Elite: Odyssey

30 Jun 2022, 10:42pm
ZEN Industries
KurakilCGs are exactly that. A "goal" (usually a prize of sorts) that can be earned by working towards said goal as a community. CGs are ultimately about the goodies, as I have never known anyone to support one side when the other side has the better prize (I'm sure those players exist but I've never met one). There are those who look to meet other players through the CG, but that is a only single way to do so out of many. Without the goodie bag, participation in CGs would be substantially lower, but people would still find ways to play together.

Now you met at least one.

Indeed. :bows:
01 Jul 2022, 11:04am
Some people view the rewards as the carrot, others view the narrative as the carrot. Either way it is ultimately a carrot. Something caught your attention and you worked for it and obtained it. FDev holds the stick. The game is the stick. Some people don't like to eat vegetables. There is no CG without a goal. Everyone chooses their own goal but there is a goal nonetheless even if it is not specified in the game. And clearly there are more than just 2 kinds of commanders. I rarely participate in any CG. I could care less about the "lore" since most of it is only portrayed via text, and most of the time the tangible rewards are not worth the effort. I'm doing other things at my own pace according to my own schedule. And besides, if we are including any roleplay aspects, I am a Freelancer and Mercenary so I should choose whatever has the best payout, and you should be exploring and looking for interesting things and not bothering with the pettiness of societies who can't get along.
01 Jul 2022, 12:45pm
95-98% of the playerbase don't care about the 'lore' and 'roleplay', they want goodiez.
01 Jul 2022, 1:20pm
Meowers95-98% of the playerbase don't care about the 'lore' and 'roleplay', they want goodiez.

It isn't necessarily that they don't care about lore, it's just that when the choice is between lore and one-time goodiez (like those pre-engineered FSDs that still haven't hit tech broker shelves) then FOMO takes over.

Of course FDev is well aware of that. So whenever they want the lore to move in one direction and not another (because it is tied to future content reveals, or the writers haven't really thought about alternatives), they use goodiez to make sure it happens. And shame on us, it works every time.
01 Jul 2022, 6:22pm
Installed 32GB RAM today on the laptop .... EDO mess is a bit better.
01 Jul 2022, 9:30pm
EpisparhInstalled 32GB RAM today on the laptop .... EDO mess is a bit better.

Did it have any effect on the performance in ground cz and settlements?
01 Jul 2022, 10:24pm
Kegaira Ohaya100% the game is the stick. I was referring to the statement about choosing the best CG reward vs not choosing it based on lore.
About text content.. Most pen and paper rpgs have ONLY text lore and a few images for atmosphere. Most books have only text and MAYBE a map (unless you tell me you like the movie versions of books because books are only text, so a nerd conversation should stop there). This not only has a whole GAME to build on the "text" lore, but also a treasure hunt aspect to it. And still the factor is "no pretty lights = I don't care" ?? I prefer being "old" and stick to text, I'm sorry.
As for rp aspects, my character description says Adventurer/Explorer, and as I was exploring, I came upon evidence that azimuth is evil. So I embarked on an adventure to stop it. And you as a Freelancer and a Mercenary should value your self above all else, and not wanting to die for a madman is self interest at its best no?

I don't mind text being the main avenue for lore... but not in a modern interactive videogame. The game itself should tell the lore through character interactions and meaningful events. Any CG feels the same as the equivalent normal activity only with specified parameters. I do not feel the lore flowing during these times any more than any other time. If I want text I will read a book as you said. I am partial to the 16-bit gaming era and text-based storytelling was still prevalent due to hardware limitations, but in a time with no such limitations it is just being lazy. Regardless, I'm pretty sure most of the modern lore we experience in the game concerning CGs is more or less predetermined and pronouns are changed accordingly to fit whichever side "wins". Or at least it feels like that. At the very least, FDev has a great writing staff so the quality is there. Now if only their programmers were competent... I think this is the buggiest game I have ever played.
02 Jul 2022, 2:25am
Kegaira Ohaya
Kurakil I think this is the buggiest game I have ever played.

One word:

Maybe, but I've only played Oblivion and Skyrim (which at first was incredibly buggy). I hear Fallout is a mess.
02 Jul 2022, 4:54am
Nick Nova
Did it have any effect on the performance in ground cz and settlements?

Performance in ground settlements improved a bit but I haven't tried ground CZ yet.

But from my short play session yesterday I can say it is better. Prior upgrade I had like 25fps in Arai's Mine after upgrade it jumped to 46-50. Textures now load instantly so no longer low resolution textures in the turbo lift in the station. In overall my performance improved but the ram was a limiting factor to my system with just 8GB. My CPU was busy copying stuff from RAM to SSD and vice versa constantly.
32 is an overkill, the game uses less than 12 GB , 16 should be more than enough. Part of the performance improvement in my case comes also from better thermal performance... My heat sinks and fans had 1/3 capacity due to dust. Re-pasting CPU/GPU and cleaning all the s#$%t definitely helped.

I will try ground CZ tonight when I get home from my short country trip and let you know.
02 Jul 2022, 7:24pm
FPS in ground CZ improved from 16-26 to 36-48 after RAM upgrade.
02 Jul 2022, 9:50pm
Wow, that's quite a substantial improvement. Congratulations
Odyssey runs ok for me in all situations except those two, even though i saw an increase in peformance after the last update. I now sit at around 50 fps in settlements and around 40 in ground cz. I believe im bottlenecked by the cpu.
Ryzen 5 2600x, 16gb ram, rtx 3060
02 Jul 2022, 11:20pm
I get 25-30 on planet surfaces, 20-25 in ground CZ, 20-30 in concourses (and semifrequent 5-10 frame dips in each). I have terrain detail set at low and both shadow settings at medium. I have 16GB RAM, but I know for sure my bottleneck is my video card so I don't expect it to get any better until I get a new one.
03 Jul 2022, 7:22am
Nick NovaWow, that's quite a substantial improvement. Congratulations
Odyssey runs ok for me in all situations except those two, even though i saw an increase in peformance after the last update. I now sit at around 50 fps in settlements and around 40 in ground cz. I believe im bottlenecked by the cpu.
Ryzen 5 2600x, 16gb ram, rtx 3060

Your CPU is similar to mine even a bit better. I doubt it is the CPU the problem, mine is usually a bit shy of 30% utilization.
06 Jul 2022, 2:00pm
I have a ryzen 5 5600X 6 core processor, and I get about 40-70 fps on planet surfaces, and about 45-70 fps in ground conflict zones. I have 64gbs of ram, and RX 6700 xt gpu. Now for some reason my "AMD software adrenaline edition" says that I am at 891fps when I am playing elite dangerous odyssey, and that my performance grade is excellent. Although I think the AMD software has lost its mind since I have never really felt like I was getting 891fps, but I can say that I really do not have any issues with stuttering, or landing on planetary surfaces/ground conflict zones. So maybe it is a ram issue?
06 Jul 2022, 5:41pm
if someone is running a system with greater than 64GB RAM (maybe 96 Gb or 128 GB RAM) i have a suggestion for testing: for the ultimate gaming experince you can try to setup (adress) a ram disk at your local memory and copy / launch the game there. theoretical there should be no or only minimal data transfer delay. the fps must be inreddible. but remember ramdisk is only for testing ! after each new pc startup the the datas are gone, so it´s only good for testing max data transfer rates and game performance !

here i found a link if you someone is interested in ramdisk setup

some text content from that link:

..However, a RAM drive is exponentially faster than traditional types of storage. And we mean exponentially. You can verify it yourself using Anvil’s Storage Utilities, a raw speed comparison tool. In the following test, my Windows device C drive registered an overall score of 77.63 Mbps with average read and write speeds of 40.44 and 37.20 Mbps respectively.

In comparison, the values for ImDisk RAM drive were off the charts with an overall score of 29675.8 Mbps, along with average read and write scores of 21615 and 8080 Mbps respectively..

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.