Elite: Odyssey

16 Dec 2023, 12:02pm
Than what it is? Please, enlighten me.
16 Dec 2023, 10:21pm
MinonianThan what it is? Please, enlighten me.

I'll take a crack at it:

MinonianThe server is fooling us by showing false data because its bugged!

I added a bit of sarcasm since that seems to be what you were going for.
28 Dec 2023, 3:18am
Did somebody say 'crack'? That surely belongs in the Odyssey thread, no sarcasm!
07 Jan 2024, 4:31pm
VR and the disembarked projected "Box" view.

If you play in Odyssey in VR you probably noticed that you lose VR as early as you disembark, I experience this every time I visit my Fleet Carrier.

But there might be a way around it... Last time, I went to my seat for a jump and as soon as the Carrier started the jump, I was back in full functional VR again, this went back to the "box view" when the Carrier jump ended.

So there is a mode in VR when you're disembarked but still had full access to VR view, but it occurs only during Carrier jump, I bet it is a simple line of code changing that, all it would require to correct is a programmer willing to write a small add-on linked to a key available to VR players which would make the game "think" that once clicked, the player is still in a jump.

If you're a programmer, let me know what you think of this, I am not counting on Frontier developers to correct it so I'm looking for a possible alternative solution.

All comments are welcome. Fly safe.

Picture below, the view once disembarked at Robigo Mine.

Same settings only view from the commander's seat.

Last edit: 07 Jan 2024, 4:54pm
07 Jan 2024, 7:21pm
Disclaimer: I'm not a programmer, and I'm not proposing a solution.

I would guess that FDEV uses the "VR box" for any time the player is mobile, probably due to VR sickness. If you want to experiment with it, there are tutorials & youtube videos like this one. As far as I know, combat & other activities are not possible (or at least, severely problematic) due to the lack of a HUD.

If you want to start programming ... good luck. Modified game binaries are a good way to get banned.

Personally, I'd love full on-foot VR to be an option, HUD included (yes, even ship interiors / space legs, even though I get yelled at every time I bring it up in a forum). I'd even pay extra for it as an expansion pack, but I don't think FDEV has any interest in making it a reality, or else they would have done it by now. Sad, really, since this is the game that actually got me into VR about 10 years ago.
07 Jan 2024, 7:40pm
RotwhylrModified game binaries are a good way to get banned.
Or, one chance to a thousand, get yourself a job. Depending on the quality of your modifications, lol.
08 Jan 2024, 1:33am
RotwhylrDisclaimer: I'm not a programmer, and I'm not proposing a solution.

I would guess that FDEV uses the "VR box" for any time the player is mobile, probably due to VR sickness.

No, it's just complete lack of VR support, the rest of the game is basically the same than Horizon.

It's a pity because it's perhaps one of the best if not the best VR game in the market, I use a Pico 4 and with a top end graphic card the image is gorgeous, I can't imagine what it would be with a better headset and wider FoV...

I'm not sure one would get banned for creating an add-on to allow the use of VR headset once disembarked but yeah...

Personally, I'd love full on-foot VR to be an option, HUD included (yes, even ship interiors / space legs, even though I get yelled at every time I bring it up in a forum). I'd even pay extra for it as an expansion pack, but I don't think FDEV has any interest in making it a reality, or else they would have done it by now. Sad, really, since this is the game that actually got me into VR about 10 years ago

I had a look at this video, actually it would suit me well since I'm not doing any foot combat, I didn't chose this game for it, but I have a Fleet Carrier and I like to roam around a bit.

Never mind the game ayatollahs, they seems to be allergic to anything positive, I once suggested something similar with new ships on top, there was a geezer who decided that I didn't need it.

There are only a few ships I didn't try or engineered, for diverse reasons, like the look, and I wouldn't mind a few more, for some reasons I always come back to the same ships, some of which I never sold like my Krait Phantom or my Federal Corvette, the rest of them I tend to consider as commodity, buy them when I need them, sell them if I need the funds or don't like them etc.

RotwhylrModified game binaries are a good way to get banned.

Or, one chance to a thousand, get yourself a job. Depending on the quality of your modifications, lol.

Not me, I'm an ex-3D techie but I never programmed anything, I don't have the mind for it.

Last edit: 08 Jan 2024, 1:48am
08 Jan 2024, 9:09pm
ThinderSo there is a mode in VR when you're disembarked but still had full access to VR view, but it occurs only during Carrier jump, I bet it is a simple line of code changing that, all it would require to correct is a programmer willing to write a small add-on linked to a key available to VR players which would make the game "think" that once clicked, the player is still in a jump.

When you’re in a carrier jump there is no HUD, and I guess that’s why your view is not ‘boxed’. So modding the game to “think you’re in a jump” as you put it would very likely also remove the HUD.

A more practical solution would be to make the box fully transparent. It would be weird, as the HUD would not follow your view angle (this is essentially what happens with the camera UI in the video linked by Rotwhylr above), but might be usable.

(Now you’d need to find someone willing to try actually doing that… I’m not, I don’t even own a VR set.)
09 Jan 2024, 3:23am
Sampi Ogonek
ThinderSo there is a mode in VR when you're disembarked but still had full access to VR view, but it occurs only during Carrier jump, I bet it is a simple line of code changing that, all it would require to correct is a programmer willing to write a small add-on linked to a key available to VR players which would make the game "think" that once clicked, the player is still in a jump.

When you’re in a carrier jump there is no HUD, and I guess that’s why your view is not ‘boxed’. So modding the game to “think you’re in a jump” as you put it would very likely also remove the HUD.

A more practical solution would be to make the box fully transparent. It would be weird, as the HUD would not follow your view angle (this is essentially what happens with the camera UI in the video linked by Rotwhylr above), but might be usable.

(Now you’d need to find someone willing to try actually doing that… I’m not, I don’t even own a VR set.)

Good idea but there is a problem with the "Carrier Jump view" from a "box view" transparency, the resolution is much lower too, it is the same "Windows" than the animation at the start of the game, if you resize it, you'll get lower resolution.

I guess JustDave_GG trick is best suited for me, although I'll have to go back to the box view to open the hatches, access the seats, board the ship etc, but it is feasable.

I haven't bind my game for disembarked play yet, only the strict minimum since my only goal is to visit the Carrier or station concourses but not do combat.

I'll try next time I log in, I'm onboard my Carrier in Ritila.

Thanks guys for your replies anyway.

I trieds but I can't replicate this trick, looks like it's been nerfed this video was uploaded since 2 years ago...

Last edit: 10 Jan 2024, 2:48am
17 Jan 2024, 11:32am
I was hoping that odyssey would bring way more that it actually did. Space stations are few rooms and a bar. Thats not too much content, no minigames or anything that actually makes stepping out of ship worthwhile experience. I do however do it every now and then, just to see that every station is the same. Game was developed as you-are-the-ship way, unfortunately it didnt bend into even decent fps game. hopefully they will still add new stuff into the game, hopefully some ships or credit sinks into space stations. since they went to microtransaction route, the only thing you can buy with credits,is ships and modules. I wouldnt be surprised,if the game would go to full pay to win direction.
17 Jan 2024, 4:31pm
PikkuMikaI was hoping that odyssey would bring way more that it actually did. Space stations are few rooms and a bar. Thats not too much content, no minigames or anything that actually makes stepping out of ship worthwhile experience. I do however do it every now and then, just to see that every station is the same. Game was developed as you-are-the-ship way, unfortunately it didnt bend into even decent fps game. hopefully they will still add new stuff into the game, hopefully some ships or credit sinks into space stations. since they went to microtransaction route, the only thing you can buy with credits,is ships and modules. I wouldnt be surprised,if the game would go to full pay to win direction.

I'm going to be real with you here.

Elite's had a system practically begging for P2W features since June 2016, when Engineers first arrived in the game.

Convenient little packages of materials, anyone? Certainly see that kind of thing in many games to make the grind easier, all for the low price of £8.99 or whatever.

That hasn't happened. And it hasn't happened for eight years now where it honestly could well have. To be honest with you, there's a point where you can safely assume it just isn't on the cards. And Elite sailed over that point long ago.

Not to mention that there's a lot of animosity towards Frontier in general, and even more these days. I don't blame folk for feeling jaded but do you seriously think they'll be opening their wallets with those kind of feelings towards the people producing this game? All so they can get a ship modded a little faster? I mean anyone who actually would is a little shallow-minded in my oinion, but hey, what can we do?

This game isn't even vaguely pointing in a P2W direction at the current time, so I'm not sure what you mean by the game going "full pay to win direction", because that seems to imply to me that you believe, for some reason, the game already has such elements. It doesn't.
17 Jan 2024, 7:27pm
Well if you have a game which is mostly getting revenue from either from new users OR from microtransactions. Game is already old and past its prime, so company has basicly two options. First option is to do nothing and continue with fading playerbase,which already have purchased most of the paintjobs etc what they want. or second option is to make shortcuts to the grind for the last operating years, there might be possibility to sell shortcuts, reputation boosts, engineer boosts etc. for getting new players to play the game. Like I said, I wouldnt be surprised if the game would go into direction where you can buy yourself into the endgame,to carrier and to full access to guardian or engineering.
17 Jan 2024, 7:59pm
One thing, which I like on ED is that it DOESNT have P2W mechanics. Yes, grind is awful, but everybody must do it he wants better toys to play with
17 Jan 2024, 10:33pm
PikkuMikaWell if you have a game which is mostly getting revenue from either from new users OR from microtransactions. Game is already old and past its prime, so company has basicly two options. First option is to do nothing and continue with fading playerbase,which already have purchased most of the paintjobs etc what they want. or second option is to make shortcuts to the grind for the last operating years, there might be possibility to sell shortcuts, reputation boosts, engineer boosts etc. for getting new players to play the game. Like I said, I wouldnt be surprised if the game would go into direction where you can buy yourself into the endgame,to carrier and to full access to guardian or engineering.

"Past its prime"

You see that's just it.

I've never seen a game start to add P2W features this late into a game's lifetime and there's a reason for that.

You can only go so long until you reach a point where adding such things will only cause players who are left to say "Nope" and bail out.

ED missed that window years ago.

Honestly? You really need to start dealing with the very high likelihood that this game is EoL. No more big expansions, no new ships... Nothing.

I was going to write what I am about to in my first reply but decided it was not necessary. I now believe it is.

I am going to ask you to consider the existing cash shop, with skins and such.

Know how long it has been since a new ship skin got added to the Arx shop? About two months at this point, not counting the time-limited void skins that were sold around Black Friday.

There's a thread on the forums that was tracking the release of these things because people like that I guess.


Note the most recent post there. November last year. We're almost at the 25th of this year's January now.

The usual Christmas skins weren't sold at all this year.

I know that a lot of folk might fail to see or understand the logic I am using here, but please hear me out.

Obviously these are things that cost money to access. And when you pay money for such things, you rightly expect to be able to use it for a fairly reasonable length of time. See where I am going with this?

I know it probably sounds counterintuitive, but the truth is that, if this game is up for shutting down in internal discussions at Frontier, the last thing they will be doing is putting out anything new to sell. Seen it a dozen times over in many an online game. Sudden stopping of adding content of any kind, including silly skins in their respective cash shops, and then the news that the game will be closing in a few months.

Frontier have yet again gone dark on the game. They've been back at work for a few weeks now and there's been nothing from them on Elite's news section since December 21st, and that was purely a response to a critical bug and not even delivered by a CM, but what seems to be general forum moderation staff.

Nothing about what Frontier is doing says that anything new is coming. Not even new ways to monetise the game, so I wouldn't worry about it going P2W, because frankly, I'm not sure Frontier themselves believe there will be a game to milk like that soon.

And let's not forget the dire straits that the company is in, in general. It's bad.

As for getting new players to the game? Dude, you've been here since at least 2015 yourself, looking at your logs here on Inara. This game is never going to get a huge influx of new players ever again. Games this old just do not see that happen, and Elite isn't going to break that trend.

So to sum my thoughts up: Your first option is the only one supported by the observable evidence that we actually have. Anything else is pure copium.

Last edit: 17 Jan 2024, 10:47pm
18 Jan 2024, 3:13am
...and the whole theory will go away once a single new skin will be added into the store.
I just would like to mention that pauses between new things in the store aren't so unusual, it happened in the past.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.