Elite: Odyssey

14 Feb 2022, 9:12am
Yes, you're right on this. Because you want to be max efficient, you'll need that (and for the same reason, I've returned to a 24 button mouse + keyboard, because my Hotas doesn't handle all I need sometimes). But when I take my Hotas, I play with lesser binds, it's slower, but it's nice too. Another feeling.
You can definitely play without binding all the buttons, but you'll ignore some actions, no targeting subsystems and the like. Playable, enjoyable, but not if you want to be the more efficient possible. Depend of your activity in the game I think. Not a too big problem for me because I'm always a noob but I try to become better at this (and, like you, try to bind more and more)
14 Feb 2022, 10:12am
Iwao Kishiro
EpisparhPlaying a PC game on console is like shooting yourself in the foot before a marathon run, IMO.

Oh I'm so sorry for insulting you with inability to afford a gaming PC.

In all seriousness, back in 2019 the gaming PC was a serious expense given wages over here. I have no words that aren't profane words to describe situation right now. It was supposed to normalize by 2022 but it is going worse and worse, straight downhill even as the inflation and Putin's energetic blackmailing kicked in...

As for Elite: Dangerous, the controls are just perfect for a pad, so I don't know what's the problem.

What someone can afford or not is entirely different mater. ED is a PC game first. Then its older and well optimized version was ported to consoles. This is a fact. If someone can afford only a console then better stay with console game and accept sub-optimal performance of PC games.

Plus you do not even need a top tier gaming PC. EDH runs on potato laptops. I personally play EDO on 3 years old gaming laptop which costed me 1k€ 3 years ago. It is not perfect but far better Odyssey experience than any console player will get in the foreseeable future.

Last edit: 14 Feb 2022, 10:27am
14 Feb 2022, 10:25am
It is usually better to start simple and work your way up. This is the only game where I have ever used a hotas so it was not second nature to me. It took me a few weeks just to get used to moving both arms/hands as I had always used either controller or kb+m prior to this game. I just have a single monitor and no pedals as I am not that level of enthusiast.
I have my hotas buttons configured in a way so that controls that are related are grouped together and I do not have to press two buttons simultaneously with the same finger/thumb at any time (or at least very rarely). It took me about a month to figure out good bindings and have it become intuitive.
The more I can keybind, the more time I can save for any particular action, since even saving a couple seconds for any given action adds up over thousands of jumps/menus/battles/etc. Since I can't make travel faster and less tedious, I try to save time doing everything else. None of this is necessary of course but it does make quite a difference.
14 Feb 2022, 10:53am
KurakilIt is usually better to start simple and work your way up. ... It took me about a month to figure out good bindings and have it become intuitive.
True. Started with kb+m too, then purchased a simple T-Flight-X stick to use with the keyboard, and then switched to dual T16000Ms. It takes some time to define what's more comfortable for you.

KurakilThe more I can keybind, the more time I can save for any particular action, since even saving a couple seconds for any given action adds up over thousands of jumps/menus/battles/etc. Since I can't make travel faster and less tedious, I try to save time doing everything else. None of this is necessary of course but it does make quite a difference.
True as well. Even out of combat, having all the needed actions binded to keys is pretty convenient. And fast to use. I guess navigating through the same menus each time is quite nauseous on the long run. And, yeah, I have binds for equipment that I don't even have (ECM, chaff, SCBs) or actions that I don't use (wing options, silent running), in case I'll need them one day in the future, and then I could use them without re-binding the keys.
14 Feb 2022, 11:02am
MeowersAnd, yeah, I have binds for equipment that I don't even have (ECM, chaff, SCBs) or actions that I don't use (wing options, silent running), in case I'll need them one day in the future, and then I could use them without re-binding the keys.

I do the same for the same reason. Get everything bound you find essential first, then the misc ones and be done with it. :3
14 Feb 2022, 12:01pm
Your conversation reminds me for that particular video:

Last edit: 14 Feb 2022, 12:24pm
14 Feb 2022, 2:42pm
MeowersAnd, yeah, I have binds for equipment that I don't even have (ECM, chaff, SCBs) or actions that I don't use (wing options, silent running), in case I'll need them one day in the future, and then I could use them without re-binding the keys.

I do the same for the same reason. Get everything bound you find essential first, then the misc ones and be done with it. :3

I use key combinations, too when a key is already used but would make sense in that context so I can remember it better. Like:
Alt+M for Galaxy Map
Alt+S for System Map
Alt+(+) for silent running since it deactivates shields and the brackets look like shields
14 Feb 2022, 2:50pm
GryphnnI use key combinations, too when a key is already used but would make sense in that context so I can remember it better. Like:
Alt+M for Galaxy Map
Alt+S for System Map
Alt+(+) for silent running since it deactivates shields and the brackets look like shields
Hm, that's a great idea actually. When I (finally) treat myself with a better keypad (since 104-keyboard is too wide to be placed between the sticks), I'll think about it... My current one is a test, 'would I like it or not', and it's doing well so far.

p.s. Maybe I'll even try different keycap colours for different 'groups', like, red for combat essentials, blue for FSD and exploration stuff, etc. Aesthetics, dammit!

p.s.2. Ah, speaking about the binds and efficiency. There's one issue. Thargon Swarms are considered a 'missile' by the game engine, they have white sensor marker. I have to open the Ext panel, select a swarm, target it, close the panel. Four clicks. Ah, okay, I'm already at the safe distance when I perform these actions, but nevertheless adding more clicks and movements to that will be annoying.

Last edit: 15 Feb 2022, 1:43am
15 Feb 2022, 3:30pm
Why don't you point the nose toward the swarm and click target? It works for me.
15 Feb 2022, 3:45pm
Episparh the BluntWhy don't you point the nose toward the swarm and click target? It works for me.
Yeah, that works good. However, I prefer to see the aiming marker before 'stabilising' the reverski, so I could adjust the manoeuvre quicker and maybe even make a quick shot if my aimpoint is going to cross the circle, before I stabilise the ship and aim better.
15 Feb 2022, 4:49pm
Oh, boi! You doing AX combat with that FDL and no MRPs and 2 flaks...
That would be interesting to watch.
15 Feb 2022, 4:50pm
Episparh the BluntOh, boi! You doing AX combat with that FDL and no MRPs and 2 flaks...
That would be interesting to watch.
Ah, 2 flaks is a temporary stuff, I'm gradually reducing the gauss cannon quantity from 4 to 1 to improve my aim
15 Feb 2022, 4:59pm
Episparh the BluntOh, boi! You doing AX combat with that FDL and no MRPs and 2 flaks...
That would be interesting to watch.

Ah, 2 flaks is a temporary stuff, I'm gradually reducing the gauss cannon quantity from 4 to 1 to improve my aim

I would go 2 by 2 left and right to chain fire them. And probably a heat venting laser on the large as I am not fighting larger variants to worry for swarm.
15 Feb 2022, 5:02pm
Episparh the BluntI would go 2 by 2 left and right to chain fire them. And probably a heat venting laser on the large as I am not fighting larger variants to worry for swarm.
Ah, I have my own approach. What's those MRPs and venting lasers anyway? I'm just doing pew-pew-pew and then the Thargoid goes "wooooooooo" and "booooom".
15 Feb 2022, 5:09pm
Module Reinforcement Packages reduce damage to modules.
Long range heat venting laser keeps your ship cold and helps with reducing Thargoid shield faster.

I like the 6 utility slots but I would go full heat sinks on them. In solo fights I need to make a terrible mistake to have the EMP triggered and I do not need scanner as I target hearts visually.

Edit: Forget it. I wouldn't even try it.

Last edit: 15 Feb 2022, 5:16pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.