Elite: Odyssey

13 Apr 2022, 10:47am
Conclusion: BB tiling fixes forever, maybe they gonna reconsider that in some 2027...

Last edit: 13 Apr 2022, 4:54pm
13 Apr 2022, 2:04pm
Burstar or something
Alex Hoffmannyou need thoose collected materials for weapon and suit upgrades not all but most of them.. the 1 min. timer could be the download time, dont know else why there should be a timer, not seen so far..

have a look here blueprints or here components

So the timer is followed by security Protocol Reset. I dont understand this.

It's a mechanic similar to Guardian Key unlocking. The installation has like 4 terminals that if you scan them all within the time allotted you get a small Materials reward. Not worth the time imo. I did it until I figured out what was going on, repeated it once to be sure, and never again.

I was wondering that, and I was wondering if it was worth doing. Cause it does sound like alot of hassle. What where the materials, if you can remember.
13 Apr 2022, 2:32pm
13 Apr 2022, 3:55pm
Nah, Aleks, it is all about money. Averagely, a dev day costs 300+ GBP for the employer. So, it is simple balance spreadsheet.
13 Apr 2022, 11:10pm
EpisparhNah, Aleks, it is all about money. Averagely, a dev day costs 300+ GBP for the employer. So, it is simple balance spreadsheet.

I guess by "game balance" they mean "finance balance".
14 Apr 2022, 4:21am
KurakilTo anyone who has "Improved Jump Assist" on a suit, does it give more boost capacity for the same amount of recharge from the battery or does the battery recharge amount also increase? In other words, greater performance for equal cost or greater cost? It may be negligible but I am curious.
Similarly with the "Improved Sprint Duration". More sprint for same recovery time or is the recovery time more also?

After some inquiries on the forums, the capacity to boost/sprint is doubled while the boost refill battery drain and sprint recovery time remains the same.
14 Apr 2022, 11:05am

I guess by "game balance" they mean "finance balance".

OA, made a nice summary in his last video.
14 Apr 2022, 5:34pm
Aleksander MajjamBut.. but I was told cutting consoles out would free up time for things like this...

Called it. I would lie if I said that I am not satisfied that PC players are also on the bad end, but at the same time it makes me just sad that what was supposed to be MAIN game of entire company is simply treated like Sony treated third-party games back in PS3 days.

I still do not understand why Frontier withdrew from consoles (PS5/Series gen), because of one very major thing. On PC, they have to fight with EVE Online or Star Citizen. Consoles literally have NO space games that would be remotely close to Elite: Dangerous. They could be milking that market, due to literally no alternatives in there.

Sure, there is Starfield but let's be honest: that will never replace Elite: Dangerous, like, ever. Me, I just wait for Everspace 2 console release.

Maybe it's time for Microsoft to remake Freelancer, since everyone's making remakes and remasters - and the fact the space games on the consoles shall be almost non-existent in foreseeable future, at least given current course of events.

Last edit: 14 Apr 2022, 5:39pm
14 Apr 2022, 6:04pm
Maybe Tencent sets the course for Frontier and everyone had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
17 Apr 2022, 10:42pm
I am curious, what do people have on their Dominator suits? I have one empty slot but I can't think of anything else that really stands out. I've considered Combat Movement Speed, Improved Battery Capacity, Improved Jump Assist, or Increased Sprint Duration for those larger settlements (yes, I bunny-hop). I pretty much only use this suit for ground CZ and Guardian sites.

Damage Resistance
Faster Shield Regen
18 Apr 2022, 12:40am
same situation but grade 4 so far.. i put combat movement and faster shield generation on it, one free..

with improvet jump assist i experimented on an other suit a bit.. it´s great for high jumps or even to get a look around.. if you can handle the trusters (step by step only a little bit) u can fly large distances.. best when running

sprint duration and improved battery capacity im thinking about too. battery is only 10 mw on dominator suit, so a good choice but will affect the higher capacity the shields stengh (shield generation)? they are strong so is there more power needed? u carry energy cells if power is going low, so if you fight decent and not sooo long or not all the time the shileds on (only for combat), it´s not realy nessesary to waste a slot for it.

sprint duration i didn´t tested so far.. but it´s a canditat for another suit for testing.. the next days..


combat movement is great for scoped movement and IT IS faster handling with aimed weapon too (actual tested), the description says only for scoped movement.. but movement is much faster.. best is to test it yourself.. maybe on a test suit

Last edit: 18 Apr 2022, 8:47am
18 Apr 2022, 7:39am
Have a question about bookmarks on oddssey .When I've joined a squad when I try to bookmark a location that's already in the squad bookmarks all i can do is delete it .Is there a way to toggle squad bookmarks and my own to be separate .Didn't have the problem on Horizons on Ps4 thanks
18 Apr 2022, 8:29am
KurakilI am curious, what do people have on their Dominator suits? I have one empty slot but I can't think of anything else that really stands out. I've considered Combat Movement Speed, Improved Battery Capacity, Improved Jump Assist, or Increased Sprint Duration for those larger settlements (yes, I bunny-hop). I pretty much only use this suit for ground CZ and Guardian sites.

Damage Resistance
Faster Shield Regen

I would put Ammo Capacity on it since it is much more annoying to always run to an ammo crate. While extra battery charges can be found plenty and you can store multiple.
But otherwise from your considered ones Improved Jump Assist would probably be the best. Happens often enough that I barely make it up a building with that upgrade, so without it would probably really annoying
18 Apr 2022, 8:36am
GreyshadowHave a question about bookmarks on oddssey .When I've joined a squad when I try to bookmark a location that's already in the squad bookmarks all i can do is delete it .Is there a way to toggle squad bookmarks and my own to be separate .Didn't have the problem on Horizons on Ps4 thanks

18 Apr 2022, 4:43pm
KurakilI am curious, what do people have on their Dominator suits? I have one empty slot but I can't think of anything else that really stands out. I've considered Combat Movement Speed, Improved Battery Capacity, Improved Jump Assist, or Increased Sprint Duration for those larger settlements (yes, I bunny-hop). I pretty much only use this suit for ground CZ and Guardian sites.

Damage Resistance
Faster Shield Regen

Combat Movement speed

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.