaxy with a lot of settlements, so the chance of bumping into anyone is very slim.

Fleet carriers could perhaps be the answer, with material traders allowing players to buy/sell materials at the bar whilst storing larger amounts in their FC storage. I've got 100s of blueprints clogging up my 1000 limit that is stopping me from picking anything else up.

They also need to do something about the notoriety from ground missions, all it does is stiffle gameplay. If you want to get materials you need to get into farm mode, and that requires no messing about and kills get clocked up. Disabling the alarms should prevent gaining notoriety. Making the energylink zap a non-fatal takedown would also be really nice.

The standing mission givers where you can haggle the reward are a completely wasted oppotunity, they should be dedicated to really hard missions that require a squad. Some sort of randomly generated underground bunker, or a space hulk boarding action, or installation raid. And what happened to the Thargoids?

Finally, for the love of god give us some upgrading on that exobiology scanner so it can store more than a single plant at a time, and ideally an SRV which can scan for the next location as currently the only tools we have are the mk1 eyeball from the ship, which is nuts.

There is a lot to enjoy in Odyssey and I've certainly had good value out of it, but it's still a very mininal viable product and I don't think they are putting their resources in the best places. The new SRV is something I'll never use (but nice to see they tried), and walking mission givers, ehh, who asked for those?

Fleet carriers were very poorly released, I really hope they get some cool new additions to make them more of a hang out place where players can grab a drink and relax together.
13 Jan 2022, 10:50am
I just noticed that in Odyssey, when I use the auto dock, my Cutter doesn't offset to one side anymore. It went through the center of the mail slot like the Type 10 does. That's actually a nice subtle improvement!
13 Jan 2022, 10:57am
Will I back to my ship and current station where I docked in Horizon after finishing Elite Dangerous Odyssey training?
13 Jan 2022, 11:24am
ShuwarWill I back to my ship and current station where I docked in Horizon after finishing Elite Dangerous Odyssey training?

Yes, that should be the way it works 07

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.