Elite: Odyssey

01 Mar 2023, 7:22pm
Sampi Ogonek
JoeD246o7 Cmdrs. So I like exo-biology as much as the next Cmdr (maybe more), but I wonder about the game-play mechanic used to actually find a specimen. To wit: fly around looking at the ground until you spot it. (LOL)

I mean, in 3309, wouldn't we have a gadget to add to our sensors so that as we flew close to the ground, we'd get a little arrow or something pointing us to a ripe juicy cactus or what have you?

During the Odyssey Alpha I did suggest in some feedback thread on Frontier’s forums to add signals for the new biologicals to the SRV’s wave scanner, but I guess it either was totally lost in the noise or was filed under “Suggestion #3756” on someone’s list.

Well I'm glad you tried...
25 May 2023, 5:01am
Now the same scenario goes to 69 Upsilon Tauri, 73% done, but last CMDRs still being marked in HR 1812 and Senocidi. Not good, you'll not clear it in time. = go and do everything again, but this time Invasion.
30 May 2023, 4:10pm
Was thinking this myself, just got the exo suit and looking to level it up soon, figure it's going to be an annoying battle finding all these plants
11 Jun 2023, 3:53pm
o7 Commanders! I've been afk for about 1 year (cashed in my carrier for ~3y of maintenance fee), and I'm just wondering if there's any new big thing in the game? By big I mean new ships/weapons/mods/suits/enemies/gameplay, etc., basically things that every online game should have but is rarely seen on ED
11 Jun 2023, 4:49pm
Thargoids decided to invade bubble and kill all us. New thargoid called glaive. Thargoid motherships aka maelstroms. Hmm what else.. some new modules like caustic sink launchers, also there is module that allows you to carry more than 4 guardian/ax weapons. Better xeno scan and new neutraliser against motherships.

Well thats it..
09 Jul 2023, 5:01am
It seems my best weapon when ground fighting is a SRV. Not shooting scavengers with the SRV weapons, but running them over. I can't help but laugh while doing it because I always have this scene from the 1975 original Death Race 2000 in my head.
09 Jul 2023, 6:57pm
10 Jul 2023, 12:35am
Lol, going to watch this right now.

It's a great movie. It even has Sylvester Stallone's very first Rambo yell while shooting a machine gun.
10 Jul 2023, 2:25am
I may have gone off on a tangent. Open the spoilered part at your own risk.

The Scarab’s dual repeater is actually decent at shooting down scavengers(would never take into CZ), though running them over is fun too.

Scorpion? Uh… yeah… I’ll just say that I think it is nothing short of a travesty - and completely absurd - that the main weapon of the combat-focused SRV is worse than committing roadkill, or the turret of the ‘explorer’/utility vehicle, at killing things. Those it will be most frequently firing at, anyway.

Missiles don’t count since Odyssey/suit shields act like a magical one stop solution for everything as long as they’re active. (And I have a feeling that it would make the funky balance even worse if they didn’t… especially looking at a certain handheld rocket launcher here.) They also manage to miss the target they were locked on to a little too easily.

(End the rant about the way the Scorpion is woefully inept at fighting non-vehicular opponents in large numbers due to the horrific (in)accuracy of its main weapon. And how it resets its firing cycle to zero when changing targets, while the trigger was not released, which is even more nonsensical.)

Anyway, yes, running over those pesky scavengers is quite amusing, especially since they’re just a nuisance getting in your way.
10 Jul 2023, 8:48am
Vasil VasilescuIt's a great movie. It even has Sylvester Stallone's very first Rambo yell while shooting a machine gun.
Yeah, totally liked it.

Kasumi GotoAnyway, yes, running over those pesky scavengers is quite amusing, especially since they’re just a nuisance getting in your way.
A little bit of Carmageddon never hurts.
10 Jul 2023, 4:37pm
… except the people that are on the receiving end. Not that they can really argue their point by then…
11 Jul 2023, 4:04pm
That point with Scarab and Scorpion, yes I agree that Scorp has uhm trashy main gun. Scarab is better for settlement clean up. I ve done it many times in Scarab, but once in Scorp. When I was using Scarab, almost everybody outside was dead. Scorp? Nah, I barely runned away from scavengers. So I take as advantage on Scarab only shields, armor and multicrew (heh, multicrew is controversial, though)
20 Jul 2023, 12:53am
With all of the advancements in technology in year 3309, it is nice to know that humans still have elevator music and that it is still piped through cheap speakers.
24 Jul 2023, 10:44pm
Why do I have Notoriety in an Anarchy system? I thought that was the whole idea was an Anarchy system is basically Lawless.
25 Jul 2023, 5:22am
-VIPER-Why do I have Notoriety in an Anarchy system? I thought that was the whole idea was an Anarchy system is basically Lawless.

System state affects just general system space. However, all assets in the system have their own state.
You can have a station owned by democratic minor faction located in anarchy system. If you break the law there you get full weight of crime and punishment system. Anarchy systems are just controlled by anarchy faction but not all assets there are necessarily anarchy.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.