Elite: Odyssey

27 Aug 2022, 11:39am
EpisparhMeeting in person and throwing stuff on the ground worked too last time I've checked.

Yes, it still does... except for data.

You can throw data on the ground too.

should be possible to all items carring in the backpack..
27 Aug 2022, 7:55pm
EpisparhMeeting in person and throwing stuff on the ground worked too last time I've checked.

27 Aug 2022, 9:30pm
Well, this is as much as FDev could figure ...

Last edit: 28 Aug 2022, 6:42am
27 Aug 2022, 9:31pm
TiggerYou can throw data on the ground too.

I did not know that. Now if only bartenders would let you trade it...
28 Aug 2022, 11:33pm
KurakilThis time the shuttle was shot down before it even landed at the settlement (at least I wasn't inside it). It appears the shuttle takes the wanted state of whoever calls it regardless of it having no passengers.

Talk about overly zealous, yeah. Strange. Maybe they got bugged a little twitchy, what with recent events?

Settlement AA has super twitchy trigger fingers. Small outposts generally like to blow up first and als questions later. And who can blame them?
02 Sep 2022, 1:02am
Anyone else having issues logging in thru Steam ?
Seems restarting my rig fixed the login issue!

Last edit: 02 Sep 2022, 1:15am
02 Sep 2022, 8:22pm
Thanks. I'll try that,
10 Sep 2022, 1:25am
Almost had a handful of 1000-0 "perfect matches" in regards to Ground CZ (High), but nooooooo a friendly npc always has to charge into a 1v6 situation out in the open for no reason. Wish it could be me vs. both sides simultaneously so I can rid the galaxy of their idiocy.
14 Sep 2022, 2:52am
Got 995-0 four different times but finally managed to get a bugless 1000-0. Need to babysit the friendly npcs so they don't get themselves killed.
18 Sep 2022, 8:07pm
Remember that bug where sometimes the objective progression for on-foot missions no longer displays and you can no longer progress said mission? Well, I just had a similar thing happen in ground CZ: I could still finish the zone but the combat bonds from kills were no longer acquired/registered.
Also after exiting the ship back at the station and heading toward the tubes, my character fell through the floor and into out-of-bounds. The station internals remained rendered but everything outside was not. I had to relog to menu as I was perpetually "falling" into the great abyss. It's nice to see the progress they have made with the completely finished game over the last 18 months.
20 Sep 2022, 7:38am
Finally finished engineering my last weapon, so decided to sell all goods (both useful like schematics but also plenty of useless filler pap) and some choice data (engineer unlocks but also useless pap), all in all about 600 items last night.

Delighted and somewhat astonished to see this morning that everything is gone, including the filler stuff. Netted a decent profit as a result (reckon about 80mil - I also sold some Horizons items worth around 20-30m or thereabouts so my actual income was in the 9 digits overnight).

Because I can't really see the exact figures (other than the total - which is diluted by a partial delivery of a Tritium order I put in for 5,000t) I thought hey the game has these two UI screens where I can see profits made for each commodities and bartender goods.

Lo and behold, both show zero profits for the past 8 weeks. /facepalm

Elite is the only game in my library that after providing a brief high, will pull me right down again due to dysfunctional/broken/buggy game design that the developer has seemingly no intention to fix despite its addition being fairly recent (in terms of the bar trading at least).

Le sigh.
29 Sep 2022, 1:12am
When you get out on foot and look at your ship, it shows your commander name, ship name, hull/shields, and an icon. What icon is it supposed to show? Mine is showing what looks like a Mercenary Elite icon with a somewhat hidden blue star on the bottom and partly obscured by the icon itself... but even if that is supposed to be the Mercenary Elite I icon, that is not my Mercenary rank. What icon should be showing? Or is it just another minor bug?
29 Sep 2022, 2:34am
Oh *that* thing, had to look pretty hard. Um, no idea, sorry.

Meanwhile, got sent on another wild goose chase for salvage that doesn't seem to be there. Ugh. I mean it could be somewhere on the planet, just not in any immediate vicinity I can see.

Also, as a nice touch I thought I overheard a Japanese conversation in a concourse, but then I realized I had the Silent Hill 4 Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara audio play running in the background
03 Oct 2022, 5:08am
It really sux that I waited all this time to get my stuff off of play station and over onto my PC just so I could do odyssey. And one damned slip up cost me over 5,000,000 credits to get my ship back after paying a 100 credit bounty. Especially seeing how the damned shot was an accident. But, hey grinding you aspirin box off to get credits is suppose to be fun while system extorts your credits...
Thinking of returning to horizon.. and saying the he'll with Odyssey. I truly wished I had NOT spent the real cash to get odyssey...

In retrospect, if you gonna do any missions on foot and fly your own ship. Get the cheapest one possible and if foe some reason you end up with a fine or bounty.. MAKE DAMN SURE, you are in that cheap ship when you try to clear your name.
FDEV will not help you..
03 Oct 2022, 7:39am
In fairness, Horizons missions have frustration potential just as much as Odysseys (though they tend to waste less time in comparison if things go wrong).

Tried 2 last night - one being a megaship scanning mission, the other a Horizons settlement one. Both were bugged; the latter because the text suggested I'd have to take out the power console or whatever it's called, while I was supposed to scan a beacon instead, the former just didn't recognise me scanning any data link (even the ones you need recon limpets for) so had to abandon it.

4.0 is in such a poor state when it comes to general functionality (not that 3.8 is the gold standard either) that there are very few activities left that work as intended, which is a problem if you like a bit of variety in your in-game activities. And with much fewer updates to the game now chances that these things get addressed are even slimmer than they were before.

I was going to grind some Fed rank to unlock the Corvette (again), but the above is making me reconsider this now since building rep is dependent on running missions (I also can't quite take the larger ships in Elite seriously anymore since playing X4, so may just stick to small and medium).

Last edit: 03 Oct 2022, 8:38am

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.