Elite: Odyssey

21 Dec 2022, 10:35pm
StryphZ'Does using Apex or Frontline contribute towards your Inara progress for systems visited, hyperspace distance / jumps etc?

If it's calculated towards the in-game stats, then yes. Honestly, I have no idea of this kind of travel is reflected in the in-game stats, so check it there.
22 Dec 2022, 11:18am
StryphZ'Does using Apex or Frontline contribute towards your Inara progress for systems visited, hyperspace distance / jumps etc?

If it's calculated towards the in-game stats, then yes. Honestly, I have no idea of this kind of travel is reflected in the in-game stats, so check it there.

Thanks, there is a stat for shuttle distance travelled but no idea if it's added to the total hyperspace distance. I assume it would be but will have to run a test.

Last edit: 22 Dec 2022, 12:58pm
26 Jan 2023, 7:25pm
o7 Cmdrs. So I like exo-biology as much as the next Cmdr (maybe more), but I wonder about the game-play mechanic used to actually find a specimen. To wit: fly around looking at the ground until you spot it. (LOL)

I mean, in 3309, wouldn't we have a gadget to add to our sensors so that as we flew close to the ground, we'd get a little arrow or something pointing us to a ripe juicy cactus or what have you?

Comments welcome. :-)
27 Jan 2023, 1:36pm
JoeD246o7 Cmdrs. So I like exo-biology as much as the next Cmdr (maybe more), but I wonder about the game-play mechanic used to actually find a specimen. To wit: fly around looking at the ground until you spot it. (LOL)

I mean, in 3309, wouldn't we have a gadget to add to our sensors so that as we flew close to the ground, we'd get a little arrow or something pointing us to a ripe juicy cactus or what have you?

Comments welcome. :-)

I agree. We can see where cetain bios grow in supercruise prior to landing so why this can't be translated to something more definitive on the ground does not make sense, even some kind of hot / cold scanner. While we're at it why can I restock my suit when standing under the cockpit of my ship yet I can't deploy my SRV.
27 Jan 2023, 1:58pm
I mean, in 3309, wouldn't we have a gadget to add to our sensors so that as we flew close to the ground, we'd get a little arrow or something pointing us to a ripe juicy cactus or what have you?

Heck, just having a pair of binoculars would be an improvement! Sure would be nice to get a better look at the indistinct specks on the horizon to see if they're Osseus or Cactus or just plain dumb rocks _before_ I have to bounce my SRV over all the intervening lumps and bumps. I guess that's one piece of technology lost to the ages...

It'd also be pretty good to have access to the 'ping' function of the suit scanner from the SRV. Maybe with a bit of extra range. Would save a lot of hopping out of the SRV only to find 'insufficient genetic diversity'.
27 Jan 2023, 4:08pm
I wish we could engineer the scanner so it could hold more than one plant at a time, would speed things up nicely.

In other news... new xeno scanner
27 Jan 2023, 5:55pm
JoeD246o7 Cmdrs. So I like exo-biology as much as the next Cmdr (maybe more), but I wonder about the game-play mechanic used to actually find a specimen. To wit: fly around looking at the ground until you spot it. (LOL)

I mean, in 3309, wouldn't we have a gadget to add to our sensors so that as we flew close to the ground, we'd get a little arrow or something pointing us to a ripe juicy cactus or what have you?

During the Odyssey Alpha I did suggest in some feedback thread on Frontier’s forums to add signals for the new biologicals to the SRV’s wave scanner, but I guess it either was totally lost in the noise or was filed under “Suggestion #3756” on someone’s list.
01 Feb 2023, 5:27am
Aunty SledgeI wish we could engineer the scanner so it could hold more than one plant at a time, would speed things up nicely.

In other news... new xeno scanner

It makes life so much easier. I've combined it with the new experimental weapons stabilizer and slapped a size 3 gimballed AX MC to the frontmost hardpoint on my AX Vette. Combined with the 4 modshards I can shred interceptors and scouts with ease, and if the buggers move around too much I can hit the hearts easily with the MC. I might goof off a bit and just cover my ship in AX MCs and see if I can slap down interceptors with it.
01 Feb 2023, 6:39pm
Raven McKenzie
Aunty SledgeIn other news... new xeno scanner

It makes life so much easier. I've combined it with the new experimental weapons stabilizer and slapped a size 3 gimballed AX MC to the frontmost hardpoint on my AX Vette. Combined with the 4 modshards I can shred interceptors and scouts with ease, and if the buggers move around too much I can hit the hearts easily with the MC. I might goof off a bit and just cover my ship in AX MCs and see if I can slap down interceptors with it.

I did that yesterday at Parsons in HIP 20899, in an Imp.Cutter with 5 gimballed AX MCs (3+2) and twin size 2 long range beams with thermal vent. (This kind of setup will probably be my favourite for planet-side AX CZs because I suck at aiming at moving targets.) Scored 6 Cyclopses (in fact, those were my first Interceptor kills ever; then again, I never actually tried to fight them before The War, except once in a beta, years ago) and mowed down dozens of scouts. Tried a Basilisk, too, but it proved to be quite difficult with only one NPC (Chieftain, IIRC) as support. Managed to destroy one heart before having to run for my life 

Incidentally, my first Cyclops kill did not end quite well for me. The bugger dropped a Thargoid Heart, and naturally I had to collect it (I did fit a size 4 AC cargo rack and a size 3 operations limpet controller specifically for this kind of occasion). When I did eventually collect it, I realized my hull is below 20% and shrinking rapidly due to all the caustic missiles. Out of other options, I activated silent running while boosting away like crazy. OK, caustic damage removed, but canopy broken, hull at 7% and no shields. Landing in the middle of the CZ like that seemed a suicide, so I jumped away toward my fleet carrier.
That was where I made a mistake; I should have boosted way away from the CZ and rebooted to get shields back before doing anything else.
I dropped out of SC at the carrier and was about 5.5 km from it when some stupid NPC dropped out in from of me. You can guess how it ended…
Thanks goodness you get to keep those AX combat bonds after a rebuy.
Unfortunately, none of the other 5 Cyclopses was kind enough to drop a Heart when they blew up.
09 Feb 2023, 12:33pm
As far as exo-bio and driving around for diversity ... with the new buffs it's worth my time to drive around. If they make it too easy we will end up with same problems and issues we had with Void Opal mining a few years back. Players getting insanely rich with little effort.
11 Feb 2023, 3:54pm
Good morning,
I have been watching your thargoid war page and my stats for 3 weeks.
Nothing has been updated since and the stats are totally wrong. I kill for example 2 to 4 Hydra per day and inara acts as if I had never killed a single one?
11 Feb 2023, 3:58pm
Fromega001Good morning,
I have been watching your thargoid war page and my stats for 3 weeks.
Nothing has been updated since and the stats are totally wrong. I kill for example 2 to 4 Hydra per day and inara acts as if I had never killed a single one?

When it comes to AX combat the logs are only accurate in solo play, it's an FDev bug.
14 Feb 2023, 9:28am
Thanks for th reply ;-)
01 Mar 2023, 7:21pm
JoeD246o7 Cmdrs. So I like exo-biology as much as the next Cmdr (maybe more), but I wonder about the game-play mechanic used to actually find a specimen. To wit: fly around looking at the ground until you spot it. (LOL)

I mean, in 3309, wouldn't we have a gadget to add to our sensors so that as we flew close to the ground, we'd get a little arrow or something pointing us to a ripe juicy cactus or what have you?

Comments welcome. :-)

I agree. We can see where cetain bios grow in supercruise prior to landing so why this can't be translated to something more definitive on the ground does not make sense, even some kind of hot / cold scanner. While we're at it why can I restock my suit when standing under the cockpit of my ship yet I can't deploy my SRV.

Yes! Call forth the SRV.... for sure. :-)
01 Mar 2023, 7:21pm
I mean, in 3309, wouldn't we have a gadget to add to our sensors so that as we flew close to the ground, we'd get a little arrow or something pointing us to a ripe juicy cactus or what have you?

Heck, just having a pair of binoculars would be an improvement! Sure would be nice to get a better look at the indistinct specks on the horizon to see if they're Osseus or Cactus or just plain dumb rocks _before_ I have to bounce my SRV over all the intervening lumps and bumps. I guess that's one piece of technology lost to the ages...

It'd also be pretty good to have access to the 'ping' function of the suit scanner from the SRV. Maybe with a bit of extra range. Would save a lot of hopping out of the SRV only to find 'insufficient genetic diversity'.

Both excellent improvements!

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.