Elite: Odyssey

20 Jul 2022, 5:26pm
ZEN Industriesit's actually physics fact.
Physics facts are often being ignored here. Try landing on a 45.3G planet in E:D and in real life.
20 Jul 2022, 6:05pm
Joker, not clown!


And even if we talkin' about clowns, YES many of them do the science, being "clown" is just daily job during study.
...and your "theory" about how instance is static to it's "mass center"... Where did you get that? Same school where you learn that Earth is flat and Sun orbiting around Earth? Or you use Google or YouTube? Small tip... Google and YouTube aren't exactly best places to learn something.

To be more precise... Which quark is center of mass?

BTW Sofia is nice place, didn't been there for at least 10 months, maybe next time I visit, we could sit somewhere, drink and talk.

Last edit: 20 Jul 2022, 6:14pm
20 Jul 2022, 6:09pm
ZEN Industriesit's actually physics fact.

Physics facts are often being ignored here. Try landing on a 45.3G planet in E:D and in real life.

Most of what we do in Elite Dangerous is Physics Impossible at this point in time. So physics facts need to be manipulated or, yes, ignored if we want to travel and explore in the ED galaxy.
Or am I being too literal?
20 Jul 2022, 6:16pm
Most of my posts are sarcasm
20 Jul 2022, 6:18pm
Yes It's a game... most of those are "Impossible", but what is impossible?
Impossible is just term for something which is not YET achieved.

To quote somebody else.... "What we call today science, in past they call it magic"

And this game is partially based on real astrophysics theory and knowledge... Rest is "MAGIC"... Right?

MeowersMost of my posts are sarcasm

“Comedy is subjective. Isn’t that what they say?
All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what’s right or wrong.
The same way that you decide what’s funny or not.”

Last edit: 20 Jul 2022, 6:23pm
20 Jul 2022, 7:39pm
MeowersMost of my posts are sarcasm

same. You should see my Logbook!
20 Jul 2022, 8:03pm
20 Jul 2022, 10:41pm
MeowersMost of my posts are sarcasm

"Or am I being too literal? "

Figured so

ZEN Industries
To quote somebody else.... "What we call today science, in past they call it magic"

Absolutely true! Nowadays mobile phones are sophisticated reality, I'm old enough to remember when they were science fiction!
23 Jul 2022, 12:46pm
26 Jul 2022, 3:31am
Yuna SakashiroFYI, Frontier is now selling a retextured version of the Lunar Tiger suit, called Metro Badlands.

I really like the helmet. Kinda like a Cobra gijoe thing.

I wish they would make a vintage Kosmonaught suit.
26 Jul 2022, 7:23am
BluecrashI wish they would make a vintage Kosmonaught suit.

Check out the Vintage Gear set on the DLC shop, it’s exactly that, complete with goldfish-bowl helmet
26 Jul 2022, 1:32pm
I dont understand ground stuff, it seems kind of dumb that it exists mainly to grind for mats to make a suit better that only exists to get the mats to make the suits better
Is there more to it then FPS shooty mcbangbang for people who got tired of flying spaceships (im not counting xenobiology in this as i count that as exploration im asking about everything else basically)

Tldr I just dont get whats so fun about Ground combat , also am bad at ground combat , also bad at space combat too
am bad at combat
is there things to do that dont involve combat on planets in ODY that are also not Xeno scanning
also new to ODY advice is welcome in general

sorry for bothering you all
26 Jul 2022, 1:42pm
Odyssey on-foot combat is the worst FPS game of the last, maybe, ten years. It's worst than every other FPS in literally anything. If it were a standalone game, it would be a massive failboat, and FDev made it look and feel as a standalone game.
26 Jul 2022, 2:33pm
yes, ground combat has the worst fps i evere saw too. space is optimized and for the stations they have to do also some work. ground combat seems to be a huge building site. with a good gfx card you can get acceptable fps and a sliding gameplay on ground but it also depends on the internet connection and playing time.. nightshift or dayplay..
26 Jul 2022, 2:40pm
MiseriI dont understand ground stuff, it seems kind of dumb that it exists mainly to grind for mats to make a suit better that only exists to get the mats to make the suits better
Is there more to it then FPS shooty mcbangbang for people who got tired of flying spaceships (im not counting xenobiology in this as i count that as exploration im asking about everything else basically)

Tldr I just dont get whats so fun about Ground combat , also am bad at ground combat , also bad at space combat too
am bad at combat
is there things to do that dont involve combat on planets in ODY that are also not Xeno scanning
also new to ODY advice is welcome in general

sorry for bothering you all

The stealth mechanics is quite interesting in "on-foot" content. Sneaking around and avoiding detection is one of the best game mechanics of EDO. Unfortunately, you are right , on foot content is just to upgrade on-foot gear.
Ground CZs are the easiest way to get easy cash, weekly arx and they are a must in BGS wars (as they are easier and faster with zero risk).
Else the ground combat is way easier if you have your gear upgraded.
I personally enjoy missions where I take on entire high security settlement and kill them all from stealth with silenced weapons.

Ground PvP is even more borked than space PvP thanks to the p2p networking - avoid it at all cost.

What you can do besides combat on ground:
  • In populated systems you can do some deliveries , theft and sabotage without firing a shot. The later two requires mastering stealth mechanics.
  • The other things you can do on foot without combat is exobiology, but that is even more boring than space exploration.
  • ...and last but not least... you can make a glorious screenshots or doing role-playing BS It is common knowledge that ED is best known as space screenshot simulator

No , there is nothing else besides fps combat and material grind.

Last edit: 26 Jul 2022, 2:46pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.