Elite: Odyssey

10 Nov 2023, 6:31am
Rare to find a person that's good at testing things.

And you are correct, your numbers are likely pretty good then. they are crap weapons.
I use what hits hardest. with much caution on the rocket launcher - its jitter can blow your face off.
And thanks to the intelligence of foot soldiers, They never see it coming, even though its what a person with eyes does and as a soldier should be shooting at me full tilt till i drop or blow up.
as AI is non-existant in foot soldiers, not even a smidgen of self preservation...Ichigo would be embarrassed to fight them. kinder to run up to their un-expecting faces and put them out of their confusion.
Nice work.
10 Nov 2023, 3:51pm
Titanium A Smith I personally find Plasma weapons too slow, but that's because I'm a terrible shot. I usually burn down their shields with Thermal and then switch to Kinetic or shoot them in the back of the head with my silenced P-15 when their shields are down.

On that, i agree they can be used but the projectile is terribly slow and only good against stationary targets and ones moving in a straight line. if you can predict their movement and shoot where they will be. But totally useless against anything moves hectically. what's best in plasma is the Intimidator. it's close range anyways so you can't miss.

Las and kinetic? i have an issue with em you have to swap, which consumes time and limits the variety of weapons you can use. I can carry 3 weapons with myself and all of it perfectly useful at their role at the cost of better think trough target picking and aiming. which is in ground battle zones means tormentor, intimidator and executioner. And they work like charm. And no i'm not that good at aiming either but i know how to pick my target, aim to i have to shot. keep calm aim wait for the perfect moment and than squeeze the trigger. Instead of go all out hillbilly and turn into sieve the thin air.

On missions? Tormentor and oppressor. I had tired lasers and satisfied with them, but until i upgrade em not going to use any of it.
27 Nov 2023, 10:58am

27 Nov 2023, 11:37am
It looked ridiculously shitty and silly the moment I first saw it, and still does.

It less resembles armor and more one of those puffy winter jackets(which I also don’t like in the slightest). Or I’m just negatively biased because I think these look super dumb.
27 Nov 2023, 12:26pm
It looks to me that FD aren't done with scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

... Cat ears helmet, really?
27 Nov 2023, 1:20pm
Nothing against cat ears helmet (obviously lol) but that chest/arms armour is just ridiculous, it looks like a bloated diving suit somebody farted while being in.
27 Nov 2023, 5:25pm
Constanza's Gore-Tex
27 Nov 2023, 9:36pm
I recently completed the Community Goal supplying goos to LHS 3872, finishing in the top 50%.

How do I claim, or buy, or otherwise obtain, the pre-engineered Mining laser that was part of the reward?
28 Nov 2023, 10:35pm
AguilarI love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.

go into silent running instantly, your shield will shut off - that's normal - wait for your FSD timer to go down - while you throttle away full speed from the glaive.

DO NOT BOOST - or it will see you

now you can escape 90% of the time. I think FDEV play as Glaives and even target engines for fun the other 10% of the time.
28 Nov 2023, 10:43pm
MeowersNothing against cat ears helmet (obviously lol) but that chest/arms armor is just ridiculous, it looks like a bloated diving suit somebody farted while being in.

We agree!

We've wanted cats ear helmets for two years now, the muscle man power ranger color is weird to pair with it - take the good with the bad.

We had the cat ear helmet prototype on Fringe Lab floor place holder for years now. And we did get the year of the Tiger limited time outfit with the cat head a year ago.
06 Dec 2023, 5:16pm
KurakilAlmost had a handful of 1000-0 "perfect matches" in regards to Ground CZ (High), but nooooooo a friendly npc always has to charge into a 1v6 situation out in the open for no reason. Wish it could be me vs. both sides simultaneously so I can rid the galaxy of their idiocy.

12 Dec 2023, 10:03am
17.01 is out, what we gonna see this time?

Last edit: 12 Dec 2023, 1:38pm
12 Dec 2023, 12:28pm
Yup, after the update my ARX balance was zero, and after relogging ...

Frontier as usual.
16 Dec 2023, 5:50am
The server fooling us or begin fooled with the usual bugs so its showing false data what we know.
16 Dec 2023, 8:18am
MinonianThe server fooling us or begin fooled with the usual bugs so its showing false data what we know.

This isn't even a sentence.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.