Elite: Odyssey

11 Mar 2022, 8:38am
Grecale80I wonder how this could impact on the BGS. Probably it will be completly unbalanced in favour of the squadron pc based. In any case whatever fdev could says this is still a psycological ransom: or you change platform, loosing any progress you achieved, o shut up and play a second class game.

I'd blame FDev's incompetence rather than malicious intent. No doubt they'd love to sell you the Odyssey DLC if they could. But FDev is no Hello Games and no CD Projekt RED either. I've spent this week playing Cyberpunk 2077, and it's ridiculous how much better that game looks and performs, compared to Odyssey. No Man's Sky is going to be released for the Nintendo Switch this summer. Meanwhile FDev is struggling to make their game work even on high-end PCs.
11 Mar 2022, 9:14am
Yuna Sakashiro
I'd blame FDev's incompetence rather than malicious intent. No doubt they'd love to sell you the Odyssey DLC if they could. But FDev is no Hello Games and no CD Projekt RED either. I've spent this week playing Cyberpunk 2077, and it's ridiculous how much better that game looks and performs, compared to Odyssey. No Man's Sky is going to be released for the Nintendo Switch this summer. Meanwhile FDev is struggling to make their game work even on high-end PCs.

If i switch on PC i should in any case buy the copy of the game. So Fdev in any case will sell me his product (but in this case i have to buy AGAIN the whole product, while on PS just the new dlc).

For me is suspectly malicious.

And from my point of view incompetence does not exclude malice

Last edit: 11 Mar 2022, 9:39am
11 Mar 2022, 9:24am
Yuna Sakashiro I'd blame FDev's incompetence rather than malicious intent. No doubt they'd love to sell you the Odyssey DLC if they could. But FDev is no Hello Games and no CD Projekt RED either. I've spent this week playing Cyberpunk 2077, and it's ridiculous how much better that game looks and performs, compared to Odyssey. No Man's Sky is going to be released for the Nintendo Switch this summer. Meanwhile FDev is struggling to make their game work even on high-end PCs.

I'm all for attributing performance to incompetence over malice in the beginning, but, at a certain point FDev crossed that line and it was years ago.
They have NEVER hit it out of the park when releasing anything Elite. The exception was the initial release. Even that had its issues, but nothing that would set off alarms and in general the product was so good you could let the bugs slide. FDev has relied on that tendency for their player base to tolerate the BS way too much and it's just been getting worse every year. At some point refusing to improve, and doubling down on minimizing QA to rush out garbage becomes malice. FDev has zero respect from me anymore. Fool me once, shame on them, fool me dozens of times, okay guess I'm an idiot.
11 Mar 2022, 10:17am
Yuna Sakashiro...But FDev is no Hello Games and no CD Projekt RED either...

Well they are kinda similar in a way: FDev is just "ED Projekt Rekt".
11 Mar 2022, 10:26am

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Mar 2022, 11:45am
11 Mar 2022, 11:26am
Next steps: a lot of Cmdrs will migrate from consoles to PC -----> mantaining servers for few consoles players is tooooooo expensive -------> shutdown of console's server and definitive dead of ED on XBOX and PS
11 Mar 2022, 11:39am
I consider further investment of time and cash for ED very unwise. Axing consoles means one thing - the performance on PC cannot be fixed. So they will just dump down all content that they were holding because of consoles and let the game die slowly in maintenance mode with all the bugs and poor performance.

I will repeat myself.

R. I. P
11 Mar 2022, 11:45am
Frontier made this announcement knowing that it would harm share prices, sales and an already tarnished rep - swathes of console players screaming that they're gone for good, never to come back. There is no way this was a decision taken lightly by the company.

I'd really like to get some insight into how it works internally at Frontier, specifically in the Elite Dangerous development section. You see articles online of ex-employees of Amazon, telling you how they operated internally and I probably pay good money to read a similar story about Frontiers inner workings. It'd be extremely interesting.

My gut feeling is that Braben has a lot to do with the decision making overall, but is possibly not 'on the ground' with the rest of the team - he and his wife own over half of Frontier so I imagine they are quite concerned with their bottom line most of the time. I don't think Elite is NOT important to Braben - he definitely has a soft spot for the game, and my guess is he would like to progress it for as long as its profitable - even if things are slow, substandard or not up to scratch.

His post implies that this whole Odyssey console thing was a blocker of sorts and now that is cleared things can move on. I'd take that with a pinch of salt - he may want to free up resources for other [more profitable, and larger] projects Frontier are working on <cough> Age of Sigmar <cough> - but one can always hope that he will direct any tied up resources for console entirely to the development of the PC version.

The answer is simple right now - vote with your wallets.
11 Mar 2022, 11:51am
Grecale80I wonder how this could impact on the BGS. Probably it will be completly unbalanced in favour of the squadron pc based. In any case whatever fdev could says this is still a psycological ransom: or you change platform, loosing any progress you achieved, o shut up and play a second class game.

I guess the BGS won't be any different from the current state in that regard.

Episparh the BluntI consider further investment of time and cash for ED very unwise. Axing consoles means one thing - the performance on PC cannot be fixed. So they will just dump down all content that they were holding because of consoles and let the game die slowly in maintenance mode with all the bugs and poor performance.
I will repeat myself.
R. I. P

The performance on PC can be fixed. The question rather is if the remaining performance problems will be fixed and when. Also, they still obviously have a long-term plan with the game (and I can imagine that with the tech changes already made there are quite low hanging fruit that can be monetized in future expansions). I do not suppose Elite will enter the maintenance mode anytime soon.
11 Mar 2022, 11:52am
Yuna Sakashiro
I'd blame FDev's incompetence rather than malicious intent. No doubt they'd love to sell you the Odyssey DLC if they could. But FDev is no Hello Games and no CD Projekt RED either. I've spent this week playing Cyberpunk 2077, and it's ridiculous how much better that game looks and performs, compared to Odyssey. No Man's Sky is going to be released for the Nintendo Switch this summer. Meanwhile FDev is struggling to make their game work even on high-end PCs.

If i switch on PC i should in any case buy the copy of the game. So Fdev in any case will sell me his product (but in this case i have to buy AGAIN the whole product, while on PS just the new dlc).

For me is suspectly malicious.

And from my point of view incompetence does not exclude malice

The DLC is currently more expensive than the base game. And on Steam the base game is on sale almost every other week, usually around €6. The fact that you'd have to repeat the engineer grind would bother me more.
11 Mar 2022, 11:59am
Well, Artie, I bet a lot of PC players will cry in terror if they merge Horizons with Odyssey clients as the game will become literally unplayable for them same as it would be for old consoles.

And with maintenance mode I mean the situation with content drought for years as we had pre-Odyssey.
11 Mar 2022, 12:21pm
Well. No point in playing this game any longer since it won't get any more content AND isn't moving to next Gen.
I'm logging out, permanently and I want a fuckin refund

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Mar 2022, 12:23pm
11 Mar 2022, 12:23pm
Yuna Sakashiro

The DLC is currently more expensive than the base game. And on Steam the base game is on sale almost every other week, usually around €6. The fact that you'd have to repeat the engineer grind would bother me more.

DLC + Base game is in any case more expensive than DLC only, also if the base game is less expensive than the Odyssey DLC. About grinding engineer again is a plus in term of pain...
11 Mar 2022, 2:54pm
MelonarImagine if an MMO like World of Warcraft or EVE Online had targeted consoles as well from the beginning (circa 2003)? Would you expect them to continue to support running the game on every generation of XBox

Zenimax have done this with Elder Scrolls Online on the Xbox One and Series X/S. I know these are more powerful than there predecessors but it is still doable.
11 Mar 2022, 5:35pm
MelonarImagine if an MMO like World of Warcraft or EVE Online had targeted consoles as well from the beginning (circa 2003)? Would you expect them to continue to support running the game on every generation of XBox

Nobody tell that guy Neverwinter and ESO plays 60 frames per second on Series S/X and PS5.

In all seriousness, if I had option to move to PC, I'd do that right now. But even if Frontier gave the option, I wouldn't do that because firstly I need a PC that can run a game. To the people who say "just buy PC", they don't seem to realize Series S to replace my dying Xbox One was already an expense but I didn't want to a) lose contact with friends playing Elite b) Series S was priced the same like Xbox One S while offering a major improvement over even One X. I wouldn't get a damn GPU that wouldn't be already obsolete for that price.

Not to mention that Series S is the very first gaming platform I ever bought as "new" and not "used".

They also don't seem to realize that in EU the folks get 2800 Euro and 60 Euro for a game does not really hurt their funds, we also roughly earn 2800... but in our currency and a single new AAA game costs 280 in our currency, because it is 4.5x weaker to Euro*... Yet it is the same 60 Euro.

...Now imagine the hardware prices where I live. And they won't get cheaper due to the fact there is no need to sell electronics in stores before the new arrives like in the USA... even if I got it cheaper from the USA or China, I'll pay more because of EU import tax that is 23% on total costs including item AND shipping.

I wanted to construct a PC and told someone I wanted to create a gaming PC for money in our currency that is equivalence to 300-400 Euro back in 2017, I just got laughed into my face and was told to get out of the shop "because they do serious business."

*Quick disclaimer: If we had Euro, or wages would be even less (business lobby made sure that government can't increase minimal wage too much while government has to accept that so firms won't start firing people en masse after minimal wage raises) while prices for everything that is not High Tech (because EU regulations to unified market etc.) would just skyrocket and push people from relative technological poverty into poverty where they buy the cheapest most trashy food that animals wouldn't even sniff.

Last edit: 11 Mar 2022, 5:45pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.