Elite: Odyssey

10 Mar 2022, 5:02pm
I knew there was bad news coming... Just took them a month to work up the courage to come out and say it.
10 Mar 2022, 6:35pm
ArtieNot exactly good news for the commanders on consoles: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/console-update.600233/

I would like however assure that despite that news nothing is changing for console commanders support on Inara and everything will be working as usually.

I think many Commanders on console will trash definetly the game, due to lame Fdev developing and comunication. From my point of view this is the tombston on Fdev credibility
10 Mar 2022, 6:42pm
I won't trash ED because there's literally no other game like ED on the consoles. So... what now? Does it mean or just no new content for the consoles, as well? Because if Frontier would be that suicidal to lock new content behind Odyssey...
10 Mar 2022, 7:00pm
Iwao KishiroI won't trash ED because there's literally no other game like ED on the consoles. So... what now? Does it mean or just no new content for the consoles, as well? Because if Frontier would be that suicidal to lock new content behind Odyssey...

Fairly certain anything new from this point forward will be locked to PC players. "we have decided to cancel all console development. We need to be able to move forward with the story of the game, and in order for us to do this we need to focus on a single codebase. Elite Dangerous will continue on console as it is now together with critical updates, but we will focus on new content updates on PC on the post-Odyssey codebase." So sadly yes. No new content will be coming to the consoles.
10 Mar 2022, 7:10pm
I guess current common stuff like new community goals and similar will still run. Just any "physical" new content requiring the client update won't be there (like speculated Thargoid shooting on foot and such stuff).
10 Mar 2022, 7:12pm
Honestly, while it sucks for the players on the console versions, it was foolish for FDev (or any other developer really) to target consoles with a game that demands ongoing development. Imagine if an MMO like World of Warcraft or EVE Online had targeted consoles as well from the beginning (circa 2003)? Would you expect them to continue to support running the game on every generation of XBox and every generation of Playstation since the PS2? Its simply an untenable position to target consoles for anything that is in continuous development. It was released on the XBox One and PS4, both of which have now been replaced by newer consoles. Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed with each new generation, and maintaining compatibility with old hardware is a fool's errand. As a development team, you would have to ask: Do we stop pushing the limit on the PC side, or do we stop supporting the aging hardware of the console side?

I know that's a bitter pill to swallow, but that's my realistic take on the situation. FWIW, I don't have a beefy computer myself, but I at least have an option to upgrade my hardware that the consoles simply do not have.
10 Mar 2022, 7:21pm
We do get a lot of us are too poor to own a gaming PC (wages are shit where I live), but that's just a cold one from Frontier. A very heavy... blow.

I don't even know what to write at this point. I had many ideas and push and love for Elite but right now... it's over. It's just over the longer I look at Barben's message. It's dead, Jim.
10 Mar 2022, 7:26pm
Iwao KishiroI won't trash ED because there's literally no other game like ED on the consoles. So... what now? Does it mean or just no new content for the consoles, as well? Because if Frontier would be that suicidal to lock new content behind Odyssey...

I don't want change your point of view of course. Just consider this: in Fdev probably count on the fact that "no other game like ED on the console" actually exhist, so this absence of an alternative will force players/customers to carry on playing an abandoned game, that will not receive anymore a single new content, either a single ship.

From my point of view this is a kind of "psycological ransom": you don't have alternative, so if u want travel in space you MUST accept these conditions.

I think is quite unfair.

But is just my point of view
10 Mar 2022, 7:37pm
It is the psychological ransom, but look at it from point of view of a person who loves hard sci-fi settings and space simulations. There's literally no alternative to ED at the moment, taking these two into consideration. The fact we won't receive ANY new content is just a very slap for a lot of people who, for various reasons, cannot simply get into PC gaming.
10 Mar 2022, 7:44pm
Iwao KishiroIt is the psychological ransom, but look at it from point of view of a person who loves hard sci-fi settings and space simulations. There's literally no alternative to ED at the moment, taking these two into consideration. The fact we won't receive ANY new content is just a very slap for a lot of people who, for various reasons, cannot simply get into PC gaming.

I perfectly understand your addiction and i don't blame it. But any time you/we 'll continue play this game, you/we must remind to ourselves that, from the point of view of Fdew, we are Second Class Player.
10 Mar 2022, 7:52pm
Elite, sans Odyssey, is eminently playable. If you can "make your own fun" in the sandbox that already exists, you can continue playing it on consoles so long as the servers stay running.

I can't imagine playing Elite on a console, personally, and I would not have undertaken it. But if development of new content on PC ceased, I'd continue playing it as it is today, or pre-Odyssey. Hell, I'd probably keep playing it, albeit maybe less regularly, if it were strictly Solo mode, too. YMMV obvs.

Now, it seems like Odyssey was a major misfire. It feels like they tried to do something that would eventually work on consoles, and ended up cutting a lot of corners on the PC version to make it preemptively fit into the constraints of consoles - this, and performance issues, made it the steaming pile it was on release. If they hadn't hoped to ever ship it for consoles, it may well have been much better as a PC-native expansion. Giving up on Odyssey on consoles gives them the opportunity to make Odyssey improvements for PC specifically. Maybe they'll even attempt that.
10 Mar 2022, 8:04pm
But hey, FDev dev team are on their way to create a fully functional arse! Soon we'll be able to sit on it, I wonder what their next move will be!
10 Mar 2022, 8:05pm
James HussarNow, it seems like Odyssey was a major misfire. It feels like they tried to do something that would eventually work on consoles, and ended up cutting a lot of corners on the PC version to make it preemptively fit into the constraints of consoles - this, and performance issues, made it the steaming pile it was on release. If they hadn't hoped to ever ship it for consoles, it may well have been much better as a PC-native expansion. Giving up on Odyssey on consoles gives them the opportunity to make Odyssey improvements for PC specifically. Maybe they'll even attempt that.

This is dumb. The same thing was said about Cyberpunk, that the console version of the game is what broke/gimped the PC version. In SW engineering, you start from the top (PC) and work your way down to console ports by removing "things" to make the performance better. I guarantee you that they were not working on console versions of Odyssey at all. Period. It was already PC-Native. It just that the PC code/performance was absolutely terrible. Even if there were no console versions planned from the beginning, you would have still ended up with shitty Odyssey with the timeframe they released it on. Also, Odyssey would have never passed console certifications in the state of which it was released, especially following the Cyberpunk fiasco.

Odyssey was never ported to consoles. Don't blame consoles for Odyssey's failed release state.
10 Mar 2022, 8:11pm
It's not just about Odyssey or it's "on-foot" content. It is about the fact they put a big red line on console players, because console development as a whole, ended. Not just for Odyssey, but for entire Elite Dangerous. We won't receive new ships, no new ship weapons, no new space stuff, no new toys to play with... none of that, at all.
10 Mar 2022, 8:14pm
James HussarElite, sans Odyssey, is eminently playable. If you can "make your own fun" in the sandbox that already exists, you can continue playing it on consoles so long as the servers stay running.

From my point of view i don't understand why my imagination should put a patch on the failures of a software house. They planned and developed poorly Odyssey, and the comunication for the console players (a delay first, and now the total cancellation of the game) was either worst.

I can also accept to play this game as a "second class player", accepting to use my imagination for fill the lack of content of Fdev. But they way Fdev used for communicate for me his unacceptable, and burned in a glimpse any sign of trustability of the software house. At current state they could decide to shut down the servers too and tell us just 10 minutes before to execute.

First they burned the Apple players, now they discard the console players...oh what exciting elimination game. Im afraid thinking about the next player's category Fdev will kick off from the game.

And i spare you my disappointment looking that they are unable to port Odyssey on consoles, but are absolutly ready for lunch their new F1 Manager 2022 game...

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.