Elite: Odyssey

18 Jan 2022, 11:41am
The galaxy divide is a problem. I went back to Horizons for a while, but when Odyssey's worst bugs were fixed, it was getting harder to find players in Horizons.
18 Jan 2022, 11:52am
Should I remind you that the initial plan was to merge EDH and EDO in one. Fortunately, Frontier were smart enough to recognize what disaster that would be during "alpha" release.

Else I agree, EDO stuff is not much related to the core game except that it gives you some new options for trading, bgs, etc.

The physical multicrew is even a greater fail than telepresence multicrew thanks to the unreliable net code. Tried that with Sakashiro, I had to return back because blue tunnels and network desyncs leaving the guest on the ship back on the pickup location after disconnect.

I do not have much of a problems with performance in the context of the old content in Odyssey. On-foot stuff is the real performance hogg. But you are right, the lighting, environment effects and so on are still great poo. Frontier trying to make them better but the progress is very slow considering that this was marketed as final and polished product back in May, 2021.

P.S. Teaming up in terms of a ships wing brings very lucrative options such as wing missions and wing mining. You should try them at least once if you have friends

Last edit: 18 Jan 2022, 12:17pm
18 Jan 2022, 1:28pm
maybe the problem is, that the cmdr isnt actually centered in the person. CMDR earns ranks and titles thorougout the game,but in the basegame it doesnt really show anywhere. Like if there is x amount of imperial kings flying around, there isnt any kingdoms they are ruling. Like they did implement a nice ranking system,but advancing in it, only gives permission to fly a certain ships. Thats not a bad idea,works well and atleast for me, it was something to aim to. But its left in a half way. Maybe each king would have their own minor faction to rule? it doesnt really affect the basegame or bgs in anyway, but will add titles to a cmdr and gives an option for someone to call a place a home.
Same kind of thing could be added to federal system also, may a admiral has a serving system etc or area? something that gives him a stationary spot.
18 Jan 2022, 1:35pm
18 Jan 2022, 1:57pm
I'd just be happy if the ranks of King/Admiral gave you access to acquiring your own Majestic/Farragut (respectively). As is, there is literally no point in going past Duke/Rear Admiral. Nothing changes. Nothing is rewarded/granted. Capital ships aside, I'd even be happy if all it did was make it so stations greeted you respective of said ranks.
18 Jan 2022, 2:07pm
Oh, gosh! Here comes the wet dream again
18 Jan 2022, 2:16pm
EpisparhOh, gosh! Here comes the wet dream again

LMAO at least I ended that by saying I'd be fine if all it did was give a special greeting at the respective stations in an attempt to hint that the capital ships part was kind of a joke. But on a serious note, it does seem kind of pointless to have the ranks beyond Duke and Real Admiral not grant anything. Why even have them there?
18 Jan 2022, 2:35pm
Light-HawkI'd be fine if all it did was give a special greeting at the respective stations in an attempt to hint that the capital ships part was kind of a joke.

I remember that stations used to do that before Odyssey. Something like: "We are honoured to have you with us." But I have only heard the standard ATC lines since.

Could be the result of the reputation with the related minor faction or from the superpower can't tell. Still miss it though.
18 Jan 2022, 2:56pm
GryphnnI remember that stations used to do that before Odyssey. Something like: "We are honoured to have you with us."

Imperial stations still do that.
18 Jan 2022, 3:14pm
EDDI uses ranks when you arrive in imperial/federal system from non-Imperial/non-Federal system.

"Welcome back, your Majesty!" / "Welcome back, admiral!"
18 Jan 2022, 3:44pm
EpisparhEDDI uses ranks when you arrive in imperial/federal system from non-Imperial/non-Federal system.

"Welcome back, your Majesty!" / "Welcome back, admiral!"

Wait, a third party did something better than the actual E:D developers? I think I will die of a heart attack from not-surprise.
19 Jan 2022, 11:42am
Light-HawkI'd just be happy if the ranks of King/Admiral gave you access to acquiring your own Majestic/Farragut (respectively). As is, there is literally no point in going past Duke/Rear Admiral. Nothing changes. Nothing is rewarded/granted. Capital ships aside, I'd even be happy if all it did was make it so stations greeted you respective of said ranks.

Sure, but the rank of being called 'Rear' Admiral just doesn't sit well with me.
19 Jan 2022, 12:51pm
Kirky007Sure, but the rank of being called 'Rear' Admiral just doesn't sit well with me.

I mean yeah. I maxed them both out just for completing them. I do like the ring to having the title of "King." But it doesn't actually impact anything.
19 Jan 2022, 2:31pm
Kirky007Sure, but the rank of being called 'Rear' Admiral just doesn't sit well with me.

I mean yeah. I maxed them both out just for completing them. I do like the ring to having the title of "King." But it doesn't actually impact anything.

I think you completely missed my joke.
19 Jan 2022, 2:34pm
Kirky007I think you completely missed my joke.

I'm fairly certain I got it. Just didn't directly respond to that. Mostly because I'm awake solely because I can't seem to sleep at the moment but I'm still rather tired.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.