Elite: Odyssey

13 Jul 2024, 1:54pm
Episparh"Sell a total of 20 Biological sample, Employee genetic data and Genetic research to bartenders."

Yes I can read what it says but does that mean 20 "of each" in total or 20 in total regardless of which? Saying "20 in total" then listing 3 items doesn't explain it very well.
Could I provide 20 of one or do I need to provide 20 of each so 60?
14 Jul 2024, 11:28am
Episparh"Sell a total of 20 Biological sample, Employee genetic data and Genetic research to bartenders."

Yes I can read what it says but does that mean 20 "of each" in total or 20 in total regardless of which? Saying "20 in total" then listing 3 items doesn't explain it very well.
Could I provide 20 of one or do I need to provide 20 of each so 60?

It's 20 in total. I guess you need to have some of each in the total, judging by the wording. The use of the word 'and' rather than 'or' may be significant.
14 Jul 2024, 1:44pm
"Total of" != "of each".

Total of 20 A, B and C. Any combination of A, B and C that totals 20.
20 of each A, B and C. 20 of A + 20 of B + 20 of C.

Total of a list of items. The AND is correct. If you put OR there. I would read it as 20 of A or 20 of B or 20 of C.

Some brit or murican will surely correct me if I am wrong as my mother tongue is from Slavic origin.

Last edit: 14 Jul 2024, 2:07pm
15 Jul 2024, 7:58am
Saying "total of 20" then listing 3 items isn't very clear. Hence the question.

I'm an English teacher. From England.
15 Jul 2024, 8:06am
Bainsey7Saying "total of 20" then listing 3 items isn't very clear. Hence the question.

I'm an English teacher. From England.

How you paraphrase it then to make it more clear in a single sentence?

The programmer in me interprets it as described in my previous post.
15 Jul 2024, 8:38am
By specifying either "a total of 20 of any of the following items" which would mean only 20 to be collected or "20 of each of the following items" which would mean 60 items in total. Depending on which is required.
As it stands, there's no way to know which based on the existing sentence.
13 Aug 2024, 10:01am
So, I haven't visited any Spire sites yet and I hear that the Artemis suit is best for them. Is this because you need the bio-scan tool?
I found two grade 3 Artemis suits. One with enhanced tracking and extra backpack capacity and the other has night vision and damage resistance. Is it worth upgrading and modifying one of these? If not, what's a good build for a Spire site Artemis suit?
13 Aug 2024, 10:35am
Depends what you want to do at the Spire Site.
For landing on the platforms and collecting mats and samples the Artemis is best, the scan sample tool is needed for collecting mats from the 'branches'. Night vision is handy and I would suggest jump assist as another useful upgrade, XL backpack is less of an issue for Spire operations, especially since the Type 8 update which increased the base capacity.

If you plan to raid the barnacle sites you will need a tougher suit, Maverick will do but I prefer a Dominator for the extra weapon. A double Manticore Intimidator load out with a holster reload upgrade can give severe terminal indigestion to any pesky Banshee.
14 Aug 2024, 7:02pm
Thanks, CMDR. o7
05 Sep 2024, 2:51pm
How many "Unique species" are there to encounter (for exobiology)?

I thought to aim for a second tier 5 exobiology medal, but whereas # of species scanned and # of planets visited are unlimited, there must be a hard cap to Unique species - are there even 150 out there (I just added ~100 new scans to my totals, but incremented unique species by just 1, from 93 to 94...)?
05 Sep 2024, 7:19pm
Agga SalkI thought to aim for a second tier 5 exobiology medal, but whereas # of species scanned and # of planets visited are unlimited, there must be a hard cap to Unique species - are there even 150 out there (I just added ~100 new scans to my totals, but incremented unique species by just 1, from 93 to 94...)?

You do not need to increase the number of unique species above 75 to gain the extra medals, precisely because there is a hard cap. I already have 3 tier 5 exobiology medals, having registered 1507 data for 548 planets (95 unique species).
06 Sep 2024, 6:29am
Sampi Ogonek
Agga SalkI thought to aim for a second tier 5 exobiology medal, but whereas # of species scanned and # of planets visited are unlimited, there must be a hard cap to Unique species - are there even 150 out there (I just added ~100 new scans to my totals, but incremented unique species by just 1, from 93 to 94...)?

You do not need to increase the number of unique species above 75 to gain the extra medals, precisely because there is a hard cap. I already have 3 tier 5 exobiology medals, having registered 1507 data for 548 planets (95 unique species).

excellent, great to know! o7
today, 3:18pm
Got attacked by weird spiky ships and lost all my bio/DNA data I had collected. F****!
today, 5:30pm
AHGot attacked by weird spiky ships and lost all my bio/DNA data I had collected. F****!

First off you should tell us if you were in the area known as the Bubble , or were you farther out
depending on where you were attacked it could be unusual
We do currently have an invasion and war going on against these aliens and very likely you ran afoul of them
My first suggestion is to acquire a thargoid pulse nuetralizer but not the Titan pulse one the one that prevents the shut down field on your ship

Second is i would look up some basic tutorials on what to do when hyperdicted by a goid
Basic rule of the fight is to go silent running , go past the goids so they have to turn around which takes them a moment and then when your fsd is online again jump away
today, 7:23pm
Just get a fast ship. Speed solves so many different problems all at once.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.