Elite: Odyssey

28 Mar 2022, 10:32pm
Aunty SledgeThe Cutter doesn't need shields, you can get out of range so fast they really aren't needed.

That's true, a Cutter can always low-wake fast, except in the presence of another Cutter.

No need to convince me, it's just that I won't have access to a Cutter for a few weeks at least. A T-9 however I'll probably have by Friday. And from there it'll be smooth sailing, because I'll be able to easily make 80M per hour just by hauling silver or agronomic treatment from A to B.

I want to see how long it takes to get me back to where I was before, taking all the shortcuts and knowing all the things I didn't know the first time around. That's why I deleted my previous save. Sitting in my carrier felt like retirement.
28 Mar 2022, 10:49pm
Aunty SledgeThe Cutter doesn't need shields, you can get out of range so fast they really aren't needed.

That's true, a Cutter can always low-wake fast, except in the presence of another Cutter.

No need to convince me, it's just that I won't have access to a Cutter for a few weeks at least. A T-9 however I'll probably have by Friday. And from there it'll be smooth sailing, because I'll be able to easily make 80M per hour just by hauling silver or agronomic treatment from A to B.

I want to see how long it takes to get me back to where I was before, taking all the shortcuts and knowing all the things I didn't know the first time around. That's why I deleted my previous save. Sitting in my carrier felt like retirement.

I do hope you enjoy it. Mine is collecting dust being nothing more than module storage. I really wish the cargo ships were best in class, would be nice to see them being more tempting for pilots, and a more tempting target for pirates.
28 Mar 2022, 10:53pm
Aunty Sledgeand a more tempting target for pirates.
Those morons are trying to interdict me for carrying 4 limpets!

Or one Hutton Mug!

Last edit: 28 Mar 2022, 11:03pm
28 Mar 2022, 11:14pm
Aunty SledgeI do hope you enjoy it. Mine is collecting dust being nothing more than module storage.

I'll sell mine as soon as I have a Cutter. Last time I even engineered my T-9, won't do that again.
28 Mar 2022, 11:32pm
Engineering T-9 is like putting neon lights on a barn
28 Mar 2022, 11:38pm
It was one tough T-9 though.
29 Mar 2022, 5:12am
A grade 5 armor T-9 is one tough bird to bring down. However, a G5 Cutter is even tougher and has the better set of weapon hard points. I do like that both can have a ship launch fighter as well.
29 Mar 2022, 6:19am
MeowersEngineering T-9 is like putting neon lights on a barn

and a disco ball
29 Mar 2022, 6:32am
Love it or hate it, the Type 9 was the largest contributing ship to kickstarting my ED career. The Cutter might be better but I'll always be glad the Type 9 is in the game.
29 Mar 2022, 6:57am
Type-9 have its uses. Mainly being cheap ship for mining and hauling without need of Navy rank grind. Not best at any of the roles but very good value/price ratio.

Just do not fly it in Open. I am not a ganker but when I see a shieldless Type-9 I am triggered very bad and you might become my first victim.
29 Mar 2022, 7:00am
EpisparhJust do not fly it in Open. I am not a ganker but when I see a shieldless Type-9 I am triggered very bad and you might become my first victim.

Funny you should mention that. When I first started playing, trucking tritium was stupidly profitable. Didn't take long to get a Type 9 and I was hauling in open. Made 3 billion credits space trucking tritium in open in a shieldless Type 9.
29 Mar 2022, 7:30am
Do you have some interesting stories how evaded a gank with a shieldless type-9? No?
Playing in Open do not mean you will see anyone. There are a lot of factors: how popular location is, what is your playing time frame, instancing. So yeah, you can play in Open and have a Solo experience. My advise still stands, play type-9s in solo/PG, especially if not shielded.
29 Mar 2022, 7:41am
EpisparhDo you have some interesting stories how evaded a gank with a shieldless type-9? No?
Playing in Open do not mean you will see anyone. There are a lot of factors: how popular location is, what is your playing time frame, instancing. So yeah, you can play in Open and have a Solo experience. My advise still stands, play type-9s in solo/PG, especially if not shielded.

Wasn't trying to say your advise was bad dude. These days I'd give the same advice. Was just speaking from my own experience. When I was still new at the game, I was mostly in open, even in a shieldless Type 9. The area I was in definitely had some other players there but everyone was just focused on trucking tritium because it was so profitable at the time. Wasn't until later on in my experiences that I started to realize how lucky I was to have gotten away with not having been interdicted by any players.
29 Mar 2022, 7:54am
So, you are trying to tell me that there were a lot of players hauling tritium for a gold rush in Open and no ganker even bothered? Cool story.
29 Mar 2022, 8:07am
EpisparhSo, you are trying to tell me that there were a lot of players hauling tritium for a gold rush in Open and no ganker even bothered? Cool story.

I don't know about a "lot" but I was there with a group of friends in a wing just going back and forth hauling tritium. And I would see other players in Type 9's and Cutters doing the same. Otherwise I mostly stuck to open play exclusively until the first time I went to Farseer inc. That was the first ganker I encountered. Got killed so quickly I thought the game had bugged out or something at first.

I'd imagine the luck of it all coincided with the fact that at the time Low Temp Diamond mining was broken in terms of extreme profitability. I didn't know about it at the time but I'd imagine that probably kept most of the communities attention. Tritium was really profitable but no where near what you could make off of LTD's.

Last edit: 29 Mar 2022, 8:43am

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.