Elite: Odyssey

17 Mar 2022, 6:28pm
Iwao KishiroJust heads up that they started banning people from chat on Twitch right if they speak negatively about console versions being cancelled. Not insults, just e.g. someone stating that they feel heavily dissatisfied as customers or asking what they are supposed to do in case of gameplay mechanics being turned off one after another, secluding their community even more.

Not sure why you'd think they will be happy if their chat is flooded with negative messages. I am sure they are not happy to hear all the time what they already know - they failed badly.

They are working on data transfer and holding all request for transfer until they are sure what chunks of data can be transferred except for the basic gold and arx. Nothing mentioning free PC copy of EDH for console CMDRs who wish to transfer, though. I guess, they will abuse poor sods to buy it and boost their sales.

17 Mar 2022, 6:32pm
Count me off then. I'm too poor to afford a sensible gaming PC, topic closed. Shrug.
17 Mar 2022, 8:29pm
Episparh the BluntNothing mentioning free PC copy of EDH for console CMDRs who wish to transfer, though. I guess, they will abuse poor sods to buy it and boost their sales.

To be fair, EDH is on sale almost every other week at the cost of two cups of latte macchiato. PC hardware of course is a different matter. I'll stick with my 6 year old PC for now. At 1080p, performance in settlements is now almost acceptable, around 50fps. At least they fixed those intermittent drops below 10fps that used to occur every 30 seconds. Also, entering rotating stations is now smooth. Overall it's nowhere near as bad as it was in the beginning.
17 Mar 2022, 8:38pm
But then I see this, and I wonder, what the hell is going on? A 3070ti is two generations ahead of my 1070, it should eat Odyssey without breaking a sweat.

17 Mar 2022, 9:30pm
Yuna Sakashiro
To be fair, EDH is on sale almost every other week at the cost of two cups of latte macchiato.

Another reason to make a gesture to console CMDRs.

Yuna Sakashiro
At least they fixed those intermittent drops below 10fps that used to occur every 30 seconds. Also, entering rotating stations is now smooth. Overall it's nowhere near as bad as it was in the beginning.

I haven't tried ground CZ yet but I know that they have turned upscaling on by default. Are you sure you are not playing on 1/4th resolution ?
17 Mar 2022, 9:43pm
Episparh the BluntAre you sure you are not playing on 1/4th resolution ?

Absolutely sure. I immediately noticed upscaling was on after U11 was installed, and turned it off. It's useless for me anyway because it doesn't improve performance at all. It just makes the visuals worse. Maybe it's more useful with 4K screens, idk.

I find it quite telling though that upscaling is now on by default even with the ultra preset.
17 Mar 2022, 9:48pm
Episparh the BluntAnother reason to make a gesture to console CMDRs.

I agree they should offer a license transfer from console to PC on request. But a free copy? Why?
17 Mar 2022, 10:24pm
Having an issue on a fleet carrier concourse. Bartender and Pioneer are listed as active services, but when you get on the concourse it says all services are suspended. I need to buy some goods from the bartender that are listed in the new Material Trading utility. Any ideas?

Edit: logging a couple times opened the doors. Maybe the owner was working on them.

Last edit: 17 Mar 2022, 10:34pm
17 Mar 2022, 10:45pm
I wonder what happens if you are at the carrier bar while the owner suspends the service. Will the bartender kick you out?
17 Mar 2022, 10:53pm
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what happens if you are at the carrier bar while the owner suspends the service. Will the bartender kick you out?

If you are lucky and cute they might take you home.
17 Mar 2022, 11:02pm
ED Discovery is having UI exceptions every time I enter/leave an FC concourse.
17 Mar 2022, 11:33pm
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what happens if you are at the carrier bar while the owner suspends the service. Will the bartender kick you out?

If he locks the bar when I'm in it, he's gonna have a lot less booze when he reopens it.
18 Mar 2022, 2:31am
I haven't really noticed any fps improvements anywhere but I have noticed a lot more npcs in station concourses.
18 Mar 2022, 4:13am
KurakilI haven't really noticed any fps improvements anywhere but I have noticed a lot more npcs in station concourses.

Many of them dozing off.
18 Mar 2022, 7:58am
Yuna SakashiroI wonder what happens if you are at the carrier bar while the owner suspends the service. Will the bartender kick you out?

If he locks the bar when I'm in it, he's gonna have a lot less booze when he reopens it.

If he even looks like he’s gonna lock the bar, Rotty, give me a call. You’ll need a hand with all that booze!

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.