Elite: Odyssey

06 Jul 2022, 6:01pm
RAM disks are redundant. Modern operating systems cache contents of files in RAM anyway. Sure, the initial launch from a RAM disk will be faster than the initial launch from a HDD/SSD, but you don't really gain anything here because you have to copy the files to the RAM disk first. Once the files are in the cache, there will be no performance difference.
06 Jul 2022, 6:12pm
SakashiroRAM disks are redundant. Modern operating systems cache contents of files in RAM anyway. Sure, the initial launch from a RAM disk will be faster than the initial launch from a HDD/SSD, but you don't really gain anything here because you have to copy the files to the RAM disk first. Once the files are in the cache, there will be no performance difference.
Imagine preparing your PC to play Elite, copying 60-70-smth-gb on a ram drive while doing morning routines like breakfast and toilet. That's some devotion!
06 Jul 2022, 6:31pm
for testing i wrote, not playing continuously. you can disable caching simply manual, with the risk of data lost during pc operation, but thats what testing means ! and 60 gb takes not so long to copy on a good system.
06 Jul 2022, 6:43pm
some people just cannot understand sarcasm
06 Jul 2022, 6:49pm
not at all but some seems to take it personal or did i said something against one, only creating clarity..
06 Jul 2022, 11:02pm
Alex Hoffmannif someone is running a system with greater than 64GB RAM (maybe 96 Gb or 128 GB RAM) i have a suggestion for testing: for the ultimate gaming experince you can try to setup (adress) a ram disk at your local memory and copy / launch the game there. theoretical there should be no or only minimal data transfer delay. the fps must be inreddible. but remember ramdisk is only for testing ! after each new pc startup the the datas are gone, so it´s only good for testing max data transfer rates and game performance!

There are numerous issues with this idea:
1) the performance gains from a read/write perspective only truly make a difference with new data. As has already been pointed out, most of the performance gain is lost needing to write the copy to begin with.
2) disk read/writes, no matter the source, have NOTHING to do with Frames Per Second (particularly in a system with 64+GB RAM) as the Video memory is taking care of the relevant processes. With a Ramdrive you would see a 90% reduction in time loading into the cockpit first time, and maybe a 5% improvement in Hyperspace travel time and when looking at the System/Star Maps,
3) Elite:Dangerous is especially resistant to this idea because it puts most of the workload on the CPU due to it's emphasis on procedural generation. Most of the bottlenecking is due to the processor trying to figure out an entire system's details down to the number of rocks on the ground in your area and not texture loading.

I actually have a 64GB system and use a 16 GB RAMdrive most of the time for temp files/instant replay footage to reduce wear and tear on my storage medium. Have I installed a game (not ED ofc) on it before? Yes. It wasn't the amaz0rs performance increase you think it would be. Noticeable improvement? Sure. Worth the hassles? Absolutely not.
08 Jul 2022, 8:02pm
I only have 8gb of ram.

I can not open Material helper with elite for extended periods or simply one of them or mostly both crashes with out of memory errors. lol.

Grinding turns to BDSM thing if the torture of grinding is not enough for ya.
11 Jul 2022, 1:12pm
Typical Elite whiner ...

"My computer barely ran Horizons. Now I can't run EDO. FDev stinks."
"I have a computer with 8gb of RAM and four cores. EDO runs slow. FDev stinks"
"I have a seven year old GPU. Why is my FPS so much slower in EDO? FDev stinks"
"No ship interiors or ladders that add nothing to gameplay. FDev stinks".

Add more of the same.

I think we need to stop blaming FDev for our old outdated hardware. It's not FDev or EDO that stinks ... it's most likely your old tired computer that's making that bad smell.

This coming from a guy running a workstation with dual Xeon Gold 6258R CPU's, 512gb ECC DDR-4 system RAM, and an RTX-3090 getting 50-75fps on an 8K monitor at 8K; at ground bases and more in space. With 90fps average at 4K. I can say with certainty given the fact I run a true computing beast .. There is nothing wrong with EDO, the engine, or FDev, when EDO is run on a proper computer. If the game or engine was bad, it would still run slow even on my system. You just need better hardware than 5 or 6 year old pre-built junk that wasn't even that good when new. And if it's a "gaming" PC ... well ... good luck with that. Judging software or its developer based on old slow hardware makes no sense at all.

Sorry ... but that's the reality. EDO needs what it needs. Maybe not as much as I use for sure (it's a work computer I happen to use at home as a graphics designer), but certainly not a four-core 8gb machine and a GPU four or five generations old. Honestly, what do you expect?

Last edit: 11 Jul 2022, 1:27pm
11 Jul 2022, 1:37pm
For many people like me, who just want a computer to do what we want at an affordable price, all that 'dual Xeon Gold 6258R CPU's, 512gb ECC DDR-4 system RAM, and an RTX-3090 getting 50-75fps on an 8K monitor at 8K; ' sounds like expensive gobbldegook.

It might be your reality, but not everyone's. Some of us are stuck with 5yr 'old' junk.
There are no 'typical whiners' just regular people with a different opinions.
11 Jul 2022, 1:48pm
Another troll?

Someone on reddit once showed how badly optimized edo buildings are. The guy tweaked where he fixed stuff and was able to play a smooth 60fps with the gtx 980. Its a mod (?) that fixes perfomance. Not intend to be released. Only to show how much they screw up. https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/rx8b8b/performance_issues_you_wont_believe_how_much_fps/hrgok6k/?context=3

Not everyone's rich to afford juicy stuff.
11 Jul 2022, 2:12pm
DescartesFor many people like me, who just want a computer to do what we want at an affordable price, all that 'dual Xeon Gold 6258R CPU's, 512gb ECC DDR-4 system RAM, and an RTX-3090 getting 50-75fps on an 8K monitor at 8K; ' sounds like expensive gobbldegook.

It might be your reality, but not everyone's. Some of us are stuck with 5yr 'old' junk.
There are no 'typical whiners' just regular people with a different opinions.

It may sound like gobledegook to you, but judgements coming from people who can't understand this is all about technology means opinions as such are unqualified. Are you a good driver of a car if you know nothing about cars? Maybe you can make it go and hopefully not crash, but you cannot make expert judgements about cars and driving without knowledge. You certainly cannot (or should not) pass along judgement as an opinion if that opinion is based on ignorance of the subject matter. That's actual gobbledegook, by definition.

Now granted the system I mention costs about $54K USD, but being a computer of such capacity means it can actually test the software in question. A computer such as this cannot make bad code or badly designed software run better. The software is what it is. If it stinks it will run poorly even on this system. However, if the computer is less than adequate, any software (even if well designed) will not run optimally or in this case slow. Neither of these statements are opinions ... they are facts from a technical perspective.

I admit, EDO now may need more than many people can afford. But you shouldn't blame FDev for something they have no control over, specifically users income levels. It may be technically impossible to design the game to run well on all possible systems. Lesser games sure ... not EDO apparently. It's a shame, but that's the way it is. Whining about FDev will not change that reality.

I'd love to race my '69 VW Beetle at the Indy 500. But simply wanting it to be so, isn't going to mean it will even qualify for the race.

I'm not trolling, in fact just the opposite. I'm tired of hearing other people trolling about how bad EDO is, when in fact it's the descriptions of their hardware that tells the actual story. Many times it's, "My computer is old and tired, and wasn't even good when new ... But it's all FDevs fault". Quite frankly ... it's tiresome at this point.
11 Jul 2022, 2:23pm
i still play edo on an old asus sabertooth 2.0 board with 8 core amd fx cpu and 16 GB LL RAM (low latency). gfx is a rx580 with 8GB. using ssd´s. on a win7 64bit system. power supply is a 850W rog thor. at all not the newest components but realy good stuff. one of my gaming pc´s, i have better stuff available but no need atm and to much time to setup a new system, personal i have not so much time atm. fps are ok at medium to high settings, no probs at all, and thats a pci express 3.0 based system. the whole hardware should be gaming optimzed and you can play it even on an old pc. the internet connection is importent too, higher bandwich and a lower ping results also in better fps´s and more gaming fun.. with better hardware you gain better results, no question

ps: and a good cooling system is importent too for gaming (at high settings). personal i use a watercooling system for the cpu and the rest are normal air fans. i prefer the quite ones.. the fans are good for the air flow / circulation in your system if right placed, keeping the system cool during heavy load. that i would recommend to everyone who have some bucks left

Last edit: 11 Jul 2022, 2:38pm
11 Jul 2022, 2:44pm
Alex Hoffmanni still play edo on an old asus sabertooth 2.0 board with 8 core amd fx cpu and 16 GB RAM LL (low latency). gfx is a rx580 with 8GB. using ssd´s. on a win7 64bit system. power supply is a 850W rog thor. at all not the newest components but realy good stuff. one of my gaming pc´s, i have better stuff available but no need atm and to much time to setup a new system, personal i have not so much time atm. fps are ok at medium to high settings, no probs at all, and thats a pci express 3.0 based system. the whole hardware should be gaming optimzed and you can play it even on an old pc. the internet connection is importent too, higher bandwich and a lower ping results also in better fps´s and more gaming fun.. with better hardware you gain better results, no question

I don't know where the cutoff point is technically where EDO really falls off on performance. I can't answer that definitively. It seems (and this is opinion) the minimum is 16gb of RAM and 8 cores of whatever CPU. GPU seems to plays a lesser role, which is counter-intuitive to most gamers who don't really understand computers, other than what they believe to be true. I think the CPU and RAM access is more important for EDO. I don't have any of those so-called "bottlenecks" in my system. The goobledegook is two CPU's with 56 physical cores (112 threaded) and six channels of RAM for each CPU at 512gb and over 100 unshared PCI lanes, all means no "bottlenecks" from the memory all the way to the output of the GPU. I suspect (and again this is opinion) how many physical cores and how much access (how quickly) there is to RAM determines how well EDO's procedural processes function. Also I am sure that how much physical RAM is left for the OS is also a big factor on EDO's performance since it is very skewed towards CPU/RAM and not GPU bound.

Win7 ... boy oh boy ... you like to live dangerously. LOL!!!

Last edit: 11 Jul 2022, 2:54pm
11 Jul 2022, 2:51pm
you really have a nice system my performance is ok, i can even run the game and opening multiple other windows like irana and more.. can even watch a movie during gaming.. the cpu loadout is around 50-60% for all 8 cores during edo is running and the usage for the RAM is around 4 GB. just for info for other intersted ones. old systems aren´t so bad, only watch out for good stuff!

edit: jep win7 fly danger, live danger haha -joke aside, im well protected, hard and software firewall

Last edit: 11 Jul 2022, 3:06pm
11 Jul 2022, 3:01pm
Alex Hoffmannyou really have a nice system my performance is ok, i can even run the game and opening multiple other windows like irana and more.. can even watch a movie during gaming.. the cpu loadout is around 50-60% for all 8 cores during edo is running and the usage for the RAM is around 4 GB. just for info for other intersted ones. old systems aren´t so bad, only watch out for good stuff!

edit: jep win7 fly danger, live danger haha -joke aside, im well protected, hard and software firewall

I jest about Win7, but it is exploitable at this point. Diligence is advisable.

It's a work system. Certainly nothing I could afford on my own without work related use helping to recoup its cost. (if curious ... it's an HP Z8 G4 Custom Workstation). I'm also using a Dell UP3218k 32" 8K monitor, (when not using VR) which I also need for work as a graphics designer. However, when not working it's great for everything else. Overkill mostly, like on EDO. My original point was how well EDO runs when given no barriers hardware wise. On my system I can't see EDO on CPU percentage, below 1%. For RAM use it's around 18gb, so EDO will take it, if more is available and not allocated to OS. The GPU is loafing at about 15% and VRAM is about the same as system RAM at around 15gb. (3090 has 24gb available).

It's funny because right now I'm on my old (retired from work) HP Z820 workstation, and EDO runs about the same on it with the same GPU. And it's an old system as well. Older dual 20-core (ea) Xeon CPU's, DDR-3 ECC RAM, and three PCIe-3 x 16 slots. And you can buy one of these pretty cheap on the used market. Like under $1200 USD with hundreds of Gb of RAM and dual CPU's with factory water cooling. I'll jump on this machine to game if I am running 3D Octane/Iray/V-Ray renders for work on the newer machine.

Last edit: 11 Jul 2022, 3:32pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.