Elite: Odyssey

29 Jun 2022, 4:32pm
My guess is the AX rockets will be necessary for ground AXCZs in the beginning when and if they arrive.
29 Jun 2022, 4:41pm
Burstarwhen and if
29 Jun 2022, 6:29pm
BurstarMy guess is the AX rockets will be necessary for ground AXCZs in the beginning when and if they arrive.

Are the CG one any better than the one offered by tech brokers?

Edit: Ah... double engineered with what?
29 Jun 2022, 8:30pm
BurstarMy guess is the AX rockets will be necessary for ground AXCZs in the beginning when and if they arrive.

Are the CG one any better than the one offered by tech brokers?

Edit: Ah... double engineered with what?

High cap and rapid fire.
30 Jun 2022, 3:18am
I'm sure that most of people reading this don't need explanation below, but I'll try to explain to those who didn't yet figured this game.

You missing the point of Community Goals (plural).
It's not about some AX racks, free or discounted stuff, earning enormous amounts of useless credits...
It's all about attracting players to play and give this universe life and making friends which is most important... Otherwise play X-series games
There is several aspects in Elite which have direct impact from CG's
- Lore
- Powerplay
- BSG (Background simulation Game)
- Markets
- Levels of security
- AX/Guardian/Unknown parts of lore.

Sorry to disappoint some players, this is not only Trade/Fight/Explore game. It was in 1984. when I started to play it, but game evolved so much since than.

P.S. About AX double engineered missile racks... will they be really useless after August update when we should (still just a rumor's) we shall be introduced with new Thargoid Motherships and many of those permit locked systems become unlocked... We will see.
Imagine squadron fights with one missile boat and which can make only a serious damage to those Motherships.
Still reward in CG isn't important... people playing it are (even gankers)
30 Jun 2022, 4:23am
ZEN IndustriesI'm sure that most of people reading this don't need explanation below, but I'll try to explain to those who didn't yet figured this game....

I used to think this way 3 years ago but the reality is quite different.

Anyway, I will not ruin your day if you have such fantasies. Enjoy it as long as it lasts.
30 Jun 2022, 5:57am
Oh you are such nice and polite person, my country-neighbor thank you.

BTW... I'm 54 old, retired person, You can't ruin my day, not even one. I enjoy every one of them doing things I like and always wanted to do when I was younger. So don't worry... However it's still polite from you to show how you are considered about others.

Cheers mate!

Last edit: 30 Jun 2022, 6:02am
30 Jun 2022, 6:45am
Two years ago there were no CGs, and Galnet was offline.

But there were more players.
30 Jun 2022, 7:46am
SakashiroTwo years ago there were no CGs, and Galnet was offline.

But there were more players.

That was because of "the thing" that locked everyone in home with nothing else to do
30 Jun 2022, 8:29am
EpisparhThat was because of "the thing" that locked everyone in home with nothing else to do

Yet the only curve we managed to flatten is the ED player curve. "The thing" is stronger than before.
30 Jun 2022, 8:57am
"All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are


at some point people found it a trivial thing.
30 Jun 2022, 10:56am
Episparh"All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are


Needs more cowbell.
30 Jun 2022, 12:02pm
CGs are exactly that. A "goal" (usually a prize of sorts) that can be earned by working towards said goal as a community. CGs are ultimately about the goodies, as I have never known anyone to support one side when the other side has the better prize (I'm sure those players exist but I've never met one). There are those who look to meet other players through the CG, but that is a only single way to do so out of many. Without the goodie bag, participation in CGs would be substantially lower, but people would still find ways to play together.
30 Jun 2022, 12:55pm
KurakilCGs are exactly that. A "goal" (usually a prize of sorts) that can be earned by working towards said goal as a community. CGs are ultimately about the goodies, as I have never known anyone to support one side when the other side has the better prize (I'm sure those players exist but I've never met one). There are those who look to meet other players through the CG, but that is a only single way to do so out of many. Without the goodie bag, participation in CGs would be substantially lower, but people would still find ways to play together.

30 Jun 2022, 1:02pm
KurakilCGs are exactly that. A "goal" (usually a prize of sorts) that can be earned by working towards said goal as a community. CGs are ultimately about the goodies, as I have never known anyone to support one side when the other side has the better prize (I'm sure those players exist but I've never met one). There are those who look to meet other players through the CG, but that is a only single way to do so out of many. Without the goodie bag, participation in CGs would be substantially lower, but people would still find ways to play together.

Now you met at least one.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.