Elite: Odyssey

10 Mar 2022, 8:52pm
Iwao KishiroIt's not just about Odyssey or it's "on-foot" content. It is about the fact they put a big red line on console players, because console development as a whole, ended. Not just for Odyssey, but for entire Elite Dangerous. We won't receive new ships, no new ship weapons, no new space stuff, no new toys to play with... none of that, at all.

Yup. Doesn't really bother me. I stopped playing ED June 2021, because I knew without a doubt that console users were going to get fucked over. Frontier is incapable of "looking ahead" and I fear that ED itself, even for PC users, is going to start lagging behind enough that the entire ED project gets scraped. They had a chance a long time ago to make it so that the entirety of your account (no just credits, but progress) to be transferred from console to PC. I'm sure that the majority of people would have done this, but since Frontier half-assed the transfer to include credits only, and not engineer progression, resources, etc, it was a moot point for transfers with accounts with hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours. No sane console CMDR is going to switch to PC without their credits, progress, engineer progress, items that were purchased via real money for ARX, etc.

Oh well, looking forward to Frontier stock tanking even more today.

Last edit: 10 Mar 2022, 9:02pm
10 Mar 2022, 8:55pm
well we all can sit and cry about it or enjoy what we have, before they shut off the servers completely or mess it up on PC to the point that is unplayable
10 Mar 2022, 8:57pm
I wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.
10 Mar 2022, 9:06pm
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.

If you merge the codebase then you force Horizon players into upgrading and paying to do so. This is why No Man's Sky does it right with the free upgrades. A single codebase for all platforms that are crossplay and you can keep your entire base intact. Forcing people to pay to upgrade is going to dwindle down the base even more. Console CMDRs across gaming sites have said they will not switch to PC without full progression transfer. I'm not sure what Odyssey PC numbers are right now, but I assume they're not spectacular.
10 Mar 2022, 9:29pm
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.

That probably means no further development for client 3.0 too. It will remain as it is in the moment they stop supporting it AKA same as console version will be.
All further updates and content will be exclusive to Odyssey.

P.S. Yamiks have rather good analysis on his last video. ... I am not sure but I haven't noticed him using a single word of profanity during the whole 8 min and 40 sec.
10 Mar 2022, 9:39pm
Episparh the Blunt ... I am not sure but I haven't noticed him using a single word of profanity during the whole 8 min and 40 sec.

Nah, he said "Odyssey" loads of times
10 Mar 2022, 11:46pm
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.

They already stated they intended to implement ED:O Planet tech into Horizons and I believe the interface as well so essentially Horizons will become Odyssey but with no on foot gameplay. I share your belief that this is bad for Horizons players. My only reassurance that this BS ED:O performance was definitely going to be fixed was because they had to get it to a point it could run on consoles. That no longer applies.

So in one fell swoop, Braben manages to royally screw over console players, potentially alienate a significant portion of whoever is left of PC players, and pretty much kill ED as a franchise. I honestly cannot think of how they could have messed up their entire business any worse in just one year. This is shareholder lawsuit levels of ineptitude.

What is their reason for this decision? It was important to continue the story of Elite? Not important that anyone be left to actually care about it anymore though was it?

Question: If Elite's storyline progresses, and nobody is around to play it, did it really happen?
10 Mar 2022, 11:52pm
Episparh the Blunt
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.

That probably means no further development for client 3.0 too. It will remain as it is in the moment they stop supporting it AKA same as console version will be.
All further updates and content will be exclusive to Odyssey.

P.S. Yamiks have rather good analysis on his last video. ... I am not sure but I haven't noticed him using a single word of profanity during the whole 8 min and 40 sec.

Vulgarity or not, everything that Yamiks has said a little before Odyssey's release has been nothing but facts concerning FDev.
11 Mar 2022, 12:01am
Aleksander Majjam
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.

If you merge the codebase then you force Horizon players into upgrading and paying to do so. This is why No Man's Sky does it right with the free upgrades. A single codebase for all platforms that are crossplay and you can keep your entire base intact. Forcing people to pay to upgrade is going to dwindle down the base even more. Console CMDRs across gaming sites have said they will not switch to PC without full progression transfer. I'm not sure what Odyssey PC numbers are right now, but I assume they're not spectacular.

I have Odyssey, and I mostly prefer playing Horizons (better framerates, biological signals with crystaline clusters stay where they belong, etc).

Forget two or three code bases - how the hell are they going to integrate two completely bifurcated galaxies?
11 Mar 2022, 1:50am
I'm just glad they were finally honest with themselves. "We can't fix these problems we created and probably could have avoided or minimized if we weren't so greedy and short-sighted".
11 Mar 2022, 1:58am
Aleksander Majjam
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.

If you merge the codebase then you force Horizon players into upgrading and paying to do so. This is why No Man's Sky does it right with the free upgrades. A single codebase for all platforms that are crossplay and you can keep your entire base intact. Forcing people to pay to upgrade is going to dwindle down the base even more. Console CMDRs across gaming sites have said they will not switch to PC without full progression transfer. I'm not sure what Odyssey PC numbers are right now, but I assume they're not spectacular.

I have Odyssey, and I mostly prefer playing Horizons (better framerates, biological signals with crystaline clusters stay where they belong, etc).

Forget two or three code bases - how the hell are they going to integrate two completely bifurcated galaxies?

Get back to me in a year.

If anyone thinks Fdev's work methodology is going to change because they "bought some more time" with PC players by kicking consoles to the curb, you better check your expectations. It's just going to be much of the same and I would bet money on that.
11 Mar 2022, 6:00am
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what exactly Braben meant when he said "we need to focus on a single codebase". Because even the PC player base is currently split across two codebases, client 3.x for Horizons and client 4.0 for Odyssey. Maybe they are planning to finally migrate Horizons to client 4.0 and retire the old client. This would be bad news for people with potato PCs though.

To all the current PC players out there with "potato PCs" - How old is your computer? Is it 8 or 9 years old with no upgrades? That would put you on par with the XBox One (released in 2013) and PS4 (released in 2014) release dates (who cannot upgrade their hardware). Even if your hardware isn't cutting edge, it's likely newer than what they would have to support for the consoles.
11 Mar 2022, 7:43am
Burstar or something
They already stated they intended to implement ED:O Planet tech into Horizons and I believe the interface as well so essentially Horizons will become Odyssey but with no on foot gameplay. I share your belief that this is bad for Horizons players. My only reassurance that this BS ED:O performance was definitely going to be fixed was because they had to get it to a point it could run on consoles. That no longer applies.

So in one fell swoop, Braben manages to royally screw over console players, potentially alienate a significant portion of whoever is left of PC players, and pretty much kill ED as a franchise. I honestly cannot think of how they could have messed up their entire business any worse in just one year. This is shareholder lawsuit levels of ineptitude.

What is their reason for this decision? It was important to continue the story of Elite? Not important that anyone be left to actually care about it anymore though was it?

Question: If Elite's storyline progresses, and nobody is around to play it, did it really happen?

I think their initial plan was to dump the DLC and go in maintenance mode for 2+ years while planning the next cash grab. Apparently that didn't worked and they want to end development effort for it as it is obvious by now that further profit from Odyssey is highly unlikely.
11 Mar 2022, 8:06am
RotwhylrForget two or three code bases - how the hell are they going to integrate two completely bifurcated galaxies?

During the alpha test there was a glitch that made client 4.0 temporarily run in base game mode. Some buttons (holo-me, engineering etc.) were greyed out and had notes added: "requires Horizons". So I guess client 4.0 already has the ability to run in pre-Odyssey modes. That's how they could merge the two galaxies. They would have to prevent shared instances on planets though, because Horizons has a different PEGI rating and must not have any first person shooter content.
11 Mar 2022, 8:13am
I wonder how this could impact on the BGS. Probably it will be completly unbalanced in favour of the squadron pc based. In any case whatever fdev could says this is still a psycological ransom: or you change platform, loosing any progress you achieved, o shut up and play a second class game.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.