Elite: Odyssey

16 Aug 2022, 10:16pm

Hold my beer...

That's Odyssey. Now what?
16 Aug 2022, 10:31pm
at which quality settings ? low or medium ? looks really not so good. i don´t have the best hardware but the game (odyssey) looking much better for me, a new gfx card i think is the point. scince i bought a new one it´s looking much better.. but i know not everyone have enough money to buy the newest stuff only for gaming.. me too. for me it was time for a new one and the price was right (i will use it also for work).
16 Aug 2022, 10:46pm
Alex Hoffmannat which quality settings ? low or medium ? looks really not so good. i don´t have the best hardware but looking much better for me, gfx card i think is the point. scince i bought a new one looking much better.. but i know not everone have enough money to buy the newest stuff only for gaming.. me too. was time for new one and the price was right for me (for work it also count for me).

Go check it out and see for yourself! LHS 1918 B 3, coordinates 15.8547° / 137.4874°. Only 58Ly from Shinrarta Dezhra.

Let me know if it looks different for you.
16 Aug 2022, 10:50pm
in a few days i can.. im 20000 ly away atm.. will check when back.. btw. which gfx card u are using ?
16 Aug 2022, 11:42pm
Yuna SakashiroHold my beer... That's Odyssey. Now what?

Is it how HORIZONS planets would look like also, when FD will switch it to codebase 4.0?
17 Aug 2022, 12:36am
Shg56Is it how HORIZONS planets would look like also, when FD will switch it to codebase 4.0?

Yes. It will be the same client, except that some features will be disabled if no Odyssey DLC license is found on the user account. You'll get the same terrain, the same performance, but no pretty sunsets because atmospheric planets will be off limits. In open mode, your instances will be separate from both Horizons 3.8 and Odyssey.

Few of the goodies, but all of the downsides.
17 Aug 2022, 1:15am
I thought both Horizons and Odyssey are on 4.0 as of the last update?

EDIT: Disregard. According to Steam:

"To allow as many players as possible to experience the new narrative and gameplay elements, we intend to give all PC players access to version 4.0, at no additional cost, while keeping the upgrade to Odyssey optional. You will still be able to launch Elite in version 3.8 if you choose. This option is expected to come in the weeks following Update 13 with more details to be shared closer to the time. To understand what will be available to Horizons players on 4.0 compared to Odyssey players, see the table below."

Weird that they'll allow folks to hop back and forth between 3.8 and 4.0 on Horizons. Feels like you may as well rip off the bandaid and push everyone to 4.0, otherwise what's the point?
17 Aug 2022, 1:29am
think fdev have to put the gfx conditions for a pleasant gameplay a bit higher.. i can only repeat, scince i have a new gfx card it´s looking much better.. and the rest of my hardware is not up to date. here a few odyssey screenshots taken with ´medium / low settings´ (yes, i like more fps and a good cooled card). i tried to get the terrain from different altitudes, was a bit tricky in the buggy.. and some taken from ground. fps are running at 50-60 constantly, with my old gfx card it wasn´t so a good ground gameplay. now it makes fun

Last edit: 17 Aug 2022, 2:01am
17 Aug 2022, 2:17am
XeknosI thought both Horizons and Odyssey are on 4.0 as of the last update?

EDIT: Disregard. According to Steam:

"To allow as many players as possible to experience the new narrative and gameplay elements, we intend to give all PC players access to version 4.0, at no additional cost, while keeping the upgrade to Odyssey optional. You will still be able to launch Elite in version 3.8 if you choose. This option is expected to come in the weeks following Update 13 with more details to be shared closer to the time. To understand what will be available to Horizons players on 4.0 compared to Odyssey players, see the table below."

Weird that they'll allow folks to hop back and forth between 3.8 and 4.0 on Horizons. Feels like you may as well rip off the bandaid and push everyone to 4.0, otherwise what's the point?

I'm willing to bet that Odyssey will eventually become the new base-game before their next major expansion, just like Horizons did before Odyssey released.
17 Aug 2022, 7:29am
Yuna Sakashiro

Hold my beer...

That's Odyssey. Now what?

Wow - I have never seen 'bait and switch' so clearly demonstrated!

So - back to the accusations at hand Odyssey has no mono-colour boring planets and I never played horizons. Both are clearly untrue as demonstrated.

That image was the last Horizons world I landed on before I gave up on Elite Dangerous. The same volcanic features stamped on same-old, same-old landscapes that looked and felt unrealistic, but somehow felt sort-of fun to fly around, especially for hooners and base jumpers. But it was too uninteresting. There were nothing to explore but more beige, blue, or red planets with little or no detail and these POI that are little more than material farms. Unrealistic, repetitive and boring.

I found it more interesting to drive around Europe in a truck, than fly in Elite.

Odyssey saved Elite for me.

So no, I would never, ever go back to Horizons. I'd rather leave the game altogether.


17 Aug 2022, 9:12am
SheehyWow - I have never seen 'bait and switch' so clearly demonstrated!

So - back to the accusations at hand Odyssey has no mono-colour boring planets and I never played horizons. Both are clearly untrue as demonstrated.

What's clearly untrue is your claim that Horizons is "mono-colour" and Odyssey is not. In fact Alex just posted several photos of mono-colour planet surfaces in Odyssey. You posted one picture of a planet in Horizons that is illuminated by the red light of a nearby star. The textures of that planet are neither red nor mono-colour; they are merely (correctly) tinted by ambient light. In other words, you are using a cheap trick to create the impression that your claim is supported by facts, which it isn't. To demonstrate this, I picked a screenshot from Odyssey where the planet surface is also tinted by red ambient light. As you can see, the result is the same. You're not fooling anyone.

The problem with Odyssey's terrain is the low-resolution texture used to blend detail textures into each other. This can be seen on every planet, and it's most pronounced if the detail textures are different in color. Here's an example:

This is a close-up view of Ch'i Lin 1. At this distance the surface looks nice; there is variation in color and a normal map to create the illusion of roughness, pebbles etc. It all looks very natural.

Zoom out a little, and it looks like this:

Still OK, but after you zoom out a little further...

... you may notice that something is off.

A pattern starts emerging, and suddenly you realize...

... that you're actually playing Minecraft!

Once you've seen this, you can't unsee it, because it's EVERYWHERE. I can see it even in the screenshots that Alex posted. The game keeps showing you how the sausage is made, and there is no option in the graphics settings to make those pixels go away.

Go and find me a planet in Horizons where this happened. I bet you can't.
17 Aug 2022, 9:49am
jep this is true, closer you get to the planet surface, clearer and more sharperner it comes. i can also see this when im hovering around and searching bio spots, above 50-100 m from surface.
i also reconized in busy servertimes the terrain get increddible bad, the rendering engine getting problems loading the textures by time. in extrem cases i saw only one colored texture areas for a few seconds. if you fly at night, or server green times, surface loading time is really nice, like it should be.

Last edit: 17 Aug 2022, 9:56am
17 Aug 2022, 9:54am
Odyssey looks fine when walking or being static. Once you try hooning around with ship the pain of flickering shadows and squared pattern re-texturing starts. Zoom out and it becomes Minecraft: Elite Dangerous edition.
17 Aug 2022, 9:59am
Odyssey looks fine when walking or being static. Once you try hooning around with ship the pain of flickering shadows and squared pattern re-texturing starts. Zoom out and it becomes Minecraft: Elite Dangerous edition.

yes the pattern re texturing seems to be a problem. but i dont have flickering shadows, even not with my old gfx card. maybe a settings / gfx card driver problem.

Last edit: 17 Aug 2022, 10:39am
17 Aug 2022, 10:46am
Flickering shadows are edge case that happens around day/night line when the generated terain is rough (but not from artefacts such as stones)

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.