Elite: Odyssey

29 Mar 2022, 8:48am
I've seen a few shieldless T-9s pass through CG systems without trouble. Sometimes the gankers just aren't paying attention.

And compared to the profit per trip, a T-9 rebuy is cheap. Just make sure it doesn't happen too often.
29 Mar 2022, 8:54am
SakashiroAnd compared to the profit per trip, a T-9 rebuy is cheap. Just make sure it doesn't happen too often.

That's why I wasn't worried about it. Each trip I made to sell tritium made enough profit for several rebuys on the Type 9. Not that I got killed much... I don't even remember if I did lose a ship in the process. I got interdicted by NPC's a lot but those are easy to evade even in a Type 9.
29 Mar 2022, 5:26pm
Aunty SledgeThe Cutter doesn't need shields, you can get out of range so fast they really aren't needed.

That's true, a Cutter can always low-wake fast, except in the presence of another Cutter.

No need to convince me, it's just that I won't have access to a Cutter for a few weeks at least. A T-9 however I'll probably have by Friday. And from there it'll be smooth sailing, because I'll be able to easily make 80M per hour just by hauling silver or agronomic treatment from A to B.

I want to see how long it takes to get me back to where I was before, taking all the shortcuts and knowing all the things I didn't know the first time around. That's why I deleted my previous save. Sitting in my carrier felt like retirement.

I thought this too, until I got blown up with a full cargo hold, and while the rebuy on the t9 isn't all that bad, cargo is costly. My balance moved sharply in the wrong direction. I sold the t9 and got an Anaconda fitted for mining. That got me into Cutterland quickly enough though. Mining in a t9 can definitely do it too, but the ability to defend yourself in a t9 is very limited as opposed to an Anaconda. Once I had my Cutter, I reconciled with the t9. It definitely has a place in my fleet, but it's very much special purpose short cargo hops. And landing on high G planets.
29 Mar 2022, 7:53pm
i use the t9 mainly as carrier transfer unit for items on short range. the cutter will do the same job with same max cargo hold but landing with cutter is great after 10 or 20 times.. yehaaa
so for short treansfer i like the t9 much more.. always landing smooth with and without landing assist. for mining i use a annaconda too didn´t thought that anybody else use it.. most use a python
30 Mar 2022, 4:17pm
Alex Hoffmanni use the t9 mainly as carrier transfer unit for items on short range. the cutter will do the same job with same max cargo hold but landing with cutter is great after 10 or 20 times.. yehaaa
so for short treansfer i like the t9 much more.. always landing smooth with and without landing assist. for mining i use a annaconda too didn´t thought that anybody else use it.. most use a python

The Cutter is SO good at mining, mate. Really. It's worth buying a second Cutter just for mining, if you enjoy mining.

Getting used to the hardpoint placement right can be a small challenge, but you can do all types of mining with just the Cutter. I use mine mostly for laser mining, but it can also do core mining adequately, with the abrasion blasters on the wings - you just have to get used to the angle. If I'm specifically out looking for cores, I'll bring the python, since it's so much better at getting inside the fractured asteroid.
Using the T9 for laser mining works well, but you can't really bring all of the mining equipment.
30 Mar 2022, 5:54pm
Another three trips in the T-7, then I'll have the money for a T-9.

I think I'll just keep trading until I get the Founders World permit.
30 Mar 2022, 10:52pm
SakashiroAnother three trips in the T-7, then I'll have the money for a T-9.

I think I'll just keep trading until I get the Founders World permit.

Do yourself a favour and just mine for your Trader's Elite. Do it in your T-9 when you get it
30 Mar 2022, 11:54pm
There's a mining CG coming up, I think.
31 Mar 2022, 6:45am
SakashiroThere's a mining CG coming up, I think.

I wonder how you gonna travel 1k ly with non-engineered type-9 outfitted for mining

Let me know if you need space Uber.
31 Mar 2022, 7:03am
Burstar or somethingDo yourself a favour and just mine
Mining is doing yourself a favour? I thought it was a kind of self-harming...
31 Mar 2022, 8:39am
I don't know why but saka's current profile pic reminds me of this

31 Mar 2022, 9:22am
EpisparhI wonder how you gonna travel 1k ly with non-engineered type-9 outfitted for mining

I'll use a Python. The hauling CG just finished, I have 100M in the bank, so today I'll try to collect the materials for the tech broker 5A FSD. That would give me a jump range of 41 Ly unladen, without unlocking Farseer, Martuuk, or the Guardian booster. If I fail to come up with the mats in time, I'll use the regular FSD with 24 Ly. Still OK to get there.
31 Mar 2022, 9:24am
GryphnnI don't know why but saka's current profile pic reminds me of this
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It's the Onionhead stare.
01 Apr 2022, 12:41pm
Engineer access appears to be slightly borked. I just traveled beyond 300 Ly from my start location and got instant grade 1 access not only to Elvira Martuuk but also to Tod McQuinn. No Soontill relics, no bounty vouchers required.

Perhaps they remember me from my previous life.
01 Apr 2022, 3:08pm
SakashiroEngineer access appears to be slightly borked. I just traveled beyond 300 Ly from my start location and got instant grade 1 access not only to Elvira Martuuk but also to Tod McQuinn. No Soontill relics, no bounty vouchers required.

Perhaps they remember me from my previous life.

Yes me to got Juri Ishmael,Selene Jean and The dweller all unlocked no mining or combat needed

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.