Elite: Odyssey

10 Feb 2022, 4:30pm
I've no issue with cosmetics, and even fDev putting them in when there are bugs that need fixing - I like all wheels spinning, I like content - but when the cosmetics are just completely off the wall, not fitting to the hard sci-fi style of the game... well it just puts it in line with every other game with gimmicky cosmetics. It's disappointing, that's all.
10 Feb 2022, 5:08pm
EpisparhOh my....!

That's what happens when cretins tell artists what to create. Their train of thought: people like sci-fi, people like Halloween, people like Christmas, people like Lunar New Year, why not roll them all into one? This cash-grabbing simpleton attitude is the reason why the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special exists and almost ruined an upcoming multi-billion dollar franchise in its infancy.

Every time FDev peddles immersion-breaking crap like that, they make Star Citizen look a bit cooler.
12 Feb 2022, 3:08pm
Light-HawkI'm confused. What do you mean I have to say goodbye to Elite Dangerous? Also Starfield is going to be an entirely different game so not sure how the connection is drawn there.

Also on a side note, I can understand frustration on the console players side since not only was Odyssey released on PC, but additional content has also come out since Odyssey's release. Such as the new SRV. So it does seem more and more like console players are just getting left behind. IMO the new SRV is kind of pointless. Personally I think it would be better if FDev strictly focused on making Odyssey work properly across all platforms before adding more content. No point adding more content that's not really playable while the core is still broken.

If FDev would release new ships and ship weaponry being exclusive only to Odyssey, that would be a middle finger to non-PC players -- and for many be time just to leave the game.

Every time FDev peddles immersion-breaking crap like that, they make Star Citizen look a bit cooler.

Star Citizen has two very problematic things: it's not out as a full open-ended game... and the fact you need a PC to play it (with current hardware prices having a thing that won't set itself on fire is a feat!)

Used cars that are cheaper than a high-end gaming PC over here. Hell, a truly mid-tier (to PC Master Race) gaming PC is so expensive wage-wise the Microsoft consoles are a more reasonable purchase here, as actual average wages are just sad.

Edit: I just realized that you can no longer buy new stuff for Holo Me as a console player...

Last edit: 12 Feb 2022, 3:20pm
12 Feb 2022, 3:26pm
Iwao KishiroIf FDev would release new ships and ship weaponry being exclusive only to Odyssey, that would be a middle finger to non-PC players -- and for many be time just to leave the game.

I hate that I feel this way but I almost wouldn't be surprised at this point if FDev did just that eventually.
12 Feb 2022, 10:51pm
Iwao KishiroIf FDev would release new ships and ship weaponry being exclusive only to Odyssey, that would be a middle finger to non-PC players -- and for many be time just to leave the game.

I hate that I feel this way but I almost wouldn't be surprised at this point if FDev did just that eventually.

It would all depend on how much of their revenue comes from consoles.
Anyone know what the breakdown is of PC v Console in ED?
13 Feb 2022, 10:37am
Playing a PC game on console is like shooting yourself in the foot before a marathon run, IMO.

FC interiors look cool. Four available locations: hangar, bow, stern and bridge( which have a ready room).

All cool stuff with zero game play addition. At least we will be able to customize it.

Buy ARX!
13 Feb 2022, 11:38am
Will we be able to taxi to them now though?
13 Feb 2022, 12:50pm
I haven't seen such thing in the footage.
13 Feb 2022, 9:15pm
EpisparhPlaying a PC game on console is like shooting yourself in the foot before a marathon run, IMO.

Oh I'm so sorry for insulting you with inability to afford a gaming PC.

In all seriousness, back in 2019 the gaming PC was a serious expense given wages over here. I have no words that aren't profane words to describe situation right now. It was supposed to normalize by 2022 but it is going worse and worse, straight downhill even as the inflation and Putin's energetic blackmailing kicked in...

As for Elite: Dangerous, the controls are just perfect for a pad, so I don't know what's the problem.

Last edit: 13 Feb 2022, 9:24pm
13 Feb 2022, 9:52pm
Iwao KishiroAs for Elite: Dangerous, the controls are just perfect for a pad, so I don't know what's the problem.
I have dual T16000M setup, 30 buttons, 2 triggers, 2 hat-switches, and it's still not enough for all key binds (there's about 45 of them that I need to play comfortably). And they're not as convenient to use as a keyboard.
13 Feb 2022, 11:01pm
Iwao KishiroAs for Elite: Dangerous, the controls are just perfect for a pad, so I don't know what's the problem.

I have dual T16000M setup, 30 buttons, 2 triggers, 2 hat-switches, and it's still not enough for all key binds (there's about 45 of them that I need to play comfortably). And they're not as convenient to use as a keyboard.

I have nearly 40 digital inputs and 5 different analog inputs with my hotas (I don't use all of them but pretty close) and use most of the keyboard. I still have countless things unmapped for the in-game control settings. To be honest it is just plain ridiculous to have this many controls for a non-simulator game.
I used a gamepad for a couple weeks back in 2014/2015 when I was new to the game but it never felt like I had sufficient control even for the most basic maneuvers and your input numbers and options are incredibly limited. I've even tried kb+m and it's fine for on foot of course but doesn't feel tight enough for ships. From my perspective, I can't understand how the game can even be played with any degree of control or precision without a good hotas setup. Unfortunately the ones worth getting tend to cost more.
13 Feb 2022, 11:02pm
Iwao KishiroAs for Elite: Dangerous, the controls are just perfect for a pad, so I don't know what's the problem.

I have dual T16000M setup, 30 buttons, 2 triggers, 2 hat-switches, and it's still not enough for all key binds (there's about 45 of them that I need to play comfortably). And they're not as convenient to use as a keyboard.

The pads (at least the console editions) have context buttons and combinations that give a lot of button binding options. I'm kinda curious what kind of bindings you have there, since I don't recall using more than 15 bindings... unless the controls are so intuitive and I do everything automatically I simply do not feel there is so much bindings.

But then again, I am a guy who plays Stellaris on Xbox and I am so used to the pad I wasn't able to grasp controls of Stellaris on PC...
13 Feb 2022, 11:37pm
Iwao KishiroI'm kinda curious what kind of bindings you have there, since I don't recall using more than 15 bindings... unless the controls are so intuitive and I do everything automatically I simply do not feel there is so much bindings.

Team 1, 2, 3, Team Nav & Target, silent running, Ext-Role-Int-Comms modes, DSS & DSS filter prev & next & front/back, FSS, disc.scan, FSS target, headlights, NV, scoop, gear, orbit lines, hardpoints, cockpit mode, UI select&back, left-right-up-down, prev&next tabs and pages, gal map, sys map, next system, supercruise/jump/FSD switch, heatsink, SCB, chaff, ecm, xeno field neutraliser.

That's a lot of binds, lol. And stick base buttons are completely non-intuitive, so I use a cheap and simple 50-button gaming keypad that I place between the sticks while playing. Yeah, I use 2/3 of them in my daily playing, but I still want to bind any stuff that I could use so I don't have to rebind the keys later.

KurakilFrom my perspective, I can't understand how the game can even be played with any degree of control or precision without a good hotas setup. Unfortunately the ones worth getting tend to cost more.
Let's just call it 'half-simulator'. And having 40+ binds is logical now!

Last edit: 13 Feb 2022, 11:43pm
14 Feb 2022, 7:57am
A lot of the binds are contextual or can be accessed via another screen (who cost just 1 clic more), so we can bind all the functions, but we don't have to because they can be accessed anyway. For example, you can open the galaxy and system map via left console, no need to bind this. I admit, it depend on your level of effectiveness in the game. Like other games, we can live without binding all the stuff because we cannot need to use all the stuff anyway (never used "next system", can access to it by the left panel too).

Buuut yeah, it's a kind of simulator, so the more you are confident with the game, the more you need control and quick access to your control, the more you bind. Not mandatory, but it's more effective. ^^
14 Feb 2022, 8:44am
Mary QuinnA lot of the binds are contextual or can be accessed via another screen (who cost just 1 clic more)
Uh... Still too slow and too much hand movements. For example, I need to boost and keep the enemies right behind me to do reverski then, and, when building up distance, I need to retarget (Ext panel) or check the modules and repair if needed (Int panel). Can't use POV hats to move my head, as left is used for thrust control and heatsinks, right is for pips, so, I have to use Int/Ext UI binds, then tab prev/next and 'arrow' keys to access the needed menu and select/back to use it properly. It's 10 binds already. And waving my hands around, from sticks to the mouse, from the mouse to the keypad etc. is too messy and won't add any speed and precision to my actions...

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.