Elite: Odyssey

27 Jul 2022, 3:36pm
EpisparhPlasma FTW! ....unless you go the dumb rocket stuff for effectives.

For sidearm - Tormentor. Always!
For primary - Executioner for mission running. It works also in CZ but you will need practice. For CZ you either go with double Intimidator combo and run amok Duke Nukem style. There is middle option of the hybrid approach of Executioner/Intimidator.

And do not bother with Oppressor - it is pure trash.

Laser/Kinetic is mostly a PvP stuff , IMO.. Lasers are hitscan and kinetic is almost same, while plasma is easier to dodge even in close quarters fight.

I personally prefer the plasma because you need to "predict" the shot.

Found a grade 3 Tormentor with faster reload, and a grade 3 Dominator suit. No luck with main firearms yet. But I'll keep looking.
27 Jul 2022, 4:08pm
I will let you know if I see something interesting ....but I am not playing much nowadays.
27 Jul 2022, 4:22pm
Episparhbut I am not playing much nowadays.

Not much ED, or not much at all?
27 Jul 2022, 4:53pm
the latter
27 Jul 2022, 6:53pm
Episparhthe latter

What happened? Lack of time? Lack of games worth playing?

I noticed I'm finding fewer new games to play these days, but there are some long-time favorites that I always enjoy returning to when I get bored of ED.
27 Jul 2022, 7:59pm
Yuna Sakashiro

What happened? Lack of time? Lack of games worth playing?

I noticed I'm finding fewer new games to play these days, but there are some long-time favorites that I always enjoy returning to when I get bored of ED.

Well, time is always limited but the reason is lack of interesting titles. Last game that hooked me for 20-30 hours was Symphony of War, an tactical RPG similar to Fire Emblem. Most of the time I would rather search to polish some skills or add new one to my knowledge or just research new ways of doing stuff.

For example, my last finding was a note taking app called Obsidian ... it's a different approach of taking notes and it grabbed my interest in the time I had.
27 Jul 2022, 8:47pm
EpisparhWell, time is always limited but the reason is lack of interesting titles. Last game that hooked me for 20-30 hours was Symphony of War, an tactical RPG similar to Fire Emblem.

That reminds me, I still have Kenshi sitting in my GOG library, waiting to be played. But yeah, time is always limited.
28 Jul 2022, 6:18am
Yuna Sakashiro
That reminds me, I still have Kenshi sitting in my GOG library, waiting to be played. But yeah, time is always limited.

Wow, that is one fugly survival game. Hard pass

I am waiting for Master of Magic remake.

Last edit: 28 Jul 2022, 6:23am
28 Jul 2022, 7:40am
Yuna Sakashiro
That reminds me, I still have Kenshi sitting in my GOG library, waiting to be played. But yeah, time is always limited.

Wow, that is one fugly survival game. Hard pass

Not a survival game. A squad-based sandbox RPG, developed by one guy over 12 years. Check out the reviews on Steam.

I'm surprised you're judging the visuals here, because Symphony of War looks like it's straight out of the 1980s. Not really in a position to point fingers.
28 Jul 2022, 8:21am
ArtieThis is exactly the reason why I don't like Oppressor, the projectiles are too slow. On the other hand, I also hate constant switching between laser/kinetic. So for me the Executioner is the lesser evil from all the choices. I wish the enemies design would be more like the Destiny 2 - most of them are (or at least were back then) running shieldless, so you mostly need just one type of weapon and for the shielded/etc. enemies having another type is an advantage, but not entirely a necessity. It's more fun.

Try Intimidator - the only weapon capable of one shot shielded targets thanks to the projectiles nature. The only disadvantage it have is short range and wild pallet spread which can be nullified by applying scope, range and accuracy. This will tightens the spread and makes it effective in range. I consider this a bug or a flawed design but it is here for more than a year and at this point I doubt that frontier even care to fix it.

Thanks for the tip! I was thinking about the shotgun, too, but I am not a fan of shotguns in games in general, so I stick with the Executioner. I guess the tightened spread with the scope was a deliberate design choice (they didn't want to add another accuracy mod/choke/slugs), although it looks odd and makes no sense "physically".
28 Jul 2022, 10:57am
Yuna Sakashiro

Not a survival game. A squad-based sandbox RPG, developed by one guy over 12 years. Check out the reviews on Steam.

I'm surprised you're judging the visuals here, because Symphony of War looks like it's straight out of the 1980s. Not really in a position to point fingers.

What are you talking about? Symphony of War is 2022 game made with rpg maker. Graphics are just fine for what the game is and the artwork is relatively nice.

And about Kenshi, a game where you constantly need to buy water/food/whatever is my definition of survival game. And it is fugly because it is 3d on a budget and 3d art is far more complex than 2d drawings. I watched few gameplay videos. The world colours are too brownish for my liking... Looked to me like graphic designer had preferences towards "duck poop" colours.


BTW, I was a teen in late 80s

Last edit: 28 Jul 2022, 11:03am
03 Aug 2022, 2:48pm
The big galaxy merge is coming.

TL;DR: Horizons players will be able to run the game on client 4.0 without purchasing the Odyssey DLC. Client 3.8 will remain installed as a fallback option.
03 Aug 2022, 3:05pm
Also the big whining is coming if Frontiers will suddenly break something and leave as is for pretty long...
03 Aug 2022, 3:11pm
Yuna SakashiroThe big galaxy merge is coming.

TL;DR: Horizons players will be able to run the game on client 4.0 without purchasing the Odyssey DLC. Client 3.8 will remain installed as a fallback option.

I'm just glad 3.8 will remain for material farming since the biological sites are gone in 4.0.
04 Aug 2022, 8:36am
Top ranks on empire and federation must bring us a new powerfull ship. Ships with docking system. These ship cant not landing at pads or surface. Ships equiped with a one médium or small landing pad. And the docking system for dock at stations.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 21 Dec 2022, 11:10pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.