Elite: Odyssey

13 Mar 2022, 7:32am
KurakilI still have several games from the 90s... back in the olden days when released products were generally finished and patches were infrequent with only minor fixes.

Yep! Online distribution had spoiled the developers. When they (we, lol) had to test everything thoroughly before releasing a copy that will go to the master-disks, having any serious bugs on it was a horrible blow. Now? Now crap.

(I'm not that old to remember '80s-'90s games 'when they were new', but my first PC was a piece of rubbish, so I've played those masterpieces instead of first potato-like 3d.)
14 Mar 2022, 5:40pm
15 Mar 2022, 8:04am
U11 dropping in two hours.
15 Mar 2022, 9:51am
10:50PM Tue here in New Zealand. Just got the message that servers are going down for updates. Parked in my FC and logged off. Here is to U11.
15 Mar 2022, 12:15pm
The "UPGRADE" button is available in the client.
15 Mar 2022, 12:50pm
Why is my toon so uncomfortable in a chair ? It is like someone left something on the sit before me sitting there
15 Mar 2022, 12:55pm
lol Who is ever gonna sell me Weapon Components for 10000 cr (max. possible buy price 1000% of galactic average)
15 Mar 2022, 1:04pm
Just launched the game. Upscaling now on by default? Even in ultra? I see where this is going...
15 Mar 2022, 1:16pm

You cannot chat while sitting.

This tells a lot of how well thought the entire design is
15 Mar 2022, 1:23pm
Gryphnnlol Who is ever gonna sell me Weapon Components for 10000 cr (max. possible buy price 1000% of galactic average)

There is one benefit of the new system - more storage for components xD

Else I do not bother with profit from the bar - I sell everything that I do not need and can be used for engineer unlocks at 100% price.
15 Mar 2022, 1:28pm
Episparh the Blunt
Gryphnnlol Who is ever gonna sell me Weapon Components for 10000 cr (max. possible buy price 1000% of galactic average)

There is one benefit of the new system - more storage for components xD

Else I do not bother with profit from the bar - I sell everything that I do not need and can be used for engineer unlocks at 100% price.

Then let me know if you sell Weapon Components I'd buy 100 for 10k each (both max. amount you can set)
15 Mar 2022, 1:31pm

Then let me know if you sell Weapon Components I'd buy 100 for 10k each (both max. amount you can set)

Just loot anything from that category and trade for them (Chips, Encrypted chips , etc. ) those are relatively easy to come by.

Settlement defense plans on other hand cannot be obtained so easily.
15 Mar 2022, 1:40pm
R. I. P screenshots folder
15 Mar 2022, 2:01pm
FC jump looks nice. Not seeing any NPCs landing and leaving FC while on bridge while plenty of activity while in ship on landing pad.

I do not see myself using that view anyway.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.