Elite: Odyssey

20 Jun 2022, 6:20am
I can vouch for that. I run my Cutter with ludicrous levels of shielding. I don't worry about gankers when I'm in that thing. But if you are tight on credits, do keep your ships rebuy in mind. My Cutter is usually between 50 to 70 million for a rebuy cost depending on what I'm doing.
20 Jun 2022, 6:31am
Class 8 prismatics are expensive.

I use class 6 prismos for hauling, and class 8 bi-weaves for everything else.
20 Jun 2022, 12:30pm
SakashiroClass 8 prismatics are expensive.

I use class 6 prismos for hauling, and class 8 bi-weaves for everything else.

I have the Bi-weaves at the moment.
20 Jun 2022, 2:22pm
Don't forget to add shield boosters.
20 Jun 2022, 3:28pm
SakashiroClass 8 prismatics are expensive.

I use class 6 prismos for hauling, and class 8 bi-weaves for everything else.

I bough Prisma's for every class I thought would need it in the future. The damage was around 600 million. That's a pretty penny for modules.
24 Jun 2022, 1:50pm
I heard EDO is on sale on steam.
I still cannot recommend.
24 Jun 2022, 2:09pm
Yes, it's 45% off on Steam right now. Odyssey still has its problems, I can however recommend it for that price.
24 Jun 2022, 2:40pm
Yeah, it is cheap
24 Jun 2022, 2:59pm
Steam its offering some discounts for vacational season

Last edit: 24 Jun 2022, 4:16pm
25 Jun 2022, 6:16am
I am not a big fan of Bacterium Acies. It blends right in to certain types of surface textures, is often the same color as the terrain, and if you are on a body more than a few thousand light-seconds away, the "day" side of a planet/moon is nearly as dark as the "night" side and you will have a very hard time. Even with night-vision on, I had to use the reflection of the light from the galaxy itself just to maybe catch an odd texture that is not affected by the night-vision, since most scatter shows up easily with night-vision and I can rule it out quickly. And that only really works if the terrain textures are smooth. If the terrain textures are noisy, not only do you have to distinguish different shades of black but also whether or not any particular texture has the specific type of curves you are looking for in the bacteria. If I see the terrain is smooth I will spend a little while looking even with negligible lighting, but if it is noisy with bad/no light, I don't even bother anymore. Either the bacteria needs a rethinking or there needs to be a better way to search than by squinting at the monitor.
25 Jun 2022, 9:56am
25 Jun 2022, 10:09am
You are wasting your life looking for Bacterium acies. It is literally only worth 50k which makes it the least valuable of all the exobiology rocks to click on.

That said, if you are looking for it for Codex entries or wasting your life is your actual goal then the trick for finding Bacterium (even acies) is to fly high and slow (150m, 80m/s) and use your external camera.
25 Jun 2022, 10:21am
As Burstar said, dont bother for bacterium acies. The only value bacterias are Informems and volus. 400-500k. Double if first logged. You will save a lot of time and getting elite exobiology a bit "faster".
25 Jun 2022, 10:45am
Yeah I know most bacteria are bleh, and in general I can find them without too much trouble (usually), it is just that this is the only variant I have found that is actually impossible™ to find under certain circumstances. Needless to say I won't be wasting time doing so anymore.
25 Jun 2022, 8:23pm
I only look for each variant once. I'm playing Pokemon with the codex. There are other variants of bacterium that can be camouflage as well. The dark planets are the worst and waiting for a ping on the SRV composition scanner can be a wild goose chase, particularly since bacterium likes flat areas and the scanner only hits areas above the flat where there is some topography.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.