Elite: Odyssey

25 Jul 2023, 6:51am
-VIPER-Why do I have Notoriety in an Anarchy system? I thought that was the whole idea was an Anarchy system is basically Lawless.

System state affects just general system space. However, all assets in the system have their own state.
You can have a station owned by democratic minor faction located in anarchy system. If you break the law there you get full weight of crime and punishment system. Anarchy systems are just controlled by anarchy faction but not all assets there are necessarily anarchy.

15 Aug 2023, 12:45pm
I love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.
15 Aug 2023, 1:18pm
I think Glaives spawn only in active zones of Thargoid War. If you go there you should have a though ship. If you just doing other stuff with cardboard ships you better avoid it.

I barely survived hyperdiction from a couple of Glaives with a ship designed to explore a Maelstroms. At the end got 9mil CR bonds and a hefty repair bill.
15 Aug 2023, 1:34pm
They do only spawn in Thargoid controlled space(and currently absent invasions).

It is also somewhat sensible to pay attention to an ongoing war and not jump into a system affected by it in an explorer ship.

Some advice - if you want to avoid Glaives without combat, drop a heatsink prior to a jump into Thargoid space in the Bubble, or when interdicted by one in their systems, then trigger silent running immediately as you get dropped out. That works 100% of the time as long as you get your timing right as it prevents initial target lock, and the Thargoid AI doesn’t appear to like that.
15 Aug 2023, 6:02pm
AguilarI love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.

Other than avoiding thargoid systems, Kasumi is pointing you in the best direction.

I don't specifically outfit ships to deal with thargoids, but the following has kept my ships intact.

In essence, I am a runner. My default power allocation is full energy to engines and the rest to systems. None to weapons. I also engineer for faster recharge. I can pretty much constantly hit the boost and stay near top boost speed without overheating or depleting the engine's energy allocation. Constant boost, keeping the thargoids on my tail, and turning off flight assist to dodge if get in range keeps my smaller exploration ships alive until the FSD cools down and I can jump away. I do sometimes take a small amount of hull damage. However, the type9 I use for supply and rescue runs is heavily armored because even with constant boost the thargoids will catch it and it cant dodge. I just accept that the Type 9 will take 40-50% hull damage before I can jump away and burn off any caustic puke.
26 Aug 2023, 7:12am
And that's the thing. Getting oneself killed because of not paying attention doing something really stupid nor preparing to the situation, or feeling brave when having a snowball's chance in hell, or just stirring the wrong hornet's nest? Is not the way to get to the top and remain here. And the rest of it, just pep talk.

Accidents still can, and will be going to happen. But as long you keep this in mind it's none of your fault. It's just the way of life.
06 Sep 2023, 9:22am
Hi! I have a question.

Which Items are you more likely to purchase from a Carrier Bar Tender?

Thanks in advance.
06 Sep 2023, 1:03pm
ThinderHi! I have a question.

Which Items are you more likely to purchase from a Carrier Bar Tender?

Thanks in advance.

Heh, depends on carrier. If you have luck, you will find FC with bar but without stock. If you have a really BIG luck (or use Inara components finder)You will find most frequently things for engineering or for unlocking engineers like Push
06 Sep 2023, 10:18pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
ThinderHi! I have a question.

Which Items are you more likely to purchase from a Carrier Bar Tender?

Thanks in advance.

Heh, depends on carrier. If you have luck, you will find FC with bar but without stock. If you have a really BIG luck (or use Inara components finder)You will find most frequently things for engineering or for unlocking engineers like Push

Thanks for your reply!
07 Sep 2023, 7:56am
AguilarI love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.

That's just the game trying to give you reasons to go through the engineering grind.
07 Sep 2023, 2:16pm
Yuna Sakashiro
AguilarI love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.

That's just the game trying to give you reasons to go through the engineering grind.

I think engineering is one of the best ways to learn the game, I personally have little problems farming.

Once you know how to farm efficiently, you can get all the materials you need and get your ships to your own standards and tailored to your needs, it's what I've done for all my ships, they all have a specific role and I had to experiment a bit with different combinations of solutions.

I use a Farming Loop for Encoded and Manufactured and for the Raw Material I go to the Orrere 2 B Anaconda Crash Site, you can pretty much use the same technique and log out-in, it's pretty easy to do and you can get Grade 4 Materials too.

Alternatively I do the Robigo Mines to Sothis/Sirius Atmospherics mission and can get Grade 4 Manufactured and Encoded Grade 4.
07 Sep 2023, 3:44pm
Yuna Sakashiro
AguilarI love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.

That's just the game trying to give you reasons to go through the engineering grind.

The things we supposed to do, cause if we don't there's no good stuff...
07 Sep 2023, 7:57pm
AguilarI love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.

ECM can help you with nasty glaive anti FSD missiles (but still you will need some good hull, not garbage with 300hp).
Or avoiding systems controlled by thargoids in exploration ship.
And of course few more advices from previous messages.
So basically...reading map and proper using filters, ECM, silent run, heatsinks, shields and hull to survive this few seconds between bad scenario and jump. Don't think that speed is answer for glaive issue, since they are extremally fast.
So no, "no way to escape" is thing only if you did enough mistakes. And in my eyes it is very good balance. I did mistakes, so it can hurt in future.

Last edit: 07 Sep 2023, 8:03pm
07 Sep 2023, 8:07pm
AguilarI love the game I really do, except for one thing the damn Glave I like exploring and am just finding my space wings the one thing I don’t need is to be hyperdicted with no way escape. I find it very disheartening and annoying to loose all the scans I have made to an overpowered thargoid NPC, it doesn’t make for a pleasant or fun experience.

If u dont have ecm installed. Atleast use heatsinks and silent running. Before i figured out myself i was doing things when i was hyperdicted


My hull on anaconda is +1300. Enough to survive glaive/scythe one or two.
07 Sep 2023, 9:12pm
You have to activate silent running as soon as you emerged from jump conduit, boost, boost away from glaive leaving it behind, use heatsink your ship should be around 100*, select it to get an idea how far it, more than 4K is a safe distance. Continue boosting until your ship is hot again then turn off silent running at that point FSD should be ready for highwake again. It works almost every time for me but on 2 occasions it did not work so I had to fight it. I guess it is scripted that way once in awhile you are gonna meet a super goid does not matter how skillful you are.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.